Why Black Men Don't Open Carry


Well-Known Member

A Colorado teen, stopped by the police for toting a loaded shotgun on the streets of Aurora, Colorado where James Holmes killed 12 and wounded seventy in a packed movie theater in 2012, claims he is doing it to make the public feel more “comfortable” around guns.

Steve Lohner, 18, was recently stopped by police responding to 911 calls alerting them about the teen. When asked to provide ID proving his age, Lohner refused to do so, while videotaping the encounter on his phone. The teen subsequently posted the video online, according FOX13.

In the video, Lohner explains to an officer that he is the process of returning home after buying cigarettes. When asked why he’s carrying a shotgun, Lohner replies, “For the defense of myself and those around me.”

Lohner then proceeds to argue with the officers, refusing to show them ID or hand over the shotgun insisting he hasn’t committed a crime
before being cited by the officer on a misdemeanor obstruction charge for refusing to show his identification

According to Lohner, who says he’s been stopped multiple times and never had to show ID, he’s on a mission to make people more comfortable about guns.

“If enough people were to lawfully open carry in those areas and do it in a safe and lawful manner then these people would end up feeling comfortable around it,” he explained.

Then you have another kid - well 22 year-old man, John Crawford III - with a TOY in his hands who gets barely a warning before he gets shot down like a dog in the aisle at Walmart when he happens to look like this...

The mother of Crawford’s children said she was speaking to him by cell phone when he was confronted by police in the store.

“He said he was at the video games playing videos, and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were,” said LeeCee Johnson. The next thing I know, he said, ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting, and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him.”

“I could hear him just crying and screaming,” Johnson said. “I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human.".


A Colorado teen, stopped by the police for toting a loaded shotgun on the streets of Aurora, Colorado where James Holmes killed 12 and wounded seventy in a packed movie theater in 2012, claims he is doing it to make the public feel more “comfortable” around guns.

Steve Lohner, 18, was recently stopped by police responding to 911 calls alerting them about the teen. When asked to provide ID proving his age, Lohner refused to do so, while videotaping the encounter on his phone. The teen subsequently posted the video online, according FOX13.

In the video, Lohner explains to an officer that he is the process of returning home after buying cigarettes. When asked why he’s carrying a shotgun, Lohner replies, “For the defense of myself and those around me.”

Lohner then proceeds to argue with the officers, refusing to show them ID or hand over the shotgun insisting he hasn’t committed a crime
before being cited by the officer on a misdemeanor obstruction charge for refusing to show his identification

According to Lohner, who says he’s been stopped multiple times and never had to show ID, he’s on a mission to make people more comfortable about guns.

“If enough people were to lawfully open carry in those areas and do it in a safe and lawful manner then these people would end up feeling comfortable around it,” he explained.

Then you have another kid - well 22 year-old man, John Crawford III - with a TOY in his hands who gets barely a warning before he gets shot down like a dog in the aisle at Walmart when he happens to look like this...

The mother of Crawford’s children said she was speaking to him by cell phone when he was confronted by police in the store.

“He said he was at the video games playing videos, and he went over there by the toy section where the toy guns were,” said LeeCee Johnson. The next thing I know, he said, ‘It’s not real,’ and the police start shooting, and they said ‘Get on the ground,’ but he was already on the ground because they had shot him.”

“I could hear him just crying and screaming,” Johnson said. “I feel like they shot him down like he was not even human.".


This is a prime example of everything that's wrong with race and policing in this country.

The cops who murdered the black man in the Walmart should be serving life in prison. That they are not even charged fairly screams "racist/fascist double standard".


Until and unless these kinds of incidents cause people to empty into the streets, demanding accountability from their elected, appointed and employed authorities, those officials will continue GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER.
So the police opened fire, just like that? Or did they tell the guy to put the "gun" down multiple times? Shit, I'm from Europe and stuff like that doesn't happen here, but if a police officer tells you multiple times to put the fucking gun down, even if you know it's a toy, you do as he says.

Unless they told him once and then opened fire, then those fucks should be serving life behind bars.
So the police opened fire, just like that? Or did they tell the guy to put the "gun" down multiple times? Shit, I'm from Europe and stuff like that doesn't happen here, but if a police officer tells you multiple times to put the fucking gun down, even if you know it's a toy, you do as he says.

Unless they told him once and then opened fire, then those fucks should be serving life behind bars.
Read the article.
Go Bernie go!

Yes irrelevant.

The white kid was video taping the event. But more than that, open carry means he didn't have the gun in his hand in a ready to use position. A shotgun is a long weapon, so even if he didn't have a shoulder strap, and he just had it clutched in his arms, it wasn't butt to shoulder ready to fire.

Even more than that, he had been making a habit out of this. So the cops knew who he was and knew he had been doing this.
The black dude, sounds like he was walking around with a toy hand gun in his hand. When confronted by the police and issued a direct order to put down the gun he decided it was a good idea to tell them it wasn't real. We also don't know what happend. As its a very short description of events.

The biggest difference here isn't skin color. Becuase I can tell you plenty of black men open carry
Yes irrelevant.

The white kid was video taping the event. But more than that, open carry means he didn't have the gun in his hand in a ready to use position. A shotgun is a long weapon, so even if he didn't have a shoulder strap, and he just had it clutched in his arms, it wasn't butt to shoulder ready to fire.

Even more than that, he had been making a habit out of this. So the cops knew who he was and knew he had been doing this.
The black dude, sounds like he was walking around with a toy hand gun in his hand. When confronted by the police and issued a direct order to put down the gun he decided it was a good idea to tell them it wasn't real. We also don't know what happend. As its a very short description of events.

The biggest difference here isn't skin color. Becuase I can tell you plenty of black men open carry
Yeah, that explains everything. Completely justified.:rolleyes: