The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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For starts her actions were against official public policy which she denied knowing anything about. What is it about National Security that liberals like you, Obama, and Hillary don't get? :rolleyes:

Another poopie pants that won't read the link and needs to be spoon fed. Here, here, open up child......

Clinton's closes aides will soon be asked to meet with FBI investigators: According to the LA Times, a federal prosecutor has contacted the attorneys for Clinton aides to try to set up interviews.......

The FBI has devoted extensive resources to this investigation: The Post story, citing a single unnamed lawmaker who was supposedly briefed on the FBI probe, says 147 FBI agents have "been deployed" to help work the case......

Clinton was warned about her BlackBerry phone by government security officials and continued to use it: One of the key issues in this saga is that Clinton and her aides didn't want her to have to give up her BlackBerry because, "as a political heavyweight and chief of the nation's diplomatic corps, she needed to manage a torrent of email to stay connected to colleagues, friends and supporters," writes the Post. "She hated having to put her BlackBerry into a lockbox before going into her own office," which was in a secure area of the State Department known as "Mahogany Row."

Clinton's staff and the State Department's security officials tried to work out a solution, but the security officials weren't convinced they could provide her a BlackBerry that she could use in her office securely. According to the Post, Clinton never had a government-issued BlackBerry, personal computer, or email account. The story describes how "the State Department security officials were distressed about the possibility that Clinton’s BlackBerry could be compromised and used for eavesdropping," and these officials wrote a memo outlining the range of risks, including the likelihood that Clinton's use of her phone would lead other employees to do the same.

That worry triggered a memo from Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Eric Boswell, "with the subject line 'Use of Blackberries in Mahogany Row.'" Boswell wrote, "Our review reaffirms our belief that the vulnerabilities and risks associated with the use of Blackberries in the Mahogany Row [redacted] considerably outweigh the convenience their use can add" because these devices are "highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving e-mails, and exploiting calendars." According to the Post, nine days after Boswell's memo, Clinton wrote to him saying she understood the importance of what he was describing, especially "the sentence that indicates (Diplomatic Security) have intelligence concerning this vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia."

Clinton's server might have been operating for at least two months without standard encryption: Neither story published this weekend reports that Clinton's email server was hacked....

Like King O.J. Simpson who thought he was above the law.....the chickens will come to roost....not that Obama's AG will prosecute. They'll be another cover up.



The chances of criminal charges are slim: In order to bring any criminal cases, prosecutors would have to prove that Clinton and her aides knowingly mishandled classified information and shared it with people who weren't cleared to see it, "a high hurdle in the Clinton case," according to the Post. Comparisons have been made to the cases against Gen. David Petraeuswho knowingly shared classified information with his mistress and then lied to FBI investigators about it—and the late Sandy Berger, a national security adviser for President Bill Clinton who was caught trying to smuggle classified documents from the National Archives in his pants.

The Clinton email controversy is not as serious as the Petraeus case, according to the LA Times,nor as blatant as the Berger case. "Those cases are just so different from what Clinton is accused of doing," Stephen Vladeck, a law professor at American University, told the LA Times. "And the Justice Department lawyers know it."

The chances of criminal charges are slim:

Editorializing aside by the author, I already stated it - "Like King O.J. Simpson who thought he was above the law.....the chickens will come to roost....not that Obama's AG will prosecute. They'll be another cover up."


How many emails were deleted? 30,000? They have already identified many that were classified as Top Secret. She's supposed to be a fuckin' Sec. of State who should know better. I mean....DAMN!

It is what it is. Justice will be served as soon as Cruz becomes president. The Clintons think they are above the law....they are not.
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Editorializing aside by the author, I already stated it - "Like King O.J. Simpson who thought he was above the law.....the chickens will come to roost....not that Obama's AG will prosecute. They'll be another cover up."


How many emails were deleted? 30,000? They have already identified many that were classified as Top Secret. She's supposed to be a fuckin' Sec. of State who should know better. I mean....DAMN!

It is what it is. Justice will be served as soon as Cruz becomes president. The Clintons think they are above the law....they are not.
For starts her actions were against official public policy which she denied knowing anything about. What is it about National Security that liberals like you, Obama, and Hillary don't get? :rolleyes:

Another poopie pants that won't read the link and needs to be spoon fed. Here, here, open up child......

Clinton's closes aides will soon be asked to meet with FBI investigators: According to the LA Times, a federal prosecutor has contacted the attorneys for Clinton aides to try to set up interviews.......

The FBI has devoted extensive resources to this investigation: The Post story, citing a single unnamed lawmaker who was supposedly briefed on the FBI probe, says 147 FBI agents have "been deployed" to help work the case......

Clinton was warned about her BlackBerry phone by government security officials and continued to use it: One of the key issues in this saga is that Clinton and her aides didn't want her to have to give up her BlackBerry because, "as a political heavyweight and chief of the nation's diplomatic corps, she needed to manage a torrent of email to stay connected to colleagues, friends and supporters," writes the Post. "She hated having to put her BlackBerry into a lockbox before going into her own office," which was in a secure area of the State Department known as "Mahogany Row."

Clinton's staff and the State Department's security officials tried to work out a solution, but the security officials weren't convinced they could provide her a BlackBerry that she could use in her office securely. According to the Post, Clinton never had a government-issued BlackBerry, personal computer, or email account. The story describes how "the State Department security officials were distressed about the possibility that Clinton’s BlackBerry could be compromised and used for eavesdropping," and these officials wrote a memo outlining the range of risks, including the likelihood that Clinton's use of her phone would lead other employees to do the same.

That worry triggered a memo from Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Eric Boswell, "with the subject line 'Use of Blackberries in Mahogany Row.'" Boswell wrote, "Our review reaffirms our belief that the vulnerabilities and risks associated with the use of Blackberries in the Mahogany Row [redacted] considerably outweigh the convenience their use can add" because these devices are "highly vulnerable in any setting to remotely and covertly monitoring conversations, retrieving e-mails, and exploiting calendars." According to the Post, nine days after Boswell's memo, Clinton wrote to him saying she understood the importance of what he was describing, especially "the sentence that indicates (Diplomatic Security) have intelligence concerning this vulnerability during her recent trip to Asia."

Clinton's server might have been operating for at least two months without standard encryption: Neither story published this weekend reports that Clinton's email server was hacked....

Like King O.J. Simpson who thought he was above the law.....the chickens will come to roost....not that Obama's AG will prosecute. They'll be another cover up.

There is a lot of hyperbole in there but I don't see any specific accusations of a crime. I'm not saying she did no wrong but "taking risk" isn't a chargeable offense. What crime do you think she committed?
"We" conservatives are not the ones doing the investigation dumb nuts, the FBI is which has now risen to 147 investigators & staff assigned as reported by The Five, FOX news yesterday. Some of her staff have been given legal immunity to testify also. She's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and any honest person with half a brain knows it.

Not that I really give a shit about all the conned libtards in never-never land, but they do deserve a resolution with the impending election.

Only with an indictment will Sanders have a chance.

i said going back to ken starr nonuts. uncle clench reads about as well as he does anything else.
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