Why is sulfur never a consideration?


Well-Known Member
We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....
We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....
True sulfur is not something that is deficient very often. Nutrients required for plant growth are divided into 2 groups macro elements and micro elements. Sulfur is a macro element so it is used in fairly large quantities compared to other nutrient compounds. Sulfur is supplied by potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate and others in lesser amounts. It is for this reason that deficiencies rarely occur. Sulfur is a immobile element so if a deficiencies does occur it will show up in younger / new growth first. Would usually shows up as yellowing of younger leaves.
Internal consentrations considered adequate for plant growth (ratio)(dry tissue)

N 1.5
K 1.0
Ca 0.5
Mg 0.2
P 0.2
S 0.1

Any other questions , let me know....
Peace and Pot
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I believe there is more sulphate than magnesium in epson salts, still it gets little mention or consideration even though it is classed as a secondary nutrient. I could sumise a cal/mag/so ratio of around 5/2/1 for marijuana possibly.

Sulfur is thought to help with resin production and terp profile.

@RM3 preaches on sulfur, if I remember correct.
We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....
I mention it all the time LOL
We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....
Mostly old timers know about sulfur
Everyone wants to talk about Sulfur - but nobody wants to answer the OP's question! The reason Sulfur is very seldom a "deficiency" is because it is a very common element - it is plentiful in just about everything used as a "Soil-mix". With such an abundance; there is very little cause for a deficiency.
What brand of Mag-Sulfur do you use?
I was just reading about that change last night.
I use that humbolt stuff called magnum. Its by the same guys that make snow storm, and gravity, and have that picture of that little strange lookin troll on the bottle. The listed important ingredients are mag and sulfer. I cant find sulfer in any other usable form or id probably just use epsom salts and whatever sulfur i could find but i just havent found anything else....its not that expensive, its a little cheaper than calmag i believe. image.png