Why is sulfur never a consideration?

I use Fox Farm products and I have the 3 flowering additives they sell.

I have a bottle of Beastie Bloomz, 0-50-30

I ordered a 1lb of 0-50-30 on eBay for $18 delivered.
I didn't see anyone mention it, but sulfur is a well-known method for improving the flavor of greenhouse produce. Commercial growers have known about it for many decades. There is a lot of good information out there on growing plants, this will shock some of you, other than Cannabis. Simply amazing!
Love my Epsom sluts.
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Epsom salts is already in my cabinet, I stopped using it and gave in and bought a
Cal-Mag in a bottle.
I have been using that at 5 ml per gallon.

Now I I will switch to Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) for the final 4-5 weeks.
I'm organic/scrog & am hoping you can recommend a top dressing dosage or even if it would be beneficial in my application?

Edit: I see you're still on line so don't make Amazon wait. :cool:

Geez GWN I dont top dress so im really not sure,but I can tell you 1 gram in a half gallon of water gives me a 400ppm solution,and that the rate I use it at.I dont see why it couldnt be top dressed though,but be careful a gram of this goes a long ways.
Geez GWN I dont top dress so im really not sure,but I can tell you 1 gram in a half gallon of water gives me a 400ppm solution,and that the rate I use it at.I dont see why it couldnt be top dressed though,but be careful a gram of this goes a long ways.

You got me closer my friend - I was ready to dump the whole bag into a gallon of water & let her go. :wink:
Thank you bro.

I'll prolly begin with a gm into 1 gallon with a bit of insect frass.
Just trying to tease them a bit.
I didn't see anyone mention it, but sulfur is a well-known method for improving the flavor of greenhouse produce. Commercial growers have known about it for many decades. There is a lot of good information out there on growing plants, this will shock some of you, other than Cannabis. Simply amazing!
Love my Epsom sluts.
This^^^^. Hydroponic greenhouse veggie growers. They know where its at. And i try to learn as much as i can from what exactly they do. Almost everything we do and use comes from this industry in some form at some time. HID lighting (Double ended or single) for plants....Hydroponics....propagation....alot of techniques methods and what not. Super efficient....because they have to be or they are done in one bad crop. Produce greenhouse growers throw it all out there and its a slim line between bank or bust. And i dont care what people say about hydroponic hothouse tomatos.... To my taste buds they are awesome.
I like how in these GIANT greenhouses they let bees out to do all the pollination. Its the only way really. These greenhouses are gigantic. Acres and acres. Thousands of pl double ended lamps. Hundreds of thousands actually.
We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....

I can't believe I missed this thread. Calcium and magnesium are not micro nutrients. They are both macro, as is S. Calcium is actually used more than phosphorous.

Sulfur to nutrient designers is usually used as a freedom variable. That means that while it's only needed at 30-40ppm, designers will often use slightly more or less to fine tune other elements (like magnesium, magnesium sulfate will give you sulfate as well).

To touch on your main point though, S simply isn't needed any higher than 30-60ppm (60 being pretty high). It's similar to P in that too much is a bad thing as it will antagonize other elements and make it more likely that your water turns cloudy. (P and S are both like this)

Mg is also needed at about 30-60ppm depending on how hungry the plant is for Mg, and much Ca and K you have already. (more Mg needed to balance the Ca and K) Mg:S ratio should be about 1:1