Why is sulfur never a consideration?

We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....

If you add epsom salt for mag, you're adding plenty of sulphur.
We add plentifull amounts of NPK and god only knows how much cal/mag, micro nutrients are needed in such small amounts you really have to try hard to get a deficiency in these, but i never hear any mention of sulfur.

It seems to be needed in large enough amounts as cal or mag and way more than your micro nutrients with confusing deficiencies that half resemble iron, zinc and nitrogen.

Just strange it gets little mention whatsoever....
Great question. Sulpher in extra kick in flowering (just a smidge - it doesnt take much) does wonders for final product taste and smell. And sulpher is a staple in big greenhouse veggie and fruit (especially tomatos) growers nutrient regimen. Your rite...and its a great observation - sulphur hardly gets mentioned in cannabis forums. I use it. K sulfate in mid flower....its the real bloom booster in my opinion.
Great question. Sulpher in extra kick in flowering (just a smidge - it doesnt take much) does wonders for final product taste and smell. And sulpher is a staple in big greenhouse veggie and fruit (especially tomatos) growers nutrient regimen. Your rite...and its a great observation - sulphur hardly gets mentioned in cannabis forums. I use it. K sulfate in mid flower....its the real bloom booster in my opinion.

Or, MKP and epsom salt, both get you there.
@All you guys. Can you just add disolved epsom salt like you would a calmag suppliment? Like a 100ppm every watering? And can i just mix the fuck outta a jug of it and leave it on the shelf to add when i need it? Ive never used it before :oops:

Personally I do

I run Epsom all thru veg. Then I run potassium sulfate all thru flower.

I don't know the shelf life of a stock solution of mag sulfate.
@All you guys. Can you just add disolved epsom salt like you would a calmag suppliment? Like a 100ppm every watering? And can i just mix the fuck outta a jug of it and leave it on the shelf to add when i need it? Ive never used it before :oops:

I use 2g/gallon. I mix it separately from other nutes- cuz soluble sulfur loves to play hookup, it's a slut that way. Use hot water to help it dissolve. Make a stock solution, say 100x strength, then add to res as desired.
I use 2g/gallon. I mix it separately from other nutes- cuz soluble sulfur loves to play hookup, it's a slut that way. Use hot water to help it dissolve. Make a stock solution, say 100x strength, then add to res as desired.
So is it not reccomended to be mixed into a large rez for a long time? Will it cause shit to fall outta solution or form precipitate?
So is it not reccomended to be mixed into a large rez for a long time? Will it cause shit to fall outta solution or form precipitate?

In high concentrations it will, so I mix it separately and then add it to the res. What those limits of miscibility are I do not know, so I play it safe. Staying below those limits means staying out of trouble. Simple enough for me!
Ya i wanted to make my own calmag but when i went to try and find blahs website i couldnt find it. I don't think hes up and running yet. And all that sciency stuff goes right over my head :lol:

Cal-mag is not something you necessarily want to emulate, but rather replace; for the calcium, use calcium nitrate. You get nitrogen as well, which is also what's in cal-mag. Then instead of mag nitrate, use epsom salt (separately, as discussed!) and you now have sulphur as well.