

Well-Known Member
Didn't work for me, only thing that remotely had an effect was nico-gum. Cut the ciggies in half, then my Dr. said you are only fooling yourself. I asked why, he said cuz you still get the nicotine and potential of heart attack, I said I'm more worried about lung cancer so I switched docs
A vape is the best alternative to cigarettes.


Well-Known Member
my dad smoked for 35 years.. 2 packs a day and quit cold turkey on new years. i dont know how the fuck he did it. but he says he probably spends the same amount of money on gum now as he did cigs lol. when i go see him he looks at me like im retarded for still smoking. he doesnt use nicotine gum.. he just chews wrigley and trident and shit


Well-Known Member
Tried wouldn't cover which sucked.

Didn't do shit for're supposed to keep smoking for a week or whatever, then quit.
Didn't feel like quitting...didn't have dreams...didn't want to off myself...nothing

Then again, I did a lot of acid in the '70's...8 weekends in a row once in college, maybe it fucked up my synapses or some shit.

I quit a bunch of times, best effort was New Years eve 2011...quit for 10 months into 2012, not one fucking cigarette but nicotine gum the whole time...

Then got a high PsA reading in a blood I started smoking again worrying about prostate cancer

Had prostate biopsy for that infected (1 of 10,000 people die from a simple prostate biopsy, Dr. told me that going in),
so I got sick as a dog...wound up in hospital for 4 days, IV antibiotics the whole time...quit for those 4 days again but wanted one the split second they released me...

I just bought some nicotine gum again...ready to make another run...even though I'm old and the damage is done, I still have high hopes of quitting...

My good friend from work DID quit on Chantix 8 years ago...he was diagnosed with throat cancer last week...

Cigarettes blow man


Well-Known Member
Best trick i have to officially quit smoking tobacco forever is to smoke a weed only spliff everytime you crave a fag. After a few weeks try having a cigarette and it just feels like a pointless exercise. It will taste disgusting and it wont get you high, wots the point?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty deeply invested in this e-cig vaping thing now. Bout $200 in. I feel really awesome about how cool I look. I've also successfully tapered myself down the past 2 weeks to 3-10 cigs a day depending on what I'm doing. I was almost 2 packs a day steady so it is progress. Tomorrow I start my day and the rest of my life cigarette free. Promised the wife. Like 4 years ago when she got pregnant lol. I need to buy life insurance which is the driving force really. Well wish me luck. Fuck you guys. Might be irritable the next couple days, so figured I'd get that out the way now.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty deeply invested in this e-cig vaping thing now. Bout $200 in. I feel really awesome about how cool I look. I've also successfully tapered myself down the past 2 weeks to 3-10 cigs a day depending on what I'm doing. I was almost 2 packs a day steady so it is progress. Tomorrow I start my day and the rest of my life cigarette free. Promised the wife. Like 4 years ago when she got pregnant lol. I need to buy life insurance which is the driving force really. Well wish me luck. Fuck you guys. Might be irritable the next couple days, so figured I'd get that out the way now.
ive been using a vape for the past couple weeks.. i was at a pack of day. i bought one pack last weekend when i was pretty buzzed up. still got over half the pack left. i like the vape, my neckbeard is coming in nicely. my house doesnt smell like cigs.. i dont smell like cigs. and ive saved a shitload of money already. only time when i really crave one anymore is when im driving. but the vape works for that kinda. only shitty part about it is hitting the button to smoke it. i miss just picking up a cig, lighting it and smoking it. but i needed to quit i guess


Well-Known Member
ive been using a vape for the past couple weeks.. i was at a pack of day. i bought one pack last weekend when i was pretty buzzed up. still got over half the pack left. i like the vape, my neckbeard is coming in nicely. my house doesnt smell like cigs.. i dont smell like cigs. and ive saved a shitload of money already. only time when i really crave one anymore is when im driving. but the vape works for that kinda. only shitty part about it is hitting the button to smoke it. i miss just picking up a cig, lighting it and smoking it. but i needed to quit i guess
Yes yes.

Join the vapers


Well-Known Member
Never smoked cigarettes. Never will. I understand the addiction though but if my grandmother could quit cold turkey I know its at least possible. My best bud quit cold turkey also. Why not Neo?
If having a kid isn't inspiration enough I don't know what else is. That would certainly do it for me.
Just keep telling yourself that if you don't quit there is a pretty good chance your child will smoke also.
You don't need the chemical aids to quit my friend. You just think you do.


Well-Known Member
I was a 2-1/2 pack a day smoker back when you could still smoke at work. I used the patch for a week and that got me down to one cig a day. Kicking that last cig was a mother fucker but I finally did it. Me and my wife quit at the same time and we both only used it for a week.

I look back now and wonder why the Fuck I smoked for all them years. Ill have nightmares sometimes that I started smoking again because I know how hard it was to quit and wouldn't want to have to go through that again.


Well-Known Member
Husband used patch to quit chewing tobacco. said it took the edge off the craving. He said you've got to have your mind made up already and all these other things (patch, gum etc) help take the edge off. has't chewed for over 20 years