I'm voting for McCain....

The "surge" is only working because we payed off the warlords.

As former military it always fascinated me how many of my fellow service members blindly supported republicans. Yet it was always republicans that fucked us over. Like the asshole that came up the the brillient idea to make us wait over a holiday weekend to get paid. We should have been paid on a Friday but this prick got us paid on FUCKING TUESDAY so this child raping cock licker could make a few bucks in interest. Intrest using MY FUCKING MONEY! Can't remember the asshole senator that thought that one up but he's no longer in office.

Can you tell it STILL pisses me off to this day? Decades later.

no swearing please...

Seamadien.. is that what i am suppose to do...? I am a moderator.. right?

or am I suppose to ban you for talking back to me like most jack ass moderators on other boards do...

i was banned on a board once... or twice.. or five times.. and it sucked..
cause I felt like a part of the community and I got dissed...

me being me is what makes this place cool.. just like ccdiane being a douche makes me look even cooler.... :mrgreen:

how about you just be happy and thankful that you can openly bash me and i won't get on my high horse and act like a moderator...

I don't ban... i just try to be me... treat people how i would want to be treated...

and I never ment to offend you or be rude to you.. :joint: seriously...

and in my religion I am not suppose to intentionally be mean to people (sacrastic jab)...

I come here looking for good grow tips and pictures of really nice plants etc and I end up pissed because I can't physically beat the living shit of someone who is an ignorant moron. Of course I'd also have to fly to Ohio and kill half my own family for the very same reason. Funny how intelligence seems to propagate around the coasts and total vanishes the further you get towards the middle of the country.
Originally Posted by Kludge
The "surge" is only working because we payed off the warlords.

Thank God there are people on this site that actually get it.

I come here looking for good grow tips and pictures of really nice plants etc and I end up pissed because I can't physically beat the living shit of someone who is an ignorant moron. Of course I'd also have to fly to Ohio and kill half my own family for the very same reason. Funny how intelligence seems to propagate around the coasts and total vanishes the further you get towards the middle of the country.

LOL, that's a little unfair. I've met plenty of very, very smart people fromt he midwest.
me being me is what makes this place cool.. just like ccdiane being a douche makes me look even cooler.... :mrgreen:

You know whats great about all these different threads? On one thread I'm all with ccodiane and I come here and think he's a total dick.

Go figure.
I come here looking for good grow tips and pictures of really nice plants etc and I end up pissed because I can't physically beat the living shit of someone who is an ignorant moron. Of course I'd also have to fly to Ohio and kill half my own family for the very same reason. Funny how intelligence seems to propagate around the coasts and total vanishes the further you get towards the middle of the country.

careful. this is what eventually leads to becoming a democrat or a republican.. when you base your identity on wanting to kill or prove other people wrong