Are shrooms profitable?


Well-Known Member
When compared to it better to focus all efforts on one or the other, provided the market exists? Is it as profitable as weed?
Shame on you for trying to profit off of peoples expanding consciousness.
Don't look at shrooms as a money maker. The money will come much faster that way. Just look at it as something that is important, sacred even. You are about to partake of a massive mind manifesting. It should be something you WANT to do, simply for the act of doing.

NOT for the sole purpose of financial gain
Shame on you for trying to profit off of peoples expanding consciousness.
Don't look at shrooms as a money maker. The money will come much faster that way. Just look at it as something that is important, sacred even. You are about to partake of a massive mind manifesting. It should be something you WANT to do, simply for the act of doing.

NOT for the sole purpose of financial gain
Are you speaking from a practical stance? Or a spiritual personal stance?
From both. If you're already making money from weed you don't need to be pushing more. That's dangerous (there's laws against it so you gotta be careful)

And psychedelic drugs have one target audience and that's it.
You can sell pot to just about everyone.
But no everyone wants to have the knowledge that all is one and one is all. Not everyone wants access to that kind of feeling.

If you feel you MUST sell both because for some reason weed alone doesn't cut it. Be careful who you sell shrooms to.
A lot of people will take them if you try to push it as a "fun" thing. But the dose of "fun" and the dose of "where did reality go?" Are separated by a very fine line. You will scare off a lot of customers if you try to promote it as a fun drug like weed. Trust me from experience, as well as a shit ton of tripping. There are ONLY certain people that will constantly buy this kind of thing, AND most psychedelic drugs are found free in nature. You really think you can have good enough profit margin when a couple smart thinking customers grow their own? Go out and hunt their own? You will have to have a low enough price to keep them coming back and high enough to keep your profit.

And as for my personal beliefs, that's like a Catholic church profiting off of their Communion
Weed is a lot harder to grow enough to keep people happy but with mushrooms you grow so many you don't have enough people to make that happy, if you know what I mean, basically you can grow waaaay more mushrooms they grow waaaay faster but take a lot more effort and there isn't as much of a market and the people that do buy them, I can bet your ass they ain't gunna be coming daily for an eight / weekly for an oz or something like with weed, people just cant eat them that often so you have to consider that! hope I helped and am making sense its 3:30am so I'm tired AF hehe
Profitable yes, 1600 a pound but the market is much smaller than weed market share.
Yeah, doesn't seem worth it. I'm sure risk is much greater in terms of legality. But for personal use id like to try. But I'd be so afraid of having a bad trip.
Any advice or precautions for a 1st time user to ensure a positive experience? Music, lighting, food, hydration, self talk?
just take a reasonable dose like 2 grams in a quiet relaxed environment and try to relax as much as possible after you eat it waiting for it to kick in, it comes on gradually so don't worry don't be scared of it
Can you turn me on to a good video or method to produce some? Also a reliable spore source? Or any other caveats when ordering?
O back in the day when I was 20 something from the beginning of March into the beginning of summer me and my buddy used to go out picking shrooms 5 nites a week and never had to grow anything, just drive to a different farm every nite. Most nites we walk away with around 15 lbs. it comes with it's own dangers tho...being shot at with rock salt out of a shotgun is one of the worst pains u want to go thru...or breaking a leg falling in a hole while running all out from a stampeding herd of cows in the pitch black dark. Haha those were the good ole days. I had ronco food dehydrators all over the place. Just so you get an idea 8 lbs wet will give you 1lb of dry. I had another buddy and he was one of those far out types and he traveled with the Dead. Besides just the personal and stuff we gave to friends, we still managed to send my buddy 5lbs a week and he had no problem getting rid of it. Only back then they went for 800 a piece and I sent to a different city every week I gave growing mushrooms a try. But my noob ass didn't notice that the brown rice flour said "gluten free." Assuming I did everything else right is the gluten free a deal breaker?
When compared to it better to focus all efforts on one or the other, provided the market exists? Is it as profitable as weed?
The first of many ..due?

as the weed market reaches saturation

what else are these guys gonna do..?