That's cool. But the end run is the bigger picture. $200 an O is great. But... How often do push even an O?No way man, I'm making that off an oz. My buddies wouldn't even get prices like that lol. Your trying to tell me oz's go for $50? Quarters literally go for that. You do you, but I am definitely gunna do me in this situation.
Maybe you could get rid of a lot more faster. If you didn't charge dealer prices. And you maximize your growing space. You can fit at least 6 medium size monotubs in your closet to picture with my prior post example. When you grow. You become the whole saler. As a regular cussie. I could get an O of shrooms for under $150. I've seen dealers try to pan em off for $20-$35 an eigth. When your whole sale. And you know that the sub can give you literally 1000% return (10×) on your investment. And they're illegal. Get rid of em. Fast. Make the $. Keep people happy. And then they begin to just come to you for it. Dealers will push the weight for you. Don't waste your time with nickel and dime.True enough, but I'm not growing that much, can't even get rid of a qp never mind a pound a week