Are shrooms profitable?

First time trying to grow mushrooms. These 2 pictures occurred over 2 days. How do you know when to harvest? Can they be harvested as they grow or do you harvest all at once when the cake is covered in mushrooms?


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First time trying to grow mushrooms. These 2 pictures occurred over 2 days. How do you know when to harvest? Can they be harvested as they grow or do you harvest all at once when the cake is covered in mushrooms?
Pick the open one. Now. Pick the others before they fully open.
For sure. Lightly grab.and twist off at its base. Trh not to damage the.white.mycellium. Or.take.a sharp knif and cut it as close to the base/mycellium (substrate).
I appreciate the help and I hate to ask one more question but. For a first time user how much weight and freshly picked mushrooms would be a good dose? I read that under 1 gram of dried mushroom is a good beginner dose but how much for fresh? And should it be the Caps or the stems or both?
I appreciate the help and I hate to ask one more question but. For a first time user how much weight and freshly picked mushrooms would be a good dose? I read that under 1 gram of dried mushroom is a good beginner dose but how much for fresh? And should it be the Caps or the stems or both?
If you've done psychs before. Go for the standard 1/8 oz. 3.5 grams. If not 2-3.5 grams. If you've done alot of other psychs or deliriants before. Go towards 5 grams. Enjoy.
If you've done psychs before. Go for the standard 1/8 oz. 3.5 grams. If not 2-3.5 grams. If you've done alot of other psychs or deliriants before. Go towards 5 grams. Enjoy.
I tried 4g and no affect. Decided to try 9g of fresh. I'll see what happens
Dry weight, 3-4 grams makes me feel like I have been dabbing hard. 6-8 makes me start seeing trails. A full half oz and I really ain't comfortable without a safety buddy to remind me why I am seeing and thinking what I am.

Fresh, wet weight gives me a different trip but I have never weighed the wet doses.
9 grams of fresh didn't do much. I tried 20 grams of fresh and started to notice a big difference then I took another 30 grams after 2 hours. I didn't hallucinate or lose touch with reality. I felt a nice stony buzz, kinda euphoric and my environment slightly warped. My textured paint job on the ceiling seemed liquid and flowed around. I'm not sure if this fresh dose is indicative of a normal fresh dose as I picked them after the veils broke.
Fresh doses usually give me a more energetic, cleaner feel. 5 grams of fresh dry are also real good. But 40-50 grams fresh wet (5 gram equivalent) are really nice. Enjoy your fruits.
Shrooms makes the wind blowing on my leg hairs to intense to go outside and makes a 5 min quarter in Madden take 4 hours to finish... #FuqThat ;-p
You can always tell your tripping state if you try to type on your phone and computer. And you notice that the letters are moving around.
I honestly don't care about selling them a little quicker. Might sell an extra couple grams having them cheaper, but for what? I'm risking my ass to grow the things I'm getting top dollar :D And even 150 isn't bad id take 150 an oz all day but 50 like you said before is outrageous! And I don't even grow enough to push it all the time I don't even grow that much you've seen my grow lol.
Iv got 200 off on a deal here 275 when they really want em but you will do 25 to 50 years for growing in the states even with 50g wet
9 grams of fresh didn't do much. I tried 20 grams of fresh and started to notice a big difference then I took another 30 grams after 2 hours. I didn't hallucinate or lose touch with reality. I felt a nice stony buzz, kinda euphoric and my environment slightly warped. My textured paint job on the ceiling seemed liquid and flowed around. I'm not sure if this fresh dose is indicative of a normal fresh dose as I picked them after the veils broke.
You have to pick just before the veil breaks that's when they are more potent.
Wet is always a bad idea for a first time. You have to eat way more then you think. Mushrooms are made of 90% of water and it's a natural sponge. So, if you where to fart in your room with your growing mushrooms next to you! You and everyone you shard with, just ingested your methane.