GroErr Grows...

Just wanted to say I have enjoyed your many post. What great porn and info you have have supplied us all here at Rollitup! Your flower room looks like a operating room lol! Spotless, prefection. Keep it the great post and again thanks. I have a light and seeds now what??
Hey thanks for the kudos and welcome! Get those seeds sown and good luck with your first run, you'll love these LEC's once you get them dialed in.
So the F2 pheno hunt girls are nearing the end. 2 of them including what's looking like the keeper pheno (frostiest beatch) are ready, likely pull them tomorrow night, 8 weeker's which I was hoping for. A couple will go another 5 days and there's 3-4 that will go another week easy. The way they're smelling I'm only seeing one that would go straight into the hash bin which is funny because at the beginning it looked like one of the nicer structures. I was expecting a lot of variation being F2's and there are around 5 phenos total but BR2-3 and BR2-5 are very close to the original F1 indi-dom Blue Ripper 2 keeper in smell. Have to start planning for a male run out of these F2's to see if I can get to F3's by end of the year. I'm also going to cross that BR2-5 back to my F1 male as well which will technically make them F2's but maybe give me some more uniform phenos. More fun than a barrel of monkeys as they say ;)

Day 54 and Day 14 camshot last night. Check out the "JTR pheno" cola, the most faded one front-left. 2ft. of rock-solid bud on that one and it'll go another 4-6 days.

Camshot Flower Room Day54-Day14 04-08-2016-CMH.jpg

Cheers :bigjoint:
Goodness. Puts my work to shame. LOL

Oh yeah, and I do see the Saturn 5 on the pad too.

Thanks for sharing G

Lol, you're too hard on yourself JD, that Sour D and Green Crack you just pulled are looking pretty dank to me :)

Looks like we'll both be running some BB gear soon. Been dying to get a decent Fireballs and DOG fem pheno. Finally got 1x Fireballs fem, not the greatest pheno but I'm going to run her next regardless. Smells pretty good, just not a strong pheno growth-wise.

Some baby DOG's and Fireballs coming up in the big 2 oz popping cups ;)
THat JTR leaning cola is massive - haha Saturn V!!!

The rain is making the garden very happy today!

Garden's looking great Mo! I know I was laughing, at first it was what? Then I googled it and laughed my ass off. What I'm liking on that one is the buds are solid, will pull some weight and it's smelling piney with some lemon in the background. Have a 16" clone already to run a couple of rounds out if it smokes well.

Nothing like the real thing, difficult to replicate rain out of a tap. Last place I lived I used filtered well water for my outdoor if it was a dry year and they loved it. Mother nature gets it right every time.
Walk around the gardens, lots of activities, not enough space or time as always but it's all good :).

Next round coming up in the veg tent, once I clear a spot in the flower room which is looking like 7-10 days. If all goes well these 3x 5gal plants will be a virgin run under the Tasty LED 3590 COBs. Left is a so-so pheno from seed of Fireballs, it smells good but not as strong as the 2x males I pulled a while back. Unlikely a keeper but you never know. To its right, 2x Blue Ripper 2 (indi-dom pheno) clones in decent shape for flowering, not the better producer but damn it's fine smoke :)


Veg cabinet just got some culling of so-so seedlings and clones, kept the better looking one's going. Some 1gal clones mainly from the Blue Ripper F2's that are about to finish, a Harlequin which will likely flower with them. Some new seedlings from Breeder's Boutique including DOG and Fireballs. There are also 3x seedlings of some BCBD BC Kush which I had bought a couple of years ago and hadn't popped, 2 in the part cups are very vibrant so far, just seeing if anything worthwhile pops. Going to be a lot of seed popping for the next few months between more recent purchases and all the crosses I have on the go. That one clone that looks a little rough was an early clone in a party cup for like 7 weeks, it'll come back now in some fresh soil and not being root-bound ;)


Pulled the COBs out of the 2x2 breeding tent (no need for any more pollen for a while!) and put in one of the spare LG blurple veg panels in there. These 2x 3gal Blue Ripper 1 sat-dom pheno's will veg in there at 16/8 for a few weeks to hold them. Can't get these outdoor until end of May so I'll put them into 10 or 15gal around beginning of May, should be a decent size by the time I get them out. Can't do monsters for stealth so I'll train them to stay low/flat but wide.


Flower Room at Day 56 & Day 16. A couple of the Blue Ripper F2's are pretty well ready to go but will give them a few days and start pulling them individually as each pheno finishes. Will post up some bud shots later as there's a 10 pic limit per post. Some dankness coming out of there in the next week, there's only one pheno (bottom-right first pic) which just smells blah, the rest have some funk to them and a couple are outstanding :) New batch is just stretching into place, will do a clean up of the undergrowth this week and they'll settle into flowering mode.


Cheers :bigjoint:
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I love popping new seeds!

I am trying out some Maui Wowie I got from @jigfresh and some Malawi Mozambique x Blue Dream I got from @FLkeys1 and some Ghost Train Haze from Rare Dankness:

Those sound great Mo! Wish I had the space to run more, particularly some of those long running sats. You on the other hand don't seem to have that space restriction,.nice :clap:
Some Day 56 buds focused on trich areas, first 4 are the one's I'll keep at least one more round. Last one I won't run (lost the 2x clones, weren't very hardy and dried during the power outage), smells Ok but nothing special, produced some purple in the last few days.

First 4 are exceptional smell-wise but I'm really liking the 4th one. That's the smallest plant out of the bunch, also looking like it could go 9-10 weeks. But it's also the rotten fruit w/funky hash mixed in pheno, getting stronger daily and frosting up nicely now. It has at least another 10-14 days+ left though unless it does some magic quick finish thing at the end. Last bud is an ok pheno but not a keeper candidate. Only positive trait it has is it turned purple in the last week, but they have to have some substance other than just a pretty face to catch my attention ;)

BR2-3-Day56-1.JPG BR2-5-Day56-1.JPG BR1-4-Day56-1.JPG BR2-4-Day56-1.JPG BR1-1-Day56-1.JPG

Cheers :bigjoint: