howdy Roo
yeah i member when i was a kid me dad had to have one put down for the same reason, she was only young but the vets said it would be cruel to keep her and not advisable with young kids about etc was about 25yr ago now dunno if they where hip scored back then like they are now? was sad stuff tho.
Weird thing was she was at the vets so many times and never a bother, that final visit though she knew something was up. She could sense it from me I reckon.
fucking horrible hay but the pain it can cause em its for the best to go to sleep, dogs are real good at picking up emotions etc from there owners and rotties especially i found em to be real intelligent dogs.
how old was she Roo?
next step get a dog lol
border collieYou got any breed in mind or what?
My sis has a border collie really smart but he's old now and gone blind in one eyeborder collie
I love Collies. It's good that you know they need a lot of exercise/stimulation. They are a working dog at the end of the dayborder collie
I live near a farm in middle of nowhere so plenty space for himI love Collies. It's good that you know they need a lot of exercise/stimulation. They are a working dog at the end of the day
Is he the guy from Take That? Oh. You mean Howard Marks.....