List of clubs that rip off vendors in Cali

Even though he's had his hand in my pocket so to speak .................. I've met way worse. My opinion of the guy (right or wrong) is that he actually means well but ...... like a kid in a candy store ... could not contol his urges to use Granny Purps as his personal ATM. My fault was I wasn't on the look-out for such behavior and I missed all the signs he operated in such fashion. In fact all I had to do was search his name using Google and it would have been laid out right in front of me ......
Well im a " someone" who knew them prior to santa cruz and have been taken for more than any monetary value can new to this forum and dont know how to send a 1 on 1 message ....i shouldve googled him way back when too.....
Even though he's had his hand in my pocket so to speak .................. I've met way worse. My opinion of the guy (right or wrong) is that he actually means well but ...... like a kid in a candy store ... could not contol his urges to use Granny Purps as his personal ATM. My fault was I wasn't on the look-out for such behavior and I missed all the signs he operated in such fashion. In fact all I had to do was search his name using Google and it would have been laid out right in front of me ......
Im here to tell you that no he does not mean well..
So in light of trying to stay true to this thread I thought I'd throw out some objective advice as it pertains to avoiding getting ripped off as a vendor.

* If you MUST go consignment ............start off VERY small volume wise on your first deal.... two weeks worth max. This way if they fuck you ...... it's not enough to get enraged about. Keep to that arrangement for as long as possible. Basically you are giving Net 15 for 2 weeks worth of product. A net win ...........In this case ...... it is fair to both sides. You as the supplier have no incentive to veer from this course unless .....

* Some Dispensaries buy up front and prefer it that way. Don't assume all of them wish to consign and string you along. . When you feel they like your product, ask them what their typical payment terms are ......... if they are the COD type, move them to the front of the line as far as priority accounts. Smart and well managed/funded Dispensarieries operate this way for a reason ........ they get better service and support from their vendors. In some markets, this is the difference between winning and losing ...............

* In markets where there are pretty tight ordinanaces ........... do your homework and determine if the club you are trying to break into is actually one that is somewhat approved and accredited.
If it's not .. there's a story behind it and in every case ..... it's not good for you. Act ocordingly. These operators have very little leverage and only are able to seize control of a deal with the uninformed. Don't want to be that guy ...........

Great advice! I no longer deal with any dispensaries or clubs of any kind. There just isn't enough profit in it for me considering the expense, lower payout, and potential troubles.

Concerning good ole Jeffrey David Sudman, he uses alias's JD Black, Jeffrey Black, etc. So trying to find his history is kinda improbable, until I found this thread. And when I learned that he is a convicted pedophile, that really got to me. I remember Jeffrey smiling at me (and I shaking that creeps hand), 'my handshake is my agreement, you have nothing worry about' were his exact words. Then that turd took me for over 5k. Not a huge amount, but it was from my first grow and it hurt, couldn't even cover my start up costs until the next run. And he's done a few interviews, and reporters in Santa Cruz seem to love the guy and his shady dispensary. Does anyone bother doing any journalistic research on their subjects?

Every time I see a new article I send the reporter the links and materials I've collected on the guy, sometimes I've even called them.
Follow the links and use his birth name Jeffrey Sudman

I appears he had his name removed from the corporation wiki, he was listed as as the Granny Purps president. In interviews he proclaims to be the Granny Purps CEO

Let Jeffrey burn in jail and then hell, for what he's done, and the people and kids he's harmed!
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Well im a " someone" who knew them prior to santa cruz and have been taken for more than any monetary value can new to this forum and dont know how to send a 1 on 1 message ....i shouldve googled him way back when too.....

weird I dont see how to send PM either. I would sure be curious to know myself. Was screwed over big time by them and by a lot more money that I see anyone mentioning. I know at one point he said he owed like 700K to vendors and over 500K to the state. That was years ago too. Used it as an excuse like I should feel sorry for him lol......
I just wanna sell my tree at the farmers market. Thats freedom. Don't think this upcoming legalization is freedom guys. Unfortunately these problems are going to get worse with all the imposed taxes.
Many things will ............ this doesn't HAVE to be one of them. What bodes well in the case of growers/suppliers of any product ..... if the state has it's way, you won't be able to sell through into a dispensary anymore so the days of dealing with these retard club owners will be a thing of the past. Instead you will deal with one or two distributors ..... these distributors will now shoulder the responsibility of collecting from these guys ..... not you. Personally ............. if I NEVER have to step foot in a dispensary again, I'll be happy as a clam.

As far as you being able to sell a tree at a Farmer's Market ..... never gonna happen. You're only able to do what you do now because the state needs the tax money. 20 years ago, people wished/dreamed these days would come. Guess it's never good enough for some.
Yea the dispensaries are overpriced as it is. It is just going to get worse with all the added taxes on top of a middle man wanting his cut. Have fun being satisfied with your regulation.
LOL ........ I couldn't care less what dispensaries charge . I'm only concerned about getting paid for my products.... which will probably cease being a concern once the state takes over. You are obviously a patient/customer. This thread is about how not to get ripped off as a provider. I'm sure there's several threads out there for people that wish to vent about taxes.
The taxes start with the grower you know that right. Growers will be taxed. 17 different licenses are going to be implemented. You will have to pay for any of those based on what your doing. Growing. Selling. Buying. Transporting. Cooking. Extracting. Have you read anything about the laws being passed?
The taxes start with the grower you know that right. Growers will be taxed. 17 different licenses are going to be implemented. You will have to pay for any of those based on what your doing. Growing. Selling. Buying. Transporting. Cooking. Extracting. Have you read anything about the laws being passed?
I've read AB-266 at least 5 times. I know what's involved. You forgot to mention the 12 different state agencies that will have a hand in this as well. Yes it's likely going to be a disaster but eventually they'll get it worked out. If they can pull this off in states like Colorado and Washington ........ it can get done here. Here the liquor business will be the model and that's fine with me. I'll deal with 3 buyers and sell 25 times the volume. What I lose in margins I'll make up in volume. That's how business works. You want to sell door to door or you want to sell into Safeway? Licenses aren't going to cost much IMO for growers and manufacturers. Small price to pay to stop looking over my shoulder and stop dealing with dispensaries.
Your not going to get a state licence unless you are legal in your local jurisdiction. This mean if you are in a city that has banned dispensaries and wont issue you a business licence, the state wont even talk to you. So its back into the black market for most of us. Lets all thank the state for helping us out after Creating our Non Profit, Getting a FEIN and collecting sales tax for all those years, just to get kicked to the curb.
Your not going to get a state licence unless you are legal in your local jurisdiction. This mean if you are in a city that has banned dispensaries and wont issue you a business licence, the state wont even talk to you. So its back into the black market for most of us. Lets all thank the state for helping us out after Creating our Non Profit, Getting a FEIN and collecting sales tax for all those years, just to get kicked to the curb.
That's correct but this only becomes an obstacle if you let it. I'm a manufacturer for example .......... I'll simply get a license in a city where they will have me.
That's correct but this only becomes an obstacle if you let it. I'm a manufacturer for example .......... I'll simply get a license in a city where they will have me.

Easier said than done. For example Unincorporated San Diego does not require a Business License, but you need to get approval from the Sheriffs dept. That requires you find a building that is in an Industrial Zone, and 1000 feet from Schools, Residence, Church, and just about everything else, so the available properties are few and have been taken. I would imagine this is pretty standard through most counties. You could find a Blank Piece of Property out in the Middle of nowhere, but the cost for building construction, bringing water and power to the property, etc, etc, etc,, is prohibitive.
Bro he's just gonna uproot his entire life and business and possibly family and go to an area that let's him operate legally it's so easy what are you talking about
Easier said than done. For example Unincorporated San Diego does not require a Business License, but you need to get approval from the Sheriffs dept. That requires you find a building that is in an Industrial Zone, and 1000 feet from Schools, Residence, Church, and just about everything else, so the available properties are few and have been taken. I would imagine this is pretty standard through most counties. You could find a Blank Piece of Property out in the Middle of nowhere, but the cost for building construction, bringing water and power to the property, etc, etc, etc,, is prohibitive.
I'm in NorCal ........ there's plenty of cities nearby locally that allow what I'm going to be getting a license for. If you are in the retail side of things I can understand the concern but if you are a distributor or manufacturer .............. there will be plenty of options.