American Hero


Well-Known Member
Andrew Jackson is as much of an American Hero as any other in our History. From defeating the vicious Indian tribes in wars that were much closer fought than we remember, and much more necessary than we like to pretend today, defeating the British at the battle of New Orleans, and years in public service and of course as President.

Removing him from the $20 bill is a shameful act. And to replace him with someone who is at least worthy is no excuse. Why not put Harriet Tubman on the EBT card?
Andrew Jackson is as much of an American Hero as any other in our History. From defeating the vicious Indian tribes in wars that were much closer fought than we remember, and much more necessary than we like to pretend today, defeating the British at the battle of New Orleans, and years in public service and of course as President.

Removing him from the $20 bill is a shameful act. And to replace him with someone who is at least worthy is no excuse. Why not put Harriet Tubman on the EBT card?
Fuck that slave owning piece of shit...they should take a lot of people off our money
Fuck that slave owning piece of shit...they should take a lot of people off our money
If you were born in 1780 and inherited a plantation you would have kept your slaves too.

That's a bullshit philosophy. Perfectly legal and socially acceptable at the time.

You judge people by the standards of their time and place.
If you were born in 1780 and inherited a plantation you would have kept your slaves too.

That's a bullshit philosophy. Perfectly legal and socially acceptable at the time.

You judge people by the standards of their time and place.
Bull fucking shit...My people lived in the north...we weren't lazy fucking rebels who bought people to do our work...

You are as un-fucking-enlightened as the day is long

Rhode Island was the center of the slaving business and is a per capita very wealthy place. The genesis of much of that wealth is the slave trade that thrived there for nearly a century.

The wealth of the south was destroyed in the war and totally eliminated by emancipation. Any wealth in the south from slavery no longer exists to a great extent.

If you want to compensate African Americans for slavery, give them Rhode Island.
You ignorant mother fucker...

here comes the irony.

the southern planter had a strong interest in the health of his slaves.

that is real evident by all the whippings, murders, and beatings they gave their slaves.

not to mention how often they raped their young slaves.

you have sexual intercourse with your own mother and ignore facts like these.
Yeah, screw those founding fathers.
Replace them with penises or something.
You're right. Revamp the constitution too. You fucking people act like it's sacred, it's not. It needs a few updates. I don't honor failed fuck ups from the past...anymore than future will honor us for trashing the environmemt and promoting global warming and colonialism.

Rhode Island was the center of the slaving business and is a per capita very wealthy place. The genesis of much of that wealth is the slave trade that thrived there for nearly a century.

The wealth of the south was destroyed in the war and totally eliminated by emancipation. Any wealth in the south from slavery no longer exists to a great extent.

If you want to compensate African Americans for slavery, give them Rhode Island.
Congradulations! You win 'racist of the month award'. Enjoy your new confederate flag.
Andrew Jackson is as much of an American Hero as any other in our History. From defeating the vicious Indian tribes in wars that were much closer fought than we remember, and much more necessary than we like to pretend today, defeating the British at the battle of New Orleans, and years in public service and of course as President.

Removing him from the $20 bill is a shameful act. And to replace him with someone who is at least worthy is no excuse. Why not put Harriet Tubman on the EBT card?
So who they replacing Jackson with? First time I have heard about it.

So you are cool with the genocide of Native Americans? Indians for a racist bitch even though if you where not so fucking stupid you would know India is far from America and Indians look a bit different.

I bet you are one of them fools who want to nuke Muslims even though Christians will be massacred too. Not to mention Muslims are about as different as fucking Mormons compared to Christians.

Yeah, fuck Andrew Jackson we would have defeated the British without that slave driving, Native killing, piece of shit.

So what did he do that was actually great??