The UK Growers Thread!

lmao ya wanker i new you was on the fekking windup when i just got 12 likes was thinking im poplar or something lol then i see its lax the fucker lol hows ya doing mate?
Grand out bud.finally settling into the new gaff but still have the veg tent to sort but other than that all good being sensible..see youre being a good boy besides being a little fatty today but fair fucks man especially with finally finding out how to lie to the miss lmao
Grand out bud.finally settling into the new gaff but still have the veg tent to sort but other than that all good being sensible..see youre being a good boy besides being a little fatty today but fair fucks man especially with finally finding out how to lie to the miss lmao

glad to hear ya doing well geezer, i no what ya saying bout the lying feel a right twat lol all the shit ive got into fessing up when i just needed to stick to me fucking story this power of denial is bloody great lol

found a uk vendor of 2mg rohypnol tho 5wks im getting a few they expensive as fuck tho, 11quid a tab! think that one on top the rest of me binge will have to be away from her aint fancying me chances on that combo lol you been darkneting it up much recent? im over at dream now.
glad to hear ya doing well geezer, i no what ya saying bout the lying feel a right twat lol all the shit ive got into fessing up when i just needed to stick to me fucking story this power of denial is bloody great lol

found a uk vendor of 2mg rohypnol tho 5wks im getting a few they expensive as fuck tho, 11quid a tab! think that one on top the rest of me binge will have to be away from her aint fancying me chances on that combo lol you been darkneting it up much recent? im over at dream now.
My new landlords a post man so I'm a bit para tbh lmao..gonna get clones sorted then imma grace the dn with my magnificence.those take sound sweet man let me know how it goes...wouldn't mind a few after a val bender to help with the tolerance build up haha
glad to hear ya doing well geezer, i no what ya saying bout the lying feel a right twat lol all the shit ive got into fessing up when i just needed to stick to me fucking story this power of denial is bloody great lol

found a uk vendor of 2mg rohypnol tho 5wks im getting a few they expensive as fuck tho, 11quid a tab! think that one on top the rest of me binge will have to be away from her aint fancying me chances on that combo lol you been darkneting it up much recent? im over at dream now.
whats the rho mix with as self med, vods or benzos, only ever heard about its dte rape rep
whats the rho mix with as self med, vods or benzos, only ever heard about its dte rape rep

its just a real strong benzo mate n i like benzos, the date rape stuff was justa loud of media bullshit you could give any young pissed up girl a valium,lorazepam,clonzepam and it would do much the same, same with any inexperienced male with a benzo and large amounts of booze, media just jumped on the rolhpnol cause it one of the strongest and spose thats why people who where doing that shit used em? but any benzo and large amounts of booze will do much the same, same as a large dose of ketamine thats prob been used in as many date rapes but not reported as much?

remember yrs ago a old friend of sorts we was at his house i was popping diazepam 10mg/ valium and he was drinking stella hes got pissed n started giving it the large about these pussy mothers lil helper tabs and whatnot so i gave him 4-5 next hes of to the shops to buy more booze, 20-30mins later some1 i never seen knocks on the door it was his house and the blokes holding the bloke up barely by the scruff of his neck asking if he lives there and thats he found him passed out in a bush lmao

its about the upper n downer combo Z just another buzz mate and combined with coke/crack/mdma is nuts if that answers ya question?
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its just a real strong benzo mate n i like benzos, the date rape stuff was justa loud of media bullshit you could give any young pissed up girl a valium,lorazepam,clonzepam and it would do much the same, same with any inexperienced male with a benzo and large amounts of booze.

remember yrs ago a old friend of sorts we was at his house i was popping diazepam 10mg/ valium and he was drinking stella hes got pissed n started giving it the large about these pussy mothers lil helper tabs and whatnot so i gave him 4-5 next hes of to the shops to buy more booze, 20-30mins later some1 i never seen knocks on the door it was his house and the blokes holding the bloke up barely by the scruff of his neck asking if he lives there and thats he found him passed out in a bush lmao

its about the upper n downer combo Z just another buzz mate and combined with coke/crack/mdma is nuts if that answers ya question?
yeah that covers the whole question, thanks, why do u think the media picked on rho so hard?
yeah that covers the whole question, thanks, why do u think the media picked on rho so hard?

just cause its such a strong benzo Z and them sick fucks who wana do that shit dont wana chance it with a diazepam,lorazepam,clonzepam yeah 95% will do the same as if on rohypnol but try spiking mine or lax drink with one and we gonna just ask for another one lmao

all people got very difference tolerance to drugs, shit mate if i smoked the amount of dope you do id be in the loony bin again lol same as you prob would pass out after a handful of vals where as i would party on lol

they used the rohypnol cause its the strongest and gonna get what they want the quickest but any strongish benzo to most pissed up persons your gonna pretty much pass out and not remember alot.
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U really are good at up selling drugs dude lmao

have found me vocation in life lol either that or i was pissed again n craving em...

was doing well with the booze but last few nights been drinking again never guess hay what with all the shite i been posting lol

anyways, morning.

is looking quite nice out there today gonna take my lazy self to the gym and go for a walk me thinks.
Just smoked an Exo hash mixed wi amo haze bud in a spliff an it's put mi on mi ass lol got loads to do and don't even wanna leave house ffs