its just a real strong benzo mate n i like benzos, the date rape stuff was justa loud of media bullshit you could give any young pissed up girl a valium,lorazepam,clonzepam and it would do much the same, same with any inexperienced male with a benzo and large amounts of booze.
remember yrs ago a old friend of sorts we was at his house i was popping diazepam 10mg/ valium and he was drinking stella hes got pissed n started giving it the large about these pussy mothers lil helper tabs and whatnot so i gave him 4-5 next hes of to the shops to buy more booze, 20-30mins later some1 i never seen knocks on the door it was his house and the blokes holding the bloke up barely by the scruff of his neck asking if he lives there and thats he found him passed out in a bush lmao
its about the upper n downer combo Z just another buzz mate and combined with coke/crack/mdma is nuts if that answers ya question?