Snowden Expects to be Hijacked By 'Seal Team 6' in Oslo

i was considering doing that last night when i took the quiz. reading the questions reminded me of exact quotes from members of this forum.

for example: "morality is impossible without religion"

i disagreed, but not strongly.

however, i can pull up quotes from members like red1966 where he strongly agrees with such horseshit.

or the question about "corporations should only be concerned about return to shareholders". as i recall, several shitbrained right wingers have parroted that shitspew. i disagreed, but not strongly.

this landed me a little higher in the bottom left than some of the rest of the board, but the right wingers would be up there with mussolini basically with their dogmatic adherence to right wing propaganda.
Hilariously ironic considering the libertarian bullshit they pretend they believe

Authoritarian all the fuckin' way with these guys, who do they think they're kidding?
I retook the quiz from the conservative perspective (based on discussions from the forum), this was the result and this is why none of them have taken it and posted their results;


Many people would have disagreed with you after Watergate

If exposing government corruption requires breaking the law, you should break the law 100% of the time. "Traitorous" is your opinion, I don't think Snowden did anything "traitorous"
As repulsive as it is.
Can you tell me what the NSA did that was illegal?
As repulsive as it is.
Can you tell me what the NSA did that was illegal?
The legality of what the NSA did is irrelevant. Snowden exposed a global surveillance program specifically targeted at innocent sovereign citizens of multiple allied countries

I don't see how your condemnation for him is any different than a fervent supporter of the drug war's condemnation of you or me for smoking marijuana
EVERY THING they did was legal

I don't know where you live, but in SD the FBI Sorrento valley building is an overwhelming sight, it's sort of a architectural confession. How out of reach government is. its not just state, federal. it's school districts, and all sort of municipal institutions that mismanage public authority.

police: have less systematization to use deadly force then a marine with active OD's in a hostile AO.

this is a quote I found on (I kind of cleaned it up, the OP was, umm? it reads better now imho)

"This ubiquitous "officer safety" above all axiom has destroyed civil service. This precedence has abridged "peace officer" in to militarized police. a law enforcement officer on the street has more power then any judge. twisting probable cause, with no supervision and only internal regulation to observe themselves. its sounds like bad science fiction. buts its real. Police throw obstruction of justice, resisting arrest and assault on a police officer in just about any instance they are challenged. the power is so skewed that anything other then complete oppression and compliance is required in any encounter with an officer."

TBH, I have stopped caring, there is nothing, including armed revolution to change anything. voting is worthless, doesn't matter what monkey is driving the bus its all the knuckle heads on it. in order for the world to change, it will have to run its current course and destroy itself, and hope the people who live: say "well that was really stupid" and rebuild ideals from the ground up.

..again sorry by this time at night, my chews have me wanting to watch x-files n shit.
Right.. So when you are dying from too much McD the general public is not held responsible for your hospital bill..I can tell you're one of those guys who doesn't believe in preventative care.

Consider the penalty as funds that will offset your poor decision making qualities.

Why should WE have to be stuck paying for YOU? Why do you get to spend money on a toy that SHOULD be allocated for medical?

I mean aren't you the guy who took a BANK loan for living expenses?

Learn to live within your means.

The fact that you are wrong about almost everything in this post just proves how consistent you are.

I have paid for private medical insurance for myself for years and years, I pull my own weight, the same which cannot be said about you who feels entitled to other peoples shit.

How does dying from McD's equate to preventative care? Are you going to have the government deciding who can and who cannot buy a big mac?

And yes, a secured loan requires much less interest so rather than paying 18% on a credit card I am paying 2.74%. Given your track record I understand that even though I spell it out in the most understandable terms possible you still wont get it. It is ok, I understand that I > You....
Exposing government corruption IS ALWAYS ILLEGAL. This is a classic example of where the law itself is wrong, unjust and corrupt. It is our duty to challenge such laws as citizens.

2 years ago massive corruption was discovered at the VA. Since they couldnt perform their jobs according to law the burecrats decided to lie about it. Fast forward to today and the problem still isnt fixed. How would you feel if you couldnt get the healthcare you needed?

Somehow, Pada thinks that something that fails to work with millions of people will suddenly be magic with hundreds of millions of people. I can see millions dying waiting on lists while burecrats cover it up. Universal death care... They will check a box once you stop bothering them. Problem solved.
What do you call it when PROFITABLE Fortune 500's pay NO taxes, suggest to their employees the way to budget yourself is through low wages, working 80 hours a week and applying for Food Stamps as a way of life? while..I dunno, CEO's of those very same companies earn $20 million annually for attending all those oh sooooo stressful meetings while they cry 'poor mouth' at the sheer thought of $15/hr for their employees who are the backbone of the company and without which there would be NO company?

Corporate pigs control you but you're too stupid to realize this.

Corporate pigs have bought and paid for bernie sanders and the entire congress yet you fail to see it. Unless you diagnose the problem properly the fix is almost always a failure. not that the government is interested in fixing anything, it works just fine for them.
The legality of what the NSA did is irrelevant. Snowden exposed a global surveillance program specifically targeted at innocent sovereign citizens of multiple allied countries

I don't see how your condemnation for him is any different than a fervent supporter of the drug war's condemnation of you or me for smoking marijuana

I see the difference. We're just smoking a lil weed. Those motherfuckers are screwing with world peace- because someone who spends a lot of dollars on campaigns wants less peace and more war. Who gives a fuck if people die? It's PROFITABLE!
I don't know where you live, but in SD the FBI Sorrento valley building is an overwhelming sight, it's sort of a architectural confession. How out of reach government is. its not just state, federal. it's school districts, and all sort of municipal institutions that mismanage public authority.

police: have less systematization to use deadly force then a marine with active OD's in a hostile AO.

this is a quote I found on (I kind of cleaned it up, the OP was, umm? it reads better now imho)

"This ubiquitous "officer safety" above all axiom has destroyed civil service. This precedence has abridged "peace officer" in to militarized police. a law enforcement officer on the street has more power then any judge. twisting probable cause, with no supervision and only internal regulation to observe themselves. its sounds like bad science fiction. buts its real. Police throw obstruction of justice, resisting arrest and assault on a police officer in just about any instance they are challenged. the power is so skewed that anything other then complete oppression and compliance is required in any encounter with an officer."

TBH, I have stopped caring, there is nothing, including armed revolution to change anything. voting is worthless, doesn't matter what monkey is driving the bus its all the knuckle heads on it. in order for the world to change, it will have to run its current course and destroy itself, and hope the people who live: say "well that was really stupid" and rebuild ideals from the ground up.

..again sorry by this time at night, my chews have me wanting to watch x-files n shit.

Tell it, sister! They'll start respecting our civil rights just about exactly the same time we stop respecting theirs if they don't.
2 years ago massive corruption was discovered at the VA. Since they couldnt perform their jobs according to law the burecrats decided to lie about it. Fast forward to today and the problem still isnt fixed. How would you feel if you couldnt get the healthcare you needed?

Somehow, Pada thinks that something that fails to work with millions of people will suddenly be magic with hundreds of millions of people. I can see millions dying waiting on lists while burecrats cover it up. Universal death care... They will check a box once you stop bothering them. Problem solved.
The problem with the VA is republican obstructionism, like when the House Appropriations Subcommittee removed more than $1.4 billion in veterans services from Obama's 2016 budget, or when republicans killed the Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act in 2014 because Planned Parenthood makes them cry, or the Veteran's Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act proposed by Bernie Sanders that was killed by Mitch McConnell and senate republicans?

5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

When republicans cry about problems at the VA, it's so people like you get emotionally stirred up and blame it all on the democrats and Obama, even though these problems exist as a direct consequence of George Bush's invasion of Iraq and the war on terror

Universal healthcare works, we are the only first world country that doesn't have it. The American system fails because republicans make it fail.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." -Mitch McConnell

Everywhere else it works and people are more satisfied with it than Americans are with ours, and a majority of Americans support it;


Nobody dies because they can't afford to see a doctor in countries that implement it, but 45,000 Americans died every year before the ACA became law, but you can't answer for those numbers because delusional paranoia isn't science

The problem with the VA is republican obstructionism, like when the House Appropriations Subcommittee removed more than $1.4 billion in veterans services from Obama's 2016 budget, or when republicans killed the Women Veterans and Families Health Services Act in 2014 because Planned Parenthood makes them cry, or the Veteran's Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act proposed by Bernie Sanders that was killed by Mitch McConnell and senate republicans?

5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

When republicans cry about problems at the VA, it's so people like you get emotionally stirred up and blame it all on the democrats and Obama, even though these problems exist as a direct consequence of George Bush's invasion of Iraq and the war on terror

Universal healthcare works, we are the only first world country that doesn't have it. The American system fails because republicans make it fail.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president." -Mitch McConnell

Everywhere else it works and people are more satisfied with it than Americans are with ours, and a majority of Americans support it;


Nobody dies because they can't afford to see a doctor in countries that implement it, but 45,000 Americans died every year before the ACA became law, but you can't answer for those numbers because delusional paranoia isn't science

That's right; volunteer for the military, just don't expect them to take care of you afterwards.
Universal healthcare is not "government control" you paranoid right-wing retard
Well it is kinda. If you don't get it you get fined. That is government control in very definition.

However as a grower, I didn't make enough "legal" money for it to effect me. So I could care less.. However this year might be different for me.. We will see
I got coverage.

Instead of paying taxes, I give my product to those who need it, really need it, free.
How much do you pay a month? My buddy from Texas that just visited is a grower/dealer no legal income.. he said he pays like $500 a month for the best of everything from blue cross blue shield.. That's insane! I just don't agree with it.. I'm 31 never had surgery never had any serious problems. Why should I be forced to pay for something I don't "currently" need?