Snowden Expects to be Hijacked By 'Seal Team 6' in Oslo

it's against the law to let people die, especially when they are begging to be kept alive despite their inability to afford such care.

such will be the case with you.

and i do not look forward to the day where the rest of the healthy and insured like me will have to pay extra because geriatric moochers like yourself thought you were invincible.

Your post illustrates the inanity of the state's (and your) position Mr, Nanny can do no wrong.

Essentially, you are saying in order to "be compassionate" an entity which uses threats of force as its primary mode of operation must first steal from some people to pay for others. If a person resists the theft, they will ultimately be jailed or killed.

Compassion cannot arise from the means you ascribe to and which I described above, since it is extinguished by the means you champion.

I do not look forward to using a bathroom at Wendy's after you have visited there.
You're abiding pretty close to ghandi :) good company!

I guess I considered myself a fiscally conservative libertarian. I took the test two times and ended up on the exact same Liberty scale value but two notches left by way of fiscal policy first go.

My attitude is based on the assumption that people can educate and regulate themselves. I realize that is asking too much of some people, so it's as much a reflection of how I'd treat me as it is a political philosophy.