Donald Trump

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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member

Let's see if the dumpster has the nomination locked up by convention time in Cleveland. Hillary has a much better chance of winning the nomination by the convention in Philly than Trump does, his own party wants to snatch it away, when are you ever going to learn the GOP eats their own.

But don't worry I got your back I want the dumpster to win, I'll fight right along side of you if they try stealing the nomination away from him.


nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Let's see if the dumpster has the nomination locked up by convention time in Cleveland. Hillary has a much better chance of winning the nomination by the convention in Philly than Trump does, his own party wants to snatch it away, when are you ever going to learn the GOP eats their own.

But don't worry I got your back I want the dumpster to win, I'll fight right along side of you if they try stealing the nomination away from him.

COOL, here have a hit on this.bongsmilie TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
If only they had paid mind to the polls back in '08, especially Nate Silvers' poll, we would've be spared the on air melt down by Karl Rove...although I really enjoyed it.

a few members parroted that "skewed polls" shit so badly that they left for months after election night. others insisted still that they were not wrong.

interesting case study in delusion.
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