Just in case you thought Israel was a nice country, just misunderstood

Any country that wishes to buy Military goods from the US must have the proper permits and be eligible to do so, and it all goes through US STATE DEPARTMENT DEFENSE PROCUREMENT OFFICE as you refer to it. It's not a conspiracy just a way to stop capitalists from selling naughty toys to the opposition or the highest bidder.
I just want to point out that Boeing makes and sells the Apache not the American Government. So when you see a Apache with the Star of David on it you can be sure that it was purchased from the Boeing company.

And who do you think spends millions to lobby our government to keep selling their toys for killing Palestinians?

So how does that make anything I said one iota less valid?
I just want to point out that Boeing makes and sells the Apache not the American Government. So when you see a Apache with the Star of David on it you can be sure that it was purchased from the Boeing company.
Under govt. funded contracts. I'm pretty sure it's sold by the govt. thru boeing, they are just the manufacturer. I don't think anyone can just go buy an Apache off boeing. You really think Boeing can just sell weapons without the Govts. permission. .lol. oh and its probablybeing purchased with American money.
So not even an adult should be able to have a knife??

I thought you were a Republican? Too bad you sound like a far left Democunt.

In Israel they are now having problems with knife attacks. I guess they are not allowed to defend themselves.

Maybe the kid was carrying a knife for an adult. Did you ever think of that? I guess all 12 year olds should be given a pass because they are too innocent to be used as mules right?

Another coddled person in complete safety making value judgments about people being terrorized. Sad.
Any country that wishes to buy Military goods from the US must have the proper permits and be eligible to do so, and it all goes through US STATE DEPARTMENT DEFENSE PROCUREMENT OFFICE as you refer to it. It's not a conspiracy just a way to stop capitalists from selling naughty toys to the opposition or the highest bidder.


You're so ignorant about the process it's almost cute.

Except because of the ignorance of people like yourself, more real people are getting killed by American made hardware around the world than those made by every other country on earth, combined.

So thanks for showing us where you stand, you lil fascist thug, you.
Zealous groups populated by fanatics are bad news for any region.

We'd be slaughtering gay people in the street if the extreme religious right in the US had the amount of power the religious due in other countries. It's sickening anyone can look at another human being and deem them unworthy of life due to personal opinion and belief.

The sad thing is these groups do have well meaning and somewhat educated individuals in them. The dogma and peer pressure are too intense, what are you going to do? Join us or die. Some would say death is an easy choice but some know not of which they speak til faced with such a decision.

Religion is a poison on this world and until it's reeled back into the home where it belongs and NOT in the public eye can we move forward.

I Still wanna know what country you live in.

Your perspective is appreciated and valuable, not enough Americans ever hear the uncensored views of those who aren't.
In Israel they are now having problems with knife attacks. I guess they are not allowed to defend themselves.

Maybe the kid was carrying a knife for an adult. Did you ever think of that? I guess all 12 year olds should be given a pass because they are too innocent to be used as mules right?

Another coddled person in complete safety making value judgments about people being terrorized. Sad.
Personal protection is fine, you have that right, against a knife, that's the only right you have, imo. Military detainment because of a knife is ridiculous. The Isreal govt. are fucking hypocrites and do just a much terrorizing as the Palestinians. If I throw a rock at you, I have no right using extreme force to then defend myself against the results of my aggression. Same applies to the US and every country we've involved ourselves in. Isreal should have never gone there, it's there own damn fault for demanding to be put in the middle of a wasp nest.
I just want to point out that Boeing makes and sells the Apache not the American Government. So when you see a Apache with the Star of David on it you can be sure that it was purchased from the Boeing company.
Oh, I get it! It's Boeing's problem that Israel uses it's Apache helicopters to slaughter civilians. That would mean it's Grumman's and Colts problem also, seeing as they supply the F15 jets and the AR rifles used by the IDF, to kill over 2100 civilians in Gaza in a span of just one and a half months in the summer of 2014, with 3/4 of the casualties women and children. It has nothing to do with the fact that the US government supplies the weaponry for free to Israel (not free for the American taxpayers though) I was thinking it was just this POS governments problem. I stand corrected.
Under govt. funded contracts. I'm pretty sure it's sold by the govt. thru boeing, they are just the manufacturer. I don't think anyone can just go buy an Apache off boeing. You really think Boeing can just sell weapons without the Govts. permission. .lol. oh and its probablybeing purchased with American money.

They're DEFINITELY being purchased with your tax dollars, then given- that's right, GIVEN- to the Israeli government to use to hunt and kill Palestinian civilians, along with any and all other Arabs who might be dissenters.

And then they cry about being holocaust victims on prime time TV back here in 'Murica.

Makes me want to :spew:
I Still wanna know what country you live in.

Your perspective is appreciated and valuable, not enough Americans ever hear the uncensored views of those who aren't.
I'm assuming the US. ...they said " We'd be slaughtering gay people in the street if the extreme religious right in the US had the amount of power the religious due in other countries."
Personal protection is fine, you have that right, against a knife, that's the only right you have, imo. Military detainment because of a knife is ridiculous. The Isreal govt. are fucking hypocrites and do just a much terrorizing as the Palestinians. If I throw a rock at you, I have no right using extreme force to then defend myself against the results of my aggression. Same applies to the US and every country we've involved ourselves in. Isreal should have never gone there, it's there own damn fault for demanding to be put in the middle of a wasp nest.

They can live where they like, what's unacceptable is our support of their ongoing genocide.
Oh, I get it! It's Boeing's problem that Israel uses it's Apache helicopters to slaughter civilians. That would mean it's Grumman's and Colts problem also, seeing as they supply the F15 jets and the AR rifles used by the IDF, to kill over 2100 civilians in Gaza in a span of just one and a half months in the summer of 2014, with 3/4 of the casualties women and children. It has nothing to do with the fact that the US government supplies the weaponry for free to Israel (not free for the American taxpayers though) I was thinking it was just this POS governments problem. I stand corrected.

Lol nice rebuttal!
We need to cut all ties with the zionist terrorist government of Israel. Get the fuck off the us teet. Why the fuck do we still help them??? They've been a country for over half a century, bye Israel.

I'd be happy to keep shoveling money if they actually stopped murdering their neighbors and even their own non Jewish citizens.

But shutting off the spigot of free arms and spare parts would get their attention in a great big hurry.

I'm not gonna tar the entire religion or even the entire country, but it remains true that the most peaceful leader the nation of lsrael has ever had was assassinated- BY AN ISRAELI.
This is considered a problem?

The girl had a knife and was detained for 4 1/2 months.

Israel protects its citizens, something Americans are being shamed into not doing anymore.
What? America is not protecting it's citizens due to shame? And it's fine that Israel revoked that 12 year old child's fathers work permit for supposedly having a pocket knife under her school uniform. Made a lot of friends with that one. You are really some piece of work. If Israel really wanted to protect it's citizens, it should stop taking lands that it has no legal right to, and maybe that would stop the knife attacks.
I'd be happy to keep shoveling money if they actually stopped murdering their neighbors and even their own non Jewish citizens.

But shutting off the spigot of free arms and spare parts would get their attention in a great big hurry.

I'm not gonna tar the entire religion or even the entire country, but it remains true that the most peaceful leader the nation of lsrael has ever had was assassinated- BY AN ISRAELI.

Agreed, nothing wrong with Judaism at all. It's their corrupt government, kinda rings a bell eh?

We've made them our mini me :/
In Israel they are now having problems with knife attacks. I guess they are not allowed to defend themselves.

Maybe the kid was carrying a knife for an adult. Did you ever think of that? I guess all 12 year olds should be given a pass because they are too innocent to be used as mules right?

Another coddled person in complete safety making value judgments about people being terrorized. Sad.
She could have been carrying a knife to protect herself from a rapist. Did you ever think of that?

12 year olds are pretty much given a pass in the USA for being mules the adults put them up to it so I'm cool with it.

I don't care what you say, every single person should be able to protect themselves not like she had a bomb not even a little pistol.
This policy is a lot older than Mr Obama's term.

Maybe you're too young to remember Reagan's 600 ship navy.
I do know we have always been involved in pointless wars but that is just a big hole in Democrat vs Republican a bunch of people think Obama is great when he does nothing to stop war. Does nothing to even stop Israel from stealing land but when Russia does it cold war #2. Lol, Yeah, fuck Obama.

But yeah I was pretty young just when Clinton was in office do know about a lot of shit Reagan did just not about a 600 ship Navy.
I do know we have always been involved in pointless wars but that is just a big hole in Democrat vs Republican a bunch of people think Obama is great when he does nothing to stop war. Does nothing to even stop Israel from stealing land but when Russia does it cold war #2. Lol, Yeah, fuck Obama.

But yeah I was pretty young just when Clinton was in office do know about a lot of shit Reagan did just not about a 600 ship Navy.

No, we haven't 'always' been involved in pointless wars; only since the rise of the Defense Industrial Complex, after WWII.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine is in direct violation of a mutual non aggression treaty they signed with Ukraine, Great Britain and US. Frankly, I don't think we've gone nearly far enough to swat down Putin's murderous adventurism.