The UK Growers Thread!

game of thrones was good, total fucking sell-out starting season 6 as a tv show before the books out?!? but still was pretty bloody good, gotta be up there with best tv shows ever made.

breaking bad
game of thrones
the wire
sons of anarchy

my top 5 anyway.
Sopranos was like the original for me top watch
Sopranos was like the original for me top watch

yeah bloody good was sopranos, aint many i aint seen tbh lol you ever seen a Australian show called underbelly? each season is a different story all based on true crime storys well worth a watch.

am looking forward to the new peaky blinders aswel that was good.
was just thinking I never answered you about lucifer. it's a yank version with the devil being english. set in LA. well worth a go. am totally not hyped for game of thrones knowing the fat fucker isn't going to finish them before they turn it into tv series. wants to get his finger out does georgey porgy.
I think ive taken too many psychedilics to enjoy acting, used to love good films scarface being memorable but pacino doensnt look like hes acting even when I was tripping, anything tv and and im ...nah acting/lying lol
Heard a few mention that peaky blinders will have to check it out later on kodi
Never seen that aussy show but seen a good few Aussie films they make good crime films very similar crims to English I think
Whatever it takes man lol
Good point don i will have to check that and if it gets really bad I was thinking of putting a cheap ac unit in the spare room
Looking forward to this grow really gonna try and get my numbers up made nets and all sorts lol
no such thing as a cheap AC unit man, not that i've seen anyways. we'd all have em otherwise lol
was just thinking I never answered you about lucifer. it's a yank version with the devil being english. set in LA. well worth a go. am totally not hyped for game of thrones knowing the fat fucker isn't going to finish them before they turn it into tv series. wants to get his finger out does georgey porgy.

need something new to watch will have to give it a go, is total bollax about song of ice n fire a proper sell out fair enough i spose must be good to see your story brought to life like that but im shore the extra zillions hes making from it compared to the books helps lol

just reread book 5 and watched season 5 again, the tv show is well done but like most dont really compare to the books read all of em twice now lol them hunger games books are a pretty good read aswel the films are gash n very kiddy but the books where entertaining and quite gory etc.
Heard a few mention that peaky blinders will have to check it out later on kodi
Never seen that aussy show but seen a good few Aussie films they make good crime films very similar crims to English I think

yeah they are them ozzy crims, the 1st season of underbelly is about the melbourne ecstasy wars really well done and just a entertaining watch, then theres the follow up to season 1 called fat tony n co that was bloody good.

season 3 was real good too n about the dodgy part of sydney and whatnot, n all true.
need something new to watch will have to give it a go, is total bollax about song of ice n fire a proper sell out fair enough i spose must be good to see your story brought to life like that but im shore the extra zillions hes making from it compared to the books helps lol

just reread book 5 and watched season 5 again, the tv show is well done but like most dont really compare to the books read all of em twice now lol them hunger games books are a pretty good read aswel the films are gash n very kiddy but the books where entertaining and quite gory etc.
yeah I'm in two minds about bothering with it tbh. he gets paid either way, and I spose he will have negotiated some input into the storyline. If the bloke had attended a few less showbiz events and sat and wrote the books I would be down for sure. sign of the times, fuck I'm a reet grumpy old bastard. can't half tell it's monday.
yeah they are them ozzy crims, the 1st season of underbelly is about the melbourne ecstasy wars really well done and just a entertaining watch, then theres the follow up to season 1 called fat tony n co that was bloody good.

season 3 was real good too n about the dodgy part of sydney and whatnot, n all true.
Gonna start from beginning tonight and chill wi a spliff n mst lol fkd tbh these kids av run me wild for 3 days