Donald Trump

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yes I agree DISGUSTING~!
i dont know if i would be happy being a Kasich or Cruz supporter anymore with them pulling their new chananagans about selective state running.... Like what if you wanted to vote for one of em, or you are a volunteer in a state that they now say they aint running it. Thats messed up. Disappointing for them. It does make them now look pretty pathetic and desperate.
yes I agree DISGUSTING~!
i dont know if i would be happy being a Kasich or Cruz supporter anymore with them pulling their new chananagans about selective state running.... Like what if you wanted to vote for one of em, or you are a volunteer in a state that they now say they aint running it. Thats messed up. Disappointing for them. It does make them now look pretty pathetic and desperate.

If you don't mind me asking, what's your first language? Obviously it's not English. (Not trying to be rude)
my first launguage is alien.
i dont know man, i just cant get excited about any of the candidates.
like when i heard Hillary will fill half her cabinet with women. I felt like i should have gotten all EX
CITED and cheer. but i just couldnt.
then i got real depressed thinkin about all the candidates and i said out loud,
" the future looks really FUCKED-UP!"
but i remain positive in the face of adversity. Its a beautiful time of year.. Everythings so green and flowers are blooming and the furry trees got leaves.
my first launguage is alien.
i dont know man, i just cant get excited about any of the candidates.
like when i heard Hillary will fill half her cabinet with women. I felt like i should have gotten all EX
CITED and cheer. but i just couldnt.
then i got real depressed thinkin about all the candidates and i said out loud,
" the future looks really FUCKED-UP!"
but i remain positive in the face of adversity. Its a beautiful time of year.. Everythings so green and flowers are blooming and the furry trees got leaves.

Maybe she could choose the best people for the job rather than playing politics...

(truth be told, she pays women a lot less than men so she is probably trying to save $$ on the cabinet budget!!)
Maybe she could choose the best people for the job rather than playing politics...

(truth be told, she pays women a lot less than men so she is probably trying to save $$ on the cabinet budget!!)

you're getting confused, retard. that fox news talking point is being used against obama.

i mean, i guess you can recycle it despite it not being true. you never do let facts get in the way of your stupidity.
Hillary Clinton is a bitch she's a big fat bitch a stupid bitch the biggest bitch in the whole wide world a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch BITCH!! :)

I would have done the whole song if I could remember the words.

kinda sounds like you're the real bitch here.

after all, doesn't she make more money than you? live in a nicer house? eat better food than you?

yep, you're the bitch i guess.
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