Rite to Work Tax

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
A city nearby will be charging twice as much in the future.
$52. a year now but going up to $156 in a few weeks.

This shit is unbelievable and has to stop.
More and more people with no jobs living better than the working class.
Just keep taxing the fuck out of homeowners and workers until they break.

How much do you Pay to Work in your town?
A city nearby will be charging twice as much in the future.
$52. a year now but going up to $156 in a few weeks.

This shit is unbelievable and has to stop.
More and more people with no jobs living better than the working class.
Just keep taxing the fuck out of homeowners and workers until they break.

How much do you Pay to Work in your town?

Should've voted Sanders.
I don't know.panda..
In my town there are tons of people without jobs bringing in way more money than people working..
For example I know these two people, they've got 2 kids (who haven't ever seen real parenting) the wife is a hardcore addict (anything she can get her hands on) and the husband is a 60 beer a day alcoholic. They pull in more than $5k a month all from the state and they don't have to pay for their housing or electric/heat. And the reason for all of.this is that the husband claims severe back injuries (although he's a hell of a lot more mobile than I am) and the wife says shes "recovering" from serious addiction, apparently no one checks up on this shit because she's obviously never been recovering or even trying.to stop the whole time I've known her.

Not to mention all the refugees here that don't work. Every one of em has a pretty sweet ride. I was down in the city one time and saw a couple of em in a real nice lexus..license plate said UBAWTIT. Come on now, here at least the working class gets screwed.
Hey I just don't understand why our tax money goes to people who can work but don't and it allows them enough income to drive $60k+ vehicles when most of our working citizens are going check to check.

There's nothing I.can do about and I understand that complerely. Bout the refugees I'm not angered that they're here, they needed a safer place to go. I.just don't understand why they aren't expected to support themselves.
There are no people without jobs living better than the working class
You're talking out of your ass.

I know girls I went to high school with who get to pay like 40 (yes fourty) bucks a month for rent and utilities. Them and their children get 4 or 500 a month in food stamps, probably WIC too. On top of that they draw an 800 dollar crazy check.

The meme of the welfare queen is false. These people are not living high on the hog, but they live better than those who work at places like McDonald's.

If these people were to get a job of any kind their benefits would be reduced.
I don't know.panda..
In my town there are tons of people without jobs bringing in way more money than people working..
For example I know these two people, they've got 2 kids (who haven't ever seen real parenting) the wife is a hardcore addict (anything she can get her hands on) and the husband is a 60 beer a day alcoholic. They pull in more than $5k a month all from the state and they don't have to pay for their housing or electric/heat. And the reason for all of.this is that the husband claims severe back injuries (although he's a hell of a lot more mobile than I am) and the wife says shes "recovering" from serious addiction, apparently no one checks up on this shit because she's obviously never been recovering or even trying.to stop the whole time I've known her.

Not to mention all the refugees here that don't work. Every one of em has a pretty sweet ride. I was down in the city one time and saw a couple of em in a real nice lexus..license plate said UBAWTIT. Come on now, here at least the working class gets screwed.
Bullshit. There is no one pulling that kind of money off the state.

That is just a flat out lie.
Did you include that with your tax info when you sent the IRS your 1040


I'm an extra-national trillionaire.

You should take all of your quarters and dimes to Venezuela, their socialist central planning has created a problem, they don't have anymore money to pay for printing money.
I don't know.panda..
In my town there are tons of people without jobs bringing in way more money than people working..
For example I know these two people, they've got 2 kids (who haven't ever seen real parenting) the wife is a hardcore addict (anything she can get her hands on) and the husband is a 60 beer a day alcoholic. They pull in more than $5k a month all from the state and they don't have to pay for their housing or electric/heat. And the reason for all of.this is that the husband claims severe back injuries (although he's a hell of a lot more mobile than I am) and the wife says shes "recovering" from serious addiction, apparently no one checks up on this shit because she's obviously never been recovering or even trying.to stop the whole time I've known her.

Not to mention all the refugees here that don't work. Every one of em has a pretty sweet ride. I was down in the city one time and saw a couple of em in a real nice lexus..license plate said UBAWTIT. Come on now, here at least the working class gets screwed.

cool imaginary story. tell it again.
Whitebb I should've been more.clear the number I.said was including their food stamps/money/cost that is covered for utilities they don't have to pay etc.