Why are millenials, Sanders supporters, so full of hate and intolerance at Trump rallies?


Well-Known Member
I am willing to bet I made more growing weed than your last two years salary combined.
he has no salary. he doesn't even have enough income to pay taxes on. he had to take out a loan to cover "living expenses".

yet he cannot stop boasting about how successful he is and how wealthy he is going to become with all of his businesses.


Well-Known Member
  • When he launched his mortgage company Trump Mortgage in 2006, his son predicted it would become the nation’s top home-loan lender. The company folded within a year and half (article). Foreshadowing?
Now that is one savvy business man... Getting into the home-loan business right before the market absolutely tanks. Talk about superior judgment, that's exactly the kind of guy we need as president!


Well-Known Member
I am probably more wealthy than you.
I only made $700.00 in February
I will simply laugh and mock you while I make myself wealthy
Over the next year and a half my reservoir of cash dried up.
I do plan on being more wealthy some day and I am working hard to achieve that goal.
I went from making nothing to making over 60K per year in less than 3 years by starting small businesses.
Naah, needed the loan for living expenses.
I am already rich, you failure...
I dont have a ton of money


Well-Known Member
Now that is one savvy business man... Getting into the home-loan business right before the market absolutely tanks. Talk about superior judgment, that's exactly the kind of guy we need as president!
No shit, right? He's a fucking trust fund baby, and ran all of his business into the ground. I wouldn't trust him to shake my dick after I pissed, let alone run my country.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
The Trump crowd is afraid of the left. That is what is really happening. Radicalization is accelerating.

The best is yet to come.
The Trump crowd is smarter than the left. Did you see the Klan hat people anywhere after the black Trump supporter gave a public fucking beat down and the boot to a leftist Klan hat supporter? I think the left is afraid to wear the hat or they just weren't paid enough to wear the hat anymore. That tells me who the fucking stupid people are. The black community waited a very long time to hand out a public beat down with a boot back up. That was great stuff. TRUMP!


Well-Known Member
Wow! I've seen some idiotic shit posted by you, but ...


Its fact. It's common knowledge since Ferguson that George Soros pays people to protest everywhere. It even came out again when protester blocked the road way in AZ. When trump was speaking there.

Read something you might learn.