is this a decnet tea mix for veg?

Already way ahead of ya...I use to go catch chubs ..trash fish...and bury them at the bottom of my holes woeks awesome..if the bears and coons don't fucking dig up your plant after the fish....hell man just catching fish and leaving them in a bucket with water while u fish and keep adding them through out the day as u catch em then go home and pour that water on ur plants ...that works pretty good....I'm thinking about making a tea outa the water from the fish next time and see what happens
Hell yea, I've got some fisherman friends, and I had em throw some of their catch to make some fish hydroslate with! You more or less just throw ground up fish, water, and Molasses in a bucket and let it ferment. I do it in my shed and it's actually not as gross as it sounds lol. I haven't had a round of it finish yet but I'm super excited to try it.
Post it up if it works out. I don't use fish stuff or anything like that anymore. Closest thing i use is crab meal
You don't mess with fish bone meal bro? I don't know what it is about it, but the side by side I've done without it the flavor just isn't as good. Still hard to go was Guano vs fish bone meal
I'll try to make this short and simple.

The only real value you'll get from using seeds are enzymes, That's all a seed hasn't grown up and absorbed any nutrients from the soil.

BUT these enzymes are only present during the sprouting phase of the seed.
This is why I use sprouted barley, it contains a slew of enzymes. Great stuff
I'd have to politely disagree with that statement, all seeds are packed with nutrition, macro AND micro nutrients, look in any health shop, all you can see are seeds (apart from all the pills, pmsl). What is our western culture based on? Agriculture? Bread, mainly? made from seeds? What's nutritionally good for us is usually good for plants.

Example of a good seed without it's enzymes........neem seed meal.

I've got a huge bag of hemp seed meal that I'm gonna start experimenting with. Any seed contains enough nutrition to grow a small plant without any other external nutritional additives.

When you think about it, all seed are meals are concentrated plant food, apart from the genetic function, that is a seeds only job.
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I'd have to politely disagree with that statement, all seeds are packed with nutrition, macro AND micro nutrients, look in any health shop, all you can see are seeds (apart from all the pills, pmsl). What is our western culture based on? Agriculture? Bread, mainly? made from seeds? What's nutritionally good for us is usually good for plants.

Example of a good seed without it's enzymes........neem seed meal.

I've got a huge bag of hemp seed meal that I'm gonna start experimenting with. Any seed contains enough nutrition to grow a small plant without any other external nutritional additives.

When you think about it, all seed are meals are concentrated plant food, apart from the genetic function, that is a seeds only job.

True. Once again im wrong :)
I got started in teaming with nutrients before my tattoo started and it seemed ok understandable wise. ...I really wanted teaming with microbes ...I guess I should just ordered both from amazon and read twm first ...I coulda got both for the price I paid for one....and if any argument is ever aginst using fish for fert I am always on the fish side about 95% of the time....iv just seen what homemade emulsion and using fish in general can do ...fucking explode shit with growth when used properly .....I have never tried fish bone meal ...I wanted to make it but I figured I'd have to catch a fucking ton of fish to make it....I looked up the recipe for fish hydrosylate on the unconventional farmer and it days u shouldn't be ableaving to smell anything ..mi just wonder if the animals who have way better sense of smell can....I'm gonna make me some...and that lacto serum lol idk how to spell it sounds like some good stuffs....anyone ever make it?
We're all learning and that will only help us in the future!

Lol, I got a little too stoned today. I'm over here talking about all the wonderful benefits of neem seed meal...

I was thinking purely in means of enzymes and the sprouting of process..

It happens, and yes Joe, we're all Learning all the time.

It takes a smart, smart man to realize how ignorant he actually is..
They had a shot ton of books on organic gardening I though about buying instead but these were so highly reccomended....they had the marijuana grow bible...all kinda shit...I was looking from one about composting of making living soil or some shit
I would avoid the marijuana grow's full of old school says the most an organic gardener can expect is 1 to 2 ounces a plant. Yea right. So avoid that one lol. Grow More Vegetables is good one about raised beds and maximizing planting area with container gardening. It has a lot of applicable knowledge.
I seen one about raised beds and thought about getting it. ..the other one that spiked my interest was something like ...the organic graders guide ...idk exactly. ..lmao does "the bible" really sat u can only pull a fee ozs off an organic grow maybe these riu Growers need to send em in a pic or two
I seen one about raised beds and thought about getting it. ..the other one that spiked my interest was something like ...the organic graders guide ...idk exactly. ..lmao does "the bible" really sat u can only pull a fee ozs off an organic grow maybe these riu Growers need to send em in a pic or two
Granted, I don't know if the updated versions read different, but the one published in the early 2000's that I use to have doesn't even mention worm castings or cooking soil. Just that organic gardeners can expect less yields because organic ingredients take time to break down. Gee thanks Marijuana Grow Bible, you're super helpful. Lol.
Well I wasn't able to be here yesterday cause I was getting tatted like I said but it didn't start raining till night time...and I supposed it poured it down...I got up at 530 and went and covered the majority of them up with my makeshift plastic, fishing line , and stick cover this morning....but I noticed they have been growing new tops in some of them and the ones I did get to really inspect look at have perfect new growth...I'm really not sure cause it was pissin down the rain but it all had nice lime green leaves and didn't seem to be spotted at all....I know one must grew a few inches since the other day cause it was crowding out another plant beside it and they weren't even touching. ..I'm kinda worried I topped them too early...iv never topped plants thus early before....they look nice as shit though
..I'm kinda worried I topped them too early...iv never topped plants thus early before....they look nice as shit though

Never too early to top bro! Well...don't top like baby seedlings.

But once they have normal looking leaves and a secondary node...Top! Top!

I'm a topping machine dude. I chop the heads off plants like a medieval King's executioner.

I've done topping, LST, scrog and SOG set ups, super cropping, and fuck it anyway just let them grow. The only technique I've never tried is mainlining. My far and away favorite technique to employ is topping. And doing it often. Especially in my basement rooms where I keep plants short and bushy. The pole barn rooms are allowed to reach for the sky but they're still topped until they have created a satisfying bush formation, then I let them reach for the sky.

Scrog and SOG require too much labor to be economical on a large scale but if you're growing indoors for yourself with two lights or less than this is a good technique for you.

Super cropping and LST achieve similar results to topping but they take longer to get there. They are techniques employed by those wishing to avoid the stress of topping. In my experience (as long as they're in veg), plants always respond to topping with vigorous growth. Maybe my strains are just vibrant. But they can't be that different from yours.
Tomato cages are the shit! I did my last round in cages DSC_0753.JPGI anchor the large stalks around the outside of the cage so that lower nugs get the light coming down the middle. Gave me big fat nugs up and down. This blue cheese yielded me 5 and 1/2 ounces and it's two sisters did around the same. This is right before I cut her down.
I'm planning on bushing them out and getting em pretty big hopefully ....I have some tomato cages I may use until then...iv seen some dandies with tomato cages
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You don't mess with fish bone meal bro? I don't know what it is about it, but the side by side I've done without it the flavor just isn't as good. Still hard to go was Guano vs fish bone meal

Makes sense being its about 14?% or so phosphorus and phosphorus is your base anion.

..Nahh, I incorporated it into my soil when I first switched over to living soil. Since then I haven't used it..Not really a huge fan of hydrolosate either, nothing wrong with it. I've just learned that the strongest compounds and most potent effects come from accumulators and that's strictly what I use. That and sourcing, you know I'm all about sourcing brotha..

For instance, hydrolosate is a potent ground-up liquified fish product that has a good amount of nitrogen. While that may be the case id much rather use alfalfa, not only is there nitrogen but a slew of other benefits including other minerals/nutrients and secondary advantages. One being the fatty alcohol, tricantonol.. Use in combination with kelp meal and you have a complete power house nute combo.. The kelp also contains a fatty alcohol called gibberlic acid, these two fatty alcohols together work amazingly. (When I used this tea my plants would grow 2-4 inches in two days and the leaves would stick straight up.)

Much better than any nasty smelling fish product I've ever used..

I don't use alfalfa much anymore because I like neem more and alfalfa seems to burn things up no matter what rate I use it at. Neems' also an accumulator.. Plus I don't make ANY sort of teas anymore, totally and utterly unnecessary when you can just put everything right into your soil with a quarter of the work..
Tomato cages are the shit! I did my last round in cages View attachment 3670601I anchor the large stalks around the outside of the cage so that lower nugs get the light coming down the middle. Gave me big fat nugs up and down. This blue cheese yielded me 5 and 1/2 ounces and it's two sisters did around the same. This is right before I cut her down.

Looking good brotha! You rocking any clone onlines?