Well-Known Member
I think your head exploded.I feel there would be heads exploding from sea to shining sea.
Or maybe we would all learn to stop judging eachother?
I think your head exploded.I feel there would be heads exploding from sea to shining sea.
Or maybe we would all learn to stop judging eachother?
Well that bit about all of the Mexicans coming illegally to the US are rapists and criminals would be a good start at showing how racist the Donald is towards latinos. Are you really so deaf that you didn't hear that? Or maybe you can't remember that far back (8 month, LOL) when it was all he was talking about.
He won't get elected so don't worry about how his presidency would affect world opinion of the US.
Look up the word isolationist. This isn't a place for remedial tutoring.
Trump's base of supporters are the old white guy losers in this country. They are the high school drop outs that managed to make ends meet about 20 years ago but are now out of work and have stopped even trying. Add to them their retarded children and the few women willing to stay married to them and that's about all he has. Its a startlingly large number of people but still a minority that can't possibly swing this election. Still, Trump is at least smart enough to recognize who wan't him to be prez. Trump himself said "I love the poorly educated". He knows who supports him..
Man you are completely out of touch. Everything I said is the plain truth and verifiable if you bother to read. Not surprised that a wingnut rejects anything that is not faux news.I realize after observing and being a part of numerous Trump related conversations over the last year that detached logic and sound reasoning are seldom in the drivers seat.
Instead what i usually see are alot of logical fallacies, gross generalizations, caricatures, hyperbole, sarcasm, oversimplification and emotionalism. I think most of us agree that resorting to such manners of communication, while perhaps fun and entertaining, rarely bring clarity.
I wont be calling anyone out here as i think to the observant reader it will be abundantly clear who here and in other venues are engaging in meaningful discussion meant to arive at understanding versus divisive inflammatory rhetoric.
One thing is for certain, even if mutual friendly understanding and discussion cannot be had, we will all find out fairly soon who was right or wrong about the many things weve heard bantered about.
I can only hope no matter what happens in the election that cooler, more rational heads will prevail in leading the future narrative of the country.
Barry killed it tonight. I giggled like a schoolgirl. What a classy fucker.
Fogdog, its typical of moderates to be castigated by both the left and the right.
moderates don't cite alex jones.
your comments appear to be full of alot of assumptions and stereotyping. I happen to listen to and watch a wide variety of media because im open minded, i like variety, i like diversity and i like my views challenged by people who think differently than i do. I realize that puts me in a very small minority of people but im okay with that as life tends to be alot more interesting when one isnt surroundimg themselves with self reinforcing opinions, views, information and the like. i think they call that confirmation should look into it sometime..
resorting to name calling and preferring the use of denigrating language pretty much defines what kind of a person who are as well.
You apparently are not able to parse the subtler nuances of language since my reference to alex jones was a reference and not an appeal to authority, re read my comment:
"this is wild. Alex Jones has been saying for a while that normalizing pedophilia was next on the NWO agenda and as crazy as that sounded for the last couple years this article lends credibility to his warnings of the war on traditional gender roles and normal human sexuality....."
Now if youll care to notice exactly what i said, i said aj said there were efforts to normalize non traditional sexuality and that the article tended to lend credibility to the claim. Obviously this was before it became clear the article was fake. So ill go slow for you, nowhere did i say i explicitly agreed with his assertion, rather that he had said it it, and that operating under the presumption the article was reporting a true event it would tend to lend credence to ajs narrative. Now.....if you cant see the difference between those two things theres probably not much anyone can do to help your cognitive dysfunction.
Its already quite clear by the tone of your comments that you are unwilling to admit any mistakes you make in your analysis and interpretation of information being shared, so i wont endeavor to entreat your consideration.
are you still voting GOP if they still the nomination from Trump ?
are you still voting GOP if they still the nomination from Trump ?