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except efficiency, but you knew that as your a big grower full of mites.
I posted specs above, may want to read that above. Want to discredit it? Please do but show some facts when you guys make these odd ball comments. I mean I have posted SO much. If you want to disprove something, please at least read the data I posted.

For the people who like to come in on the last comment instead of taking the time to read.

AMARE SE450UVB: MSRP$1145 @450w = $2.54/w (actual ~500w) = $2.29/w
A51: MSRP$495 @110w = $4.50/w
Go Green: MSRP@$799 @300w = $2.66
PLC: MSRP$799 @300w = $266/w
except efficiency, but you knew that as your a big grower full of mites.
LOL! That's great. No more mites. All gone.
The 3070's are ran at 47 watts on an LS driver. I can dig through my e-mails if you need to know the current.
Do you need more info on efficency? Do you need to know what the monos run at? Do you care? Or just trolling for a response. Not even knocking just looking for a response. You know all the info as you & all the other questionaries have asked & been answered before over n over by community members. You ask still because it's not on the web-site, right? But refuse to ask the comp. yourselves cuz apparently you're against all that noise, right? Why? Dunno, don't really care. Keep it real bud.
you might want to ask amare for umols/joule as a gauge on efficiency. I suspect that with an abundant use of small monos and undisclosed drivers running at an unknown current, their efficiency is significantly lower than PLC.

Unfortunately, amare doesn't think publishing efficiency, ie umols/joule is important.

does it matter, so long as it falls in to the margin of productivity, which is pretty big. I could grow with car halogen high beams if I wanted and still fall in this margin.
there is no "best" lighting solution there are variable configurations: that meet par-bar. they all work: if all other variable factors are in order, you can grow gorgeous flowers.

with DIY being what its "the best" is chasing the dragon. persons taking the time to proliferate commixing lighting solutions, that print improved data on paper. this is, and will be an endless challenge.

you only need to hit a home run so far. its still a home run: smashing the score board, or bouncing off the glove over the wall. lots of lights can hit home runs so-to-speak

marshydro has those little ones at every QC station, and a dozen 6ft ones. then one thats like 3 stories tall underground, so they can test their leds with photon a catcher in the ozone chamber, that is shielded from gamma from the sun. what that machine is called? Philips makes it: its only like 10 million or something lol. mars posts lots of their data is on the web, some in Chinese.

lets all just grow along: and know that there is not, a/or will there ever be a definitive BEST
I have been selling these 'Junction Boxs' along with the Pin Heatsinks. Comes with wagos, power cable. pre-wired potentiometer. I have plenty of boxes, just low on wagos for them.

You can make your own box as well. Just grab a suitable junction box from ebay/amazon. Drill holes for PG9 and PG7 cable glands as needed. Use a bigger drill or use a knife/scissor to make the holes bigger.
18AWG power cable should work with PG9. PG7 might work as well. 16awg PG9
Meanwell driver AC/DC/dimming cables will fit PG9
PG 9 hole is around 16mm and PG7 is around 12mm. You can see chart here
Abiqua might be in a pissy mood but he's right.

Ppf/w , umol/j is what counts on a grow fixture........tell Victor to break out that info.

If he actually has tested them in an integrating sphere as stated earlier, he has the #s.....No fighting necessary! ;-)
yes it matters its $$ for electricity, if you don't care about electric cost then you might as well grow with some decent hids.
Yup, every milli-cunt-hair especially when you don't grow to pay your bill. HPS pays for itself 100x over & I never even imagined about complaining about it & still don't. But now I understand more & am willing to try to be efficient. But geeze, what more efficient do you want w/ the tech offered today? We're all talking about some of the most efficient grow light machines out there & your trying to say any one is so much more efficient then the other? Maybe when it comes to Alibaba n shit. But not the machines were all referring to.
The glass is half full not always half empty.
Yup, every milli-cunt-hair especially when you don't grow to pay your bill. HPS pays for itself 100x over & I never even imagined about complaining about it & still don't. But now I understand more & am willing to try to be efficient. But geeze, what more efficient do you want w/ the tech offered today? We're all talking about some of the most efficient grow light machines out there & your trying to say any one is so much more efficient then the other? Maybe when it comes to Alibaba n shit. But not the machines were all referring to.
The glass is half full not always half empty.

actually I wasn't bashing amare, I simply wanted to know what their efficiency is since its not published. Believe it or not there is a wide variance in efficiency amongst the led lights on the market.
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Arguing for the sake of arguing. I wish my life was this perfect where I had to come to a forum act like a cunt to make joy for myself. Pathetic
actually I wasn't bashing amare, I simply wanted to know what their efficiency is since its not published. Believe it or not their is a wide variance in efficiency amongst the led lights on the market.
I know there is. We are not discussing any low-end products here though. And why ask when you know over n over again? Maybe you should e-mail the comp. & recomend they post that stuff on their site.
actually I wasn't bashing amare, I simply wanted to know what their efficiency is since its not published. Believe it or not their is a wide variance in efficiency amongst the led lights on the market.

thank you! after all the ad hominem bullshit, this still hasn't been produced, but they all can produce a review that sparkles! I am just tired of the deceitfulness and yes I was in my best Fuck You mode. Sorry. But still the question is valid and exists. :peace:
Abiqua might be in a pissy mood but he's right.

Ppf/w , umol/j is what counts on a grow fixture........tell Victor to break out that info.

If he actually has tested them in an integrating sphere as stated earlier, he has the #s.....No fighting necessary! ;-)

See my reply above :) I need to tone it down, I know, I miss discussion. Now I am afraid anyone who messages is just a light owner in disguise, call me burnt a little.
I know there is. We are not discussing any low-end products here though. And why ask when you know over n over again? Maybe you should e-mail the comp. & recomend they post that stuff on their site.

who said I knew ? I asked one simple question and all I got were evasions.
When I started looking into real lights I stumbled across cobs. Rave reviews! Especially Cree and so happens to be the ones Amare uses. So I did some searching and came across go green. Almost made a purchase but hesitated a little because of the price. During that time I found Amare. Using the same cobs but with additional LEDs and the uv bulb. After a few emails I realized victor was a hot shit and I really liked his replies to my questions. In the end I received basically the same cobs buuuuut with the additional LEDs and uv bulb. Better warranty and a better price. Granted I don't know exactly every single spec about it. I now realized I need to email him again to ask the tensile strength of the screws that hold the cobs in but all in all I'm pleased and I think many more will be too when they like me stumble across these lights.

go on...why don't you include the model #'s for said items...I doubt the drivers are worth a shit, but to each their own.
Just answer the question.....what drivers and what diodes with bin #'s. You should be able to cut and paste if they were emailed. :peace:

obfuscate to the Mars kid, that shit won't work, just answer the questione'....the drivers not worth a poop, is in my humble opinion only, but change it.....

Did you pay top dollar for diodes that weren't completely identified? :wall:

What a guy. Hopefully someone finds proper medication for you man. You defo need it.
who said I knew ? I asked one simple question and all I got were evasions.
Yougot answers I believe. You know because a person can only read the answer so many times & still claim no memory of such.
The only evasions & deception I see I the above statements for your continuous actions. That Tri-Polar shit again.
Thanks for pretending to care though. Some prob think you're sincere. I'm sure you have allot to offer others when you're not hating on good things or others.
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does anyone know if u can run 2 cxb3590 36v on a lcn 200w140t, 1400 mAh 200watt driver its 87-145V and dimmable 0-10, am I right to assume they would run on this at 2800 mAh?
Yougot answers I believe. You know because a person can only read the answer so many times & still claim no memory of such.
The only evasions & deception I see I the above statements for your continuous actions. That Tri-Polar shit again.
Thanks for pretending to care though. Some prob think you're sincere. I'm sure you have allot to offer others when you're not hating on good things or others.

no I never got an answer, stop claiming that I did.

Whats the umol/joules or PPF / watt for the amare?
no I never got an answer, stop claiming that I did.

Whats the umol/joules or PPF / watt for the amare?

Here you go. Hope this helps!

SolarSpec100: 1007umol@12", 496umol@24", 240umol@36"
SolarSystem400 (4 x SS-100): 1315umol@12", 855umol@24", 522umol@36"
Solarspec150: 1378umol@12", 628umol@24", 396umol@36"
SolarSystem 600(4 x SS-150): 1735umol@12", 1236umol@24", 810umol@36"
SolarSpec260: 1849UMOL@12", 1168umol@24", 685umol@36"
SolarSystem1040 (4 x SS-260): 1730umol@24", 981umol@36"
SolarEclipse250: 1046umol@24", 560umol@36", 410umol@48" (no lenses)
1600umol@24", 870umol@36", 503umol@48" (w/lenses)
SolarEclipse450UVB: 1980umol@12", 1207umol@24", 770umol@36", 546umol@48" (no lenses)
3000umol+@12, 2238umol@24", 1523umol@36", 974umol@48" (w/lenses)

SolarPro900/Pro9: 3000umol+@12", 1962umol@24", 1345umol@36", 878umol@48" (no lenses)
3000umol+@12", 2558umol@24", 1854umol@36", 1678umol@48" (w/lenses)
(Please note the lenses on the COB models are designed for high-bay applications that need a minimum of 48" for the overlapping to maximize coverage and intensity within the recommended footprint.)
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