"Decriminalization, as this member proposes, actually gives a legal stream of income to criminal organizations," Trudeau said at the time. "That's not what anyone wants in this country."
WTF? Complete bullshit. How would decriminalizing give bm growers and sellers a legal income stream? It's not like there's going to be a sudden surge of new pot smokers once the penalty is a fine rather than a record. lowering the penalties for possession doesn't suddenly make the bm legal, it just frees up resources to allow cops to focus on organized crime. I'll tell ya what else no one wants in this country, Justin, and that's criminal records for our kids. I smell a class action from everybody busted for possession between now and legal..."justifiable in a free and democratic society"...where's the justification? How fucking hard would it be to issue a directive to provincial justice minister's and the RCMP to stop laying charges for under an oz?
The problem with Mulcair, he would have decriminalized and not gone any further. Without a legal source, nothing changes.Good for him for continuing to call them out, though