Man... its thinking like this that makes it the biggest joke going!Sadly what he is doing is "creating a false flag". He is creating a "problem, a public safety risk, a rallying point against evil. Organized crime.... That is step one.
Step two will be in the form of "strict new measures". Undoubtedly these will require a further erosion of Canadians rights (fuck the charter 101). The governments actions will be for our own good - trust them - they have never lied before, right ?
Step three will be the photo op with Justin, as he saves the day....
This thing trudeau calls legalization is going to be the NEW PROHABITION - THEN YOU WILL REALLY SEE HOW OUT OF TOUCH THOSE FOOLS ARE. ( I hope I am wrong...)
Would you like to know why?
BECAUSE HE CANT! He's already lost to the ones that count! The people!
it does make me chuckle at the thought of them doing anything really.
That little court descision made only a while back is KEY to all of this BS..
Watch it burn asses left right and center!!! Faster than fast as well.
There's no hiding behind BULLSHIT anymore... We have all the proof we need and its mounting every day!
THEY ARE WAY TO LATE to do anything with this..
to bad so sad... way little way late..
cheers fedwads!! You cant do SHIT to any person anymore for smoking or growing their oWN!
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Looks real friendly to MJ user's...and this wad is in charge of the panel on non experts.....Expect the most stupid system you an imagine
BOYCOTT LP's...please....seriously......boycott...spread it around.
look how upset he is..He knows what Im saying all to well.. and their hands are tied..and its no wonder they dont know what to do and havent yet... if they were so smart they would have had a plan makes this utter crap!
again...they already KNOW THEY ARE BEAT!!!
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