Well-Known Member
Hey guys, figured I'd say a little something after a year hiatus. Miss the community, days after my last post on here I was set up by someone i thought was a trustworthy person. Dealt with on a medicinal level for years. Anyhow long story short was pulled over (taking a left turn at green light total bs) arrested, and now marked a felon for a non violent crime. Luckily with a good lawyer just have probation for a bit, could've been worse. Lost all my equipment and had to chop down a beautiful garden , one of the hardest things i had to do was cut down the healthy girls and say good bye to that world. Was fun documenting and sharing my experience on here and learning from others. Seeing everyone is still doing great things in there gardens though, new people here but the ol school heads know who im speaking too. Still getting my shit together but will hopefully be back to a nice small led tent grow in the near future. Much love coco