EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Warhawk like Hillary will be disastrous, especially since she will be more aggressive as the first woman and be afraid of looking weak. If you want the keystone pipeline and more wars..by all means vote Hillary, she's as red as the typical GOP nominees.. I actually believe Trump is more liberal than her.
Trump would never pick a liberal judge. Judges will long outlive the administration. Reagan picked Scalia. 30 fucking years of Scalia...8 years of Reagan. Scalia was WAY more influential than Reagan over the last 30 years...
IMO Trump is an unknown.. Probably bad, but he's a clown and would provide entertainment while he killed the rest of the Conservative party that Bush-Cheyney didn't kill...Clinton would be bad..without a doubt, Wall street and big biz will flourish, defense contractors would rejoice and troops would get mamed n killed while anti american sentiment reached record levels..

I'm against war hawks and fracking, I know Hillary is pro both.
Dude. Eisenhower won the Second World War. Mrs Clinton can't win Benghazi.

Other than that I agree with this post.
He was the president under whom the comittee on unamerican activities held their rein of terror, black lists, red baiting, shit like that. He rose above all that but it was his administration that prosecuted those people. So, no, Eisenhower was a shit eating Republican. A good general but a bad president. Almost acceptable is what I'd call him.
Trump would never pick a liberal judge. Judges will long outlive the administration. Reagan picked Scalia. 30 fucking years of Scalia...8 years of Reagan. Scalia was WAY more influential than Reagan over the last 30 years...

They both really fucked us bad..hard to say.. I've never thought of Hillary as a dem..been saying for years she's a conservative through n through..that's why I don't understand how the right hates her..she's absolutely one of em.
He was the president under whom the comittee on unamerican activities held their rein of terror, black lists, red baiting, shit like that. He rose above all that but it was his administration that prosecuted those people. So, no, Eisenhower was a shit eating Republican. A good general but a bad president. Almost acceptable is what I'd call him.

I'm not sure how you think he could have reined in Joseph McCarthy.

That's like Mr Obama controlling Jeff Sessions. Doesn't work like that.
They both really fucked us bad..hard to say.. I've never thought of Hillary as a dem..been saying for years she's a conservative through n through..that's why I don't understand how the right hates her..she's absolutely one of em.

Kinda makes you wonder if it's an act, doesn't it?

And then, wandering down that line of thought, where do you find yourself?
I'm not sure how you think he could have reined in Joseph McCarthy.

That's like Mr Obama controlling Jeff Sessions. Doesn't work like that.
Agree that its complicated. Still can't give the leader of the party that did all that a free pass.
They both really fucked us bad..hard to say.. I've never thought of Hillary as a dem..been saying for years she's a conservative through n through..that's why I don't understand how the right hates her..she's absolutely one of em.
Well obviously THEY (the right) doesn't think she's conservative...or as conservative as THEY are. Hey...I never said she was FDR. Just better than Trump. And she will appoint more liberal judges...whose influence will continue after Hillary is long gone.
Kinda makes you wonder if it's an act, doesn't it?

And then, wandering down that line of thought, where do you find yourself?
Its about power. The Democratic party hacks will benefit if Hillary gets in, Republican hacks won't. Those guys are fighting to get their heads into the feedbag. Repukes are angry that they are going to miss out on all the goodies. Its serious for them but not for the reasons that we'd like it to be.
Well obviously THEY (the right) doesn't think she's conservative...or as conservative as THEY are. Hey...I never said she was FDR. Just better than Trump. And she will appoint more liberal judges...whose influence will continue after Hillary is long gone.

I honestly believe the media has duped the nuts on the right to think of her as the enemy..the billionaires that control the media win if she gets in and win if she don't..they back both parties n control em both.
Well obviously THEY (the right) doesn't think she's conservative...or as conservative as THEY are. Hey...I never said she was FDR. Just better than Trump. And she will appoint more liberal judges...whose influence will continue after Hillary is long gone.
she is better than Trump. That is the one difference that makes me withold my decision on what to do come November. But the difference is only one of extremes, she is still not going to go after dismantling the Citizens United ruling, which to my mind is the largest threat to democracy we've encountered since Nixon.
He did not have the power to change what he saw coming.

And if you disagree, show me.
Dude, he was in charge of the executive branch of government. The FBI, the attorney general and federal marshals were part of the attack on the left using red baiting as an excuse. His policies enabled those acts.

The rise of the military industrial complex had its best years under him. If he really thought it was a threat, why didn't he do something about it?

I'm not saying he was anything like Nixon or any of the other Repuke presidents, but I can't give him a free pass. Not that my opinion matters.
she is better than Trump. That is the one difference that makes me withold my decision on what to do come November. But the difference is only one of extremes, she is still not going to go after dismantling the Citizens United ruling, which to my mind is the largest threat to democracy we've encountered since Nixon.

I'm not sure I agree with this. How is she better than Chump?
I'm not sure I agree with this. How is she better than Chump?
You've mis-used the word Fascist when characterizing Hillary before, but she doesn't fit that profile. Trump on the other hand uses the Fascist script in his moves towards power and is pretty much best described as a Fascist. His acceptance and encouragement of beatings of protesters is a good example of a Fascist act.

Fascism is single party rule, dominated by a single strong man who has no time or patience with the rule of law unless they are aligned with what the dictator wants. Also belligerent nationalism, glorification of the use of violence and use of minorities as scapegoats.

Hillary is not my idea of an ideal president but she is not any of those things. So, Trump much worse than Hillary.
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Trump is center ..just like Hillary..I bet he appoints his sister if given a chance..I don't care to be honest, you have backed the absolute worst candidate imaginable ..she's unelectable IMO.. The dems really fucked up by not giving Bernie a fair shake..it could bite em in the ass..let the chips fall where they may.

DNC fatal flaw is there will be no delegate switch-o-chang-o-noint in the general..

Cunton is not going to have the support and she will lose.

Currently polls have her margin over Trump as 1 point.

Bernie has the clear margin over Trump.