EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

n'awwwwwwwww and I just cleared my list..I even took @bravedave out of solitary.

Back you go @ChesusRice and @londonfog (for hanging out with CR).
Sweetie you and I both know you are much to noisy to put us on ignore. You will only use one of your sock puppet accounts to respond to us or you will just peek using Sky.
I hope that the old Sky returns to us after she gets over her chaotic and unhealthy love of Bernard Sanders. I'm going to miss your pancakes until then.
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Wow, the table with election results compared to approval/disapproval ratings show some weird shit is going down this year. Going back to 1980, we've never seen such poor ratings on both candidates for the major parties. Hillary's supporters would like to think Trump is such a poor choice as candidate that even Hillary will win but this is new territory as far voter sentiment is concerned. I'd prefer to have Bernie as Trump's opponent. With Hillary as candidate, it looks like Trump has a pretty good chance. Or at least a better one.
If only we could make those polls turn into votes. We cannot, so it looks like Bernie will not win.
Maybe and maybe not.
This from the link that Sky posted:

Get Ready for a Contested Convention

Supporters of Donald Trump probably hope that Hillary Clinton’s current lead of 279 delegates carries her to the nomination. They’ve openly declared she’s the candidate they would prefer to face. But with 1,698 pledged delegates to Bernie’s 1,419 at this point, Clinton is not likely to win enough delegates in the remaining primaries to reach the 2,383 needed to clinch the nomination before the Democratic National Convention in July. Many of the remaining states favor Bernie Sanders in the polls. But Sanders too is unlikely to reach the needed number of delegates. This means a contested convention to determine the nominee.
This race was over March 15 2016. Bernie is just being his old stubborn self in not conceding yet. Bernie never really hade a chance because Hillary killed him early. Bernie was still trying to figure out how this works whilst Hillary was grabbing Super-delegates. I hate seeeing you newbies not understanding how politics work.

Can I share a secret with you ? Trump and Bernie both did a big NO NO on their quest to become POTUS
You never ever talk about auditing the Fed Reserve whilst running for office. If you going to do it, keep it hush hush until in office. Bernie nor Trump will not get in office due to this.
If only we could make those polls turn into votes. We cannot, so it looks like Bernie will not win.
So very true, seeing as he faces an insurmountable lead held by Clinton with the super delegates committed to her. So sorry, but not really, seeing if that noble Cicero, keeps fighting a noble fight.forever, we might see another McGovern, which would not be a good thing for the US in my opinion.
Wow, the table with election results compared to approval/disapproval ratings show some weird shit is going down this year. Going back to 1980, we've never seen such poor ratings on both candidates for the major parties. Hillary's supporters would like to think Trump is such a poor choice as candidate that even Hillary will win but this is new territory as far voter sentiment is concerned. I'd prefer to have Bernie as Trump's opponent. With Hillary as candidate, it looks like Trump has a pretty good chance. Or at least a better one.

There is a reason for this.

Bernie has better numbers all around because he's the people's choice.

This is why his national numbers are higher..included in the polling, are those who didn't get to vote.

Hillary appears to be the winner based upon her 2M voter lead..but ask yourself what would it be, if those disenfranchised Independents got to vote? NY alone had 3.2M Independents who were not allowed to vote.

Her lead therefore is false, because the numbers are not representative of ALL voters.

Just like Mitt and his false numbers..boy did he learn a lesson.

THE GENERAL ELECTION WILL INCLUDE ALL VOTERS..Hillary is fooling herself moreover her supporters.
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There is a reason for this.

Bernie has better numbers all around because he's the people's choice.

This is why his national numbers are higher..included in the polling, are those who didn't get to vote.

Hillary appears to be the winner based upon her 2M voter lead..but ask yourself what would it be, if those disenfranchised Independents got to vote. NY alone had 3.2M independents who were not allowed to vote.

Her lead therefore is false, because the numbers are not representative of ALL voters.

Just like Mitt and his false numbers..boy did he learn a lesson.

who is to say that those in NY would not have voted Hillary. She is the Senator from New York as well. Hillary would have gotten 1.7 of those votes.
You know what amazes me also about the supposed ties to Wall St and Big Business by Clinton, is that Hillary has for merely giving speeches, as if they are a problem, and shes a lying demon from hell? Why is it a problem to speak (and makes some cash,for election) to those motherfuckers? To simply not communicate? Seriously, she aint's exactly giving head to the CEO of Goldman Sachs.
And Sanders is doing acid if he thinks that in 4 years he will pass enough bills to really affect Wall St.
He is really just now a nuisance, leading a cult that wants to gain Utopia in 4 short years, and if he doesn't, he's out on his ass, and the Republican party, will be back, in a heartbeat with Trump leading the charge.
Reality sucks, but Sander is just a pain in the ass right now, where Clinton should be using her measly millions, against Trumps billions, instead of on this gnat.
You know what amazes me also about the supposed ties to Wall St and Big Business by Clinton, is that Hillary has for merely giving speeches, as if they are a problem, and shes a lying demon from hell? Why is it a problem to speak (and makes some cash,for election) to those motherfuckers? To simply not communicate? Seriously, she aint's exactly giving head to the CEO of Goldman Sachs.
And Sanders is doing acid if he thinks that in 4 years he will pass enough bills to really affect Wall St.
He is really just now a nuisance, leading a cult that wants to gain Utopia in 4 short years, and if he doesn't, he's out on his ass, and the Republican party, will be back, in a heartbeat with Trump leading the charge.
Reality sucks, but Sander is just a pain in the ass right now, where Clinton should be using her measly millions, against Trumps billions, instead of on this gnat.
There's a very clear conflict of interest when Clinton says she will regulate Wall St. (the same thing you seem to believe is a fairy tale if Sanders tries it) then receives over $2 million for giving speeches to the same industry she says she's going to regulate..

If you have to ask "What's the big deal?", you're not the least bit informed about this issue
There's a very clear conflict of interest when Clinton says she will regulate Wall St. (the same thing you seem to believe is a fairy tale if Sanders tries it) then receives over $2 million for giving speeches to the same industry she says she's going to regulate..

If you have to ask "What's the big deal?", you're not the least bit informed about this issue
So tell us what did she do for Wall St. after taking the money for speeches or are you speculating.

There are a lot of strong arguments for Mr Sanders' candidacy in this analysis. Most of the reasons I think he's the right choice are listed plus a few new gems- cleanest record of any presidential candidate in the last century, vs a very possible indictment, anyone?

The groundswell of popular support for Bernie is undeniable, even the most biased 'news' outlets can't hide it.

I think that if the democratic party fucks up somehow and DOESN'T nominate him, it will be a career ending mistake for a lot of 'liberal' apparatchiks... while they watch the Chump cruise to victory.
There are a lot of strong arguments for Mr Sanders' candidacy in this analysis. Most of the reasons I think he's the right choice are listed plus a few new gems- cleanest record of any presidential candidate in the last century, vs a very possible indictment, anyone?

The groundswell of popular support for Bernie is undeniable, even the most biased 'news' outlets can't hide it.

I think that if the democratic party fucks up somehow and DOESN'T nominate him, it will be a career ending mistake for a lot of 'liberal' apparatchiks... while they watch the Chump cruise to victory.
Wasserman is preparing to be out on her ass, progressives in Florida are positioning to oust her from congress next cycle because of the way she handled the process. Keep an eye out for Tim Canova in that district, the results of that election should be a good indicator of where the party goes in the future.
There's a very clear conflict of interest when Clinton says she will regulate Wall St. (the same thing you seem to believe is a fairy tale if Sanders tries it) then receives over $2 million for giving speeches to the same industry she says she's going to regulate..

If you have to ask "What's the big deal?", you're not the least bit informed about this issue
No conflict at all. politicians will take money from anyone