Why is the US South such a backwards shithole?

"As part of the Values and Beliefs Survey, Gallup called a random sample of 1,028 landline and cellphone users and asked them which of three descriptions most closely matched their beliefs: that humans have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process; that humans have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process; or that God created human beings pretty much in their present form sometime in the last 10,000 years or so."

1028 people do not make if truth. That's hardly enough people to be accurate.

"About half of Americans believe humans evolved over millions of years, with most of those people saying that God guided the process. Religious, less educated, and older respondents were likelier to espouse a young Earth creationist view — that life was created some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago — according to the poll."

Fifty percent of american believe in evolution and most said god guided it.

Seems like that kind of condridicts itself.

So I got to take the word over 1028 people over the thousands of Christians I've talked to.
You've got it right, believing in a god-guided evolution is contradictory. But is understandable. It is difficult for most people to accept that evolution and all that came from it is a natural process and happens without a guiding hand. At least this is the scientific theory.

On the other hand, do I read you right in that half the people in the survey believed the Genesis story or at least the idea that god made the earth and everything 6k to 10k years ago? 50% nationwide believe this? Would I be wrong to speculate that this number is higher in the south?
You've got it right, believing in a god-guided evolution is contradictory. But is understandable. It is difficult for most people to accept that evolution and all that came from it is a natural process and happens without a guiding hand. At least this is the scientific theory.

On the other hand, do I read you right in that half the people in the survey believed the Genesis story or at least the idea that god made the earth and everything 6k to 10k years ago? 50% nationwide believe this? Would I be wrong to speculate that this number is higher in the south?
I would imagine it would be higher in the south. It is the bible belt.

To be honest I believe in god but don't subscribe to organized religion.
Yes, there are much more important things!!!

California just passed laws against E-sigs. Not because of any health issues, just because they dont like them.

Thank god they got that crisis behind them!!
It must be great to be so ignorant and unquestioning of FOX news. You have false confidence, but you wear it like a warm pair of cozy socks.
I would imagine it would be higher in the south. It is the bible belt.

To be honest I believe in god but don't subscribe to organized religion.
Then Buck's number of 2/3 believing in the Genesis story or something like it wouldn't be too far off the mark, don't you think?
It must be great to be so ignorant and unquestioning of FOX news. You have false confidence, but you wear it like a warm pair of cozy socks.

Fox news didnt put restrictions on smoking E-Sigs, California did. Are you confused again?
Then Buck's number of 2/3 believing in the Genesis story or something like it wouldn't be too far off the mark, don't you think?

About half of Americans believe humans evolved over millions of years, with most of those people saying that God guided the process. Religious, less educated, and older respondents were likelier to espouse a young Earth creationist view — that life was created some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago — according to the poll.

It actually says that half of Americans believe in evolution, most of which believe god guided the process.

It also states the 40% believe in creationism.

Wouldn't that mean its about equal amount of people that believe in god guiding our creation through evolution and the ones that believe in creationism?

I hope I'm reading that right. I sampled a bud off a plant about done and its going to be good. I have had to edit a few post. One of which, you responded to. Lol. I don't know if you can tell but it reads better now.
About half of Americans believe humans evolved over millions of years, with most of those people saying that God guided the process. Religious, less educated, and older respondents were likelier to espouse a young Earth creationist view — that life was created some 6,000 to 10,000 years ago — according to the poll.

It actually says that half of Americans believe in evolution, most of which believe god guided the process.

It also states the 40% believe in creationism.

Wouldn't that mean its about equal amount of people that believe in god guiding our creation through evolution and the ones that believe in creationism?

I hope I'm reading that right. I sample a bud off a plant about done and its going to be good. I have had to edit a few post. One of which, you responded to. Lol. I don't know if you can tell but it reads better now.
Hey, enjoy the buzz. We can hash over the statistics later.
I have been the nc maney times any spent many a nights there in that state and meet many people of all collers and have meet some very good people there.Lots of people from nc. come to the county I live in now to hunt and fish and I show them around and show them where the good spots are to fish and hunt.the people from nc would give you shirt off there backs to help you long as you treat them good you will be treated good back as family.There pricks in every state and good people in every state.jmo........ky.....ps...if you think the people are all ass holes in the south you should look in the mirror..it is the same in every state
You admitting that back in caveman days proves my point. There are some scenarios where it wouldn't necessarily be a horrible act.

In 2016 America no way. But in the jungles of the congo, Amazon and other still stone age living peoples? Well they fit your criteria don't they?
No, it is not acceptable in the Congo or Amazon some sick fucks might but they also chop arms off they don't live in cave man days not stone age either. In case you have not realized we have moved well beyond the iron age into the industrial age. In the Congo they have gas operated fully automatic rifles not muskets not spear chuckers, rifles!

But maybe you can go on safari with NAMBLA you fucking skinner.
Jesus H Christ.

And then there's the flat-earthers. How about the Scientologists. Humans are like stupid cattle.
No, it is not acceptable in the Congo or Amazon some sick fucks might but they also chop arms off they don't live in cave man days not stone age either. In case you have not realized we have moved well beyond the iron age into the industrial age. In the Congo they have gas operated fully automatic rifles not muskets not spear chuckers, rifles!

But maybe you can go on safari with NAMBLA you fucking skinner.
I know for a fact there are still uncontacted peoples living just Like their ancestors from thousands of years ago in many parts of the world.

I'm not sure about the Congo or Africa, but their certinly is in South America.

And my point stands because Mohammad had sex with his 9 year old bride and about 2 billion people think he is the most moral human to ever live.
I know for a fact there are still uncontacted peoples living just Like their ancestors from thousands of years ago in many parts of the world.

I'm not sure about the Congo or Africa, but their certinly is in South America.

And my point stands because Mohammad had sex with his 9 year old bride and about 2 billion people think he is the most moral human to ever live.

"why is the US south such a backwards shithole?"

bignbushy, you are the answer to this question.