Texas independence

In dallas right now. Home is in austin. Look up austin forbes, we hold alot of records..
Love it here, i like alot of states. But while im in the u.s. im usually in tx

As for making it on our own..theoretically
Most of us will be fine, i have 10,000 acres in corsicana. Close to 500 head of black and red angus. Among other things. Oil on land... in midland odessa region is another 40,000 acres. Wind turbines and a limestone quarry . You need me more than i need you. I survive on my own fine.
In dallas right now. Home is in austin. Look up austin forbes, we hold alot of records..
Love it here, i like alot of states. But while im in the u.s. im usually in tx

As for making it on our own..theoretically
Most of us will be fine, i have 10,000 acres in corsicana. Close to 500 head of black and red angus. Among other things. Oil on land... in midland odessa region is another 40,000 acres. Wind turbines and a limestone quarry . You need me more than i need you. I survive on my own fine.
Fuck cattle. The future is goats with a big demand for cabrito and halal meat.
You are going to have a wild ride here buttercup
We already have. We are the only state to ever have been our own country. We have all the oil and were the only state to have our own gold reserve. We are also the most heavily armed. Were are you guys from? I've lived in the north and east coast as well.

NOT TRUE. Folks conveniently forget that Hawaii was governing their own affairs just fine, even without a modern government... until western interests came along and 'civilized' them.