Can't have your own beliefs anymore

Why the fuck would you punish the schools when it was the politicians who made the rule and not the school children. It sounds completely asinine to me. If you can explain how cutting education will help the children I would love to hear it.

It is like a dad running a red light and flipping the car but dudes uncle goes home and beats his brothers son afterwards.

Cutting forced funding of government schools is not the same as cutting "education".

Teaching children not to bully others is a good thing, so children could benefit from a more honest system which isn't built on a contradiction regards how it is funded.
not even texas believes in that you retard.

greg abbott begs for federal funds every time his state floods. or droughts. or catches on fire.

So the beliefs of the entire population of the Texas tax farm are embodied by the actions of that tax farms overseer?

Interesting collectivist mindset you got going there, Slavey McPoopy Pants.
Because it makes sense to fuck over the children who had nothing to do with it? lol what a fucktard way to do shit. Kinda like how bush was like lets invade iraq after 9/11.
If the situation is follow the rules or you don't get funding, the group that decides to break the rules is the one responsible for taking funding away from children, not the people who set up the rules.
I'll sell it to the cartels for ... $1 million dollars. Or a some original Mexican genetics. Than the Texans can fight their revolution and everybody happy.

...10 years later

Everyone in Texas is packing Coke buttnaked at gunpoint. Los Cowboys would never lose again and everybody lives in a giant domed football stadium where the sun rises and sets from the world's largest flat screen tv. Glorious day hallelujah!