4 the Rednecks amongst us....Nth. Carolina sues US Justice

Penises in the mens room, vaginas in the womens. Is that simple enough? States should be able to make their own decisions, not be held hostage by an overreaching federal govt.
Penises in the mens room, vaginas in the womens. Is that simple enough? States should be able to make their own decisions, not be held hostage by an overreaching federal govt.
Actually, municipalities were making their own laws, saying discrimination was not allowed and the state went overreaching in an unconstitutional way.

So are you going to submit to a genital check before entering every public restroom? They might have to station state cops outside every restroom and take a look at everyone's junk before letting people relieve themselves. Meanwhile transgender people will be left with no option but to just shit on the hall floors.
Wasn't this a South Park episode last year? I think it went through episodes actually.

Standing at a urinal, *girl* walks in, uses the urinal next to you.. What do you do?!
i obviously show her my junk as an invitation.
but really, i could care less whos in the bathroom, if i gotta pee i gotta pee. just because someone is different than me doesnt give me the right to be a dick
Meanwhile transgender people will be left with no option but to just shit on the hall floors.
I dont think anyone except the tran people themselves have a problem with them using the restroom that corresponds with their SEX. Ive never had a problem with tran men using the mens room... Once the penis and testicles are removed then piss wherever you want IMO.
Ive heard it is hard to have a conversation with extreme liberals without them resorting to name calling, wasnt sure it was true but it seems to be... Maybe its just a maturity difference. Like I stated above, I have no problem sharing a rest room with a guy dressed like a girl, but I dont want my daughter to be forced to do the same.
Ive heard it is hard to have a conversation with extreme liberals without them resorting to name calling, wasnt sure it was true but it seems to be... Maybe its just a maturity difference. Like I stated above, I have no problem sharing a rest room with a guy dressed like a girl, but I dont want my daughter to be forced to do the same.

name calling?

you mean, calling a bigot a bigot?

sorry to hurt your tender feelings.
Actually, municipalities were making their own laws, saying discrimination was not allowed and the state went overreaching in an unconstitutional way.

So are you going to submit to a genital check before entering every public restroom? They might have to station state cops outside every restroom and take a look at everyone's junk before letting people relieve themselves. Meanwhile transgender people will be left with no option but to just shit on the hall floors.
It would probably just be IDs bUT who the fuck is gonna pay someone to ID at the restroom.
I dont think you called me a bigot, pretty sure it says moron in your previous post. Is it possible to state your opinion without putting down others in the process?