10billion for a fence vs... Well you know..


Well-Known Member
The waiting times at the VA are amazing too!!! The government does so well at these things!!!

Oh wait, the waiting times are fraudulent...


Well-Known Member
If the school doesnt follow standards it gets it's license revoked. If it doesnt provide a certain level of education it gets it's license revoked.

If the entire school system wasnt failing you might have some ground to stand on. You are happy with no choice for parents or students.
Voucher schools are a scam


Well-Known Member
What Canadian in their right mind would want to come down here?
You have no idea of the vast influx of legal immigrants from Canada every year. Difference is, Canada pays health care and so they can only stay 180 days a year.

Why dont we just force mexico to provide health care like Canada? Seems like a much more sane solution than anyone else here has come up with.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Didn't they try this in Berlin once?
And it was a terrible idea back then too. Sadly, in some ways it would appear that it was a shockingly effective terrible idea if you consider the fact that 3.5 milion people went across in the 10+ years before the wall and only about 5000 people made it across during the almost 30 years after. A key difference though is that that wall was designed to keep people in (trying to stop brain drain to the west), not to keep people out.


Well-Known Member
You have no idea of the vast influx of legal immigrants from Canada every year. Difference is, Canada pays health care and so they can only stay 180 days a year.

Why dont we just force mexico to provide health care like Canada? Seems like a much more sane solution than anyone else here has come up with.
I live in the Minneapolis metro area and go to northern Minnesota often. I meet an average of about 1 Canadian per year.


Well-Known Member
I live in the Minneapolis metro area and go to northern Minnesota often. I meet an average of about 1 Canadian per year.
They dont like to vacation in Minneapolis eh?

Down here in AZ the area is rotten with them in the wintertime. I watch the vacation houses for several of them.


Well-Known Member
Do we always have to be reminded of your failed businesses
What is wrong with your reading comprehension? I watch homes for several Canadians. I watch homes for a number of people. It is income and an ongoing business.


Well-Known Member
Just stop giving them free shit and jobs without proper documentation when they get here and you could leave the border wide open.


Well-Known Member
Just stop giving them free shit and jobs without proper documentation when they get here and you could leave the border wide open.
I agree with your points but some people crossing the border are not looking for jobs. So, in addition to fixing the obvious immigration policy, a fence helps prevent other people from crossing the border.


Well-Known Member
I agree with your points but some people crossing the border are not looking for jobs. So, in addition to fixing the obvious immigration policy, a fence helps prevent other people from crossing the border.

With current tech and a solid border, you couldn't go above it or below it without being detected. But they still need to pay their way when they get here, not just open a small door and hand them a gift basket full of welfare just for showing up.


Well-Known Member
With current tech and a solid border, you couldn't go above it or below it without being detected. But they still need to pay their way when they get here, not just open a small door and hand them a gift basket full of welfare just for showing up.
Lets be honest. Neither party in the government has it in it's best interest to close the border. They are lying to us and nothing would be done. Trump will build the wall if he is elected. The other part I hope gets reformed but I wont hold my breath.

A president being elected does not suddenly make congress competent.

I would like them to pass a new law. If someone enters the US illegally or materially overstays their visa they should not ever be able to become an American citizen. It is time to take our citizenship seriously again and protect it.


Well-Known Member
Lets be honest. Neither party in the government has it in it's best interest to close the border. They are lying to us and nothing would be done. Trump will build the wall if he is elected. The other part I hope gets reformed but I wont hold my breath.

A president being elected does not suddenly make congress competent.

I would like them to pass a new law. If someone enters the US illegally or materially overstays their visa they should not ever be able to become an American citizen. It is time to take our citizenship seriously again and protect it.
Get rid of the quota system in regards to Mexican immigration and they would all go thru the process of coming here legally.
You don't want them here no matter what their status