Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: "Transgendered Men Don’t Become Women, They Become ‘Feminized Men’

hell at least I'm not a coward. a coward on the internet at that. lmao buck you really are a bitch ass dude. Why can't you give an answer as to why a male should go in the restroom with my daughter?

why can't you show any evidence whatsoever that transgender people commit pedophilia at a greater rate than non-transgender people?

oh, i know why. it's because you are a bigot and your accusations are baseless.
why can't you show any evidence whatsoever that transgender people commit pedophilia at a greater rate than non-transgender people?

oh, i know why. it's because you are a bigot and your accusations are baseless.
we went through this I asked a question and you answered with a question because you're a coward and you know answering the question will mean that you're typing shit to advocate pedophilia. It's all good you're mentally weak and can't compose an answer that doesn't lump you in with thick stemz I thought you were better than that and could at least put some twist in the answer but you're a coward who can't tell the truth right now.
we went through this I asked a question and you answered with a question because you're a coward and you know answering the question will mean that you're typing shit to advocate pedophilia. It's all good you're mentally weak and can't compose an answer that doesn't lump you in with thick stemz I thought you were better than that and could at least put some twist in the answer but you're a coward who can't tell the truth right now.

i don't answer baseless questions, or ones with loaded presuppositions.

you are presupposing that transgender people are pedophiles.

all the research shows that most pedophiles don;'t even have an adult sexuality of any sort. of those that do, they are three times more likely to be heterosexual than bisexual or homosexual.

you have produced no evidence to the contrary.

so my answer to your question is this: STFU, dumb bigot.

and be proud of those likes you are getting from ANALEXCESS.

hateful against who?

bigoted racist fucktards like you?

you betcha.

again, you were the one who started a sob thread about how you get called names when you share your bigoted and hateful opinions.

LOL you still salty over that? Can you define hateful and bigot for me :).

I really wanna know how I am so hateful. Also what does gender identity have to do with race?

OH another thing, when is the last time you got laid? I think you need a stress release because you are a constant dick ready to blow on everyone.
Oh like how transgender folk have some mental issue?

and there's that hateful bigotry.

ya see, the thing is that you can indeed have an opinion. but the other thing is, everyone else is allowed tohave one too.

so you are free to spread your disgusting hateful bigotry as you see fit, and we are all allowed to call you a worthless piece of shit for it.

see how that works, you poor persecuted little scumbag?
and there's that hateful bigotry.

ya see, the thing is that you can indeed have an opinion. but the other thing is, everyone else is allowed tohave one too.

so you are free to spread your disgusting hateful bigotry as you see fit, and we are all allowed to call you a worthless piece of shit for it.

see how that works, you poor persecuted little scumbag?

:P hahahaha, your hatred doesn't bother me it just makes me smile. Because every post you write is full of hate and bigotry while you condemn others lololol. You are a really good troll.
:P hahahaha, your hatred doesn't bother me it just makes me smile. Because every post you write is full of hate and bigotry while you condemn others lololol. You are a really good troll.

it's not bigotry when i speak out against hateful racist assholes like you. bigotry is what you practice.

"that's hateful and bigoted you dumb asshole"

it's not bigotry when i speak out against hateful racist assholes like you. bigotry is what you practice.

:) how cute, I think your problem is you don't want other people to hear views you oppose and so you spew your hateful bullshit on them and start trying to sway the publics opinion of someone when you honestly have a peanuts clue to a grapefruit. Goodnight uncle ducky, you might live longer if you weren't so hateful.
:) how cute, I think your problem is you don't want other people to hear views you oppose and so you spew your hateful bullshit on them and start trying to sway the publics opinion of someone when you honestly have a peanuts clue to a grapefruit. Goodnight uncle ducky, you might live longer if you weren't so hateful.

you're sitting there calling transgender people "mentally ill" and fighting for a discriminatory and bigoted bill against them, and you think i'm the hateful one?

you don't have a fucking clue.

i bet you live in the south.
you're sitting there calling transgender people "mentally ill" and fighting for a discriminatory and bigoted bill against them, and you think i'm the hateful one?

you don't have a fucking clue.

i bet you live in the south.

I wasn't fighting for segregation, my opinion is that they shouldn't cut federal funding to schools because of a few politicians deciding something. We already got through that but you keep cherry picking to meet your needs. Many blessings to you, I can feel your mental illness trying to creep up on me lol.
I wasn't fighting for segregation, my opinion is that they shouldn't cut federal funding to schools because of a few politicians deciding something. We already got through that but you keep cherry picking to meet your needs. Many blessings to you, I can feel your mental illness trying to creep up on me lol.

schools which accept federal dollars are subject to follow federal laws, like civil rights. ya know, the law that ended segregation. the one that you are arguing against.

you are fucking clueless. hence what gives rise to your bigotry.
i dont suppose you noticed they merely made an affirmative statement without any citations AT ALL to back up the claim.

You know buckyfuck, youre really good at making a common logical fallacy by appealing to authority as your lame attempt at proof, but poor you, logic just doesnt work that have to actually offer evidence to make your case and youve shown yourself amply capable of doing nothing but making very crude gradeschool level insults to go along with your a priori bullshit.

I have to say i do occasionally actually feel sorry for those who have been so tragically mentally wrecked by the architects that they appear to be complelely unaware of how obvious their programming is. And what is really rich is they often have a narcissism thats disproportionately large compared to their actual intelligence and skillset.

going a bit further through the bafoonish web md website buckyfuck wants us to accept as the ultimate authority for what is a mental will find a linked "mental illness" partway down which you can click on to take you to another page of the site.......on this page you will find at the bottom of the page a description of mental illnesses.......and THIS is where it gets good.....

so remember guys, they are listing mental ilnesses right? ok just wanna make sure were all on the same page here......

buckyballs linked to a webmd page that said that the MISMATCH between body and internal SENSE of gender is not mental illness.

When you read the definition of GENDER DYSPHORIA is sounds exactly like a person who feels there is a mismatch between their body and their sense of it......

its on page 2 here

whats that near the bottom? oh yeah, gender identity disorder.....and theyre calling it a mental illness.....geee........

now if you dont think feeling a mismatch between your body and your inner sense of gender (whatever the fuck thay is) is gender dysphoria........then i think you must need your head checked.

What is Gender Identity Disorder?
Gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder (GID) is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who experience significant dysphoria (discontent) with the sex and gender they were assigned at birth

Now you all are welcome to make up your minds about the rediculous word play and spin that people are putting on this......but i know bullshit when i see it.......and this issue has agenda stinking like bucks rotten shit written all over it in piles and mounds of shit....

did anyone ever read Platos Republic? .

Impressive rant, you even alluded to shit piles.

Platos Republic lives in a box of books in my attic I think.
so you think transgender people are mentally ill too?

how about your gay son? is he sick in the head as well?

I haven't stated my opinion about transgender people, but I'll offer it now. It's none of my business what other people do with themselves.

I do think the uproar over the bathrooms is peacefully solved if people just let the property owner decide how they'll run their business.

My gay son respects other peoples property, so, no he is not sick in the head.
I haven't stated my opinion about transgender people, but I'll offer it now. It's none of my business what other people do with themselves.

I do think the uproar over the bathrooms is peacefully solved if people just let the property owner decide how they'll run their business.

My gay son respects other peoples property, so, no he is not sick in the head.

good dodge. you never miss a chance to avoid answering a straightforward question.