Reusing the same holes as the year before in gurellia grow


Well-Known Member
Hi peeps, I completed a successful grow this year totalling 10 plants and getting a real nice 4pound, I want to reuse the same holes next season, just want abit of advice on the soil. I used 50% supersoil I made myself mixed with 25% natural soils (clay/loamy) and 25% coco and it was a great grow medium, the holes are on top of/between bolder a on the edge of a cliff.

So for best results what ya rekon I should do to the holes before next season comes around?,
I was thinking a nice layer of blood & bone, chook manure and maybey a few fish bodies then mix threw, I have aprox ; months before next season begins

Has anyone grown in same holes as year before and what did you do/add that proved best results?
Before anyone asks I cannot make new holes, it's out of the question
ya i agree with barnbuster,for sure not blood,it wouldnt benifit from it buy then anyway,all n would soak on threw the soil as a filter,i tell you what i did,was if i for sure gonna use my same honey hole,just for security to make sue i havent been spotted ,i went back every month,difrent ways eah time not to stomp a path to my grow,i went to check out and since i was already there,in my backpack,i put a baggie full of mykos and fresh green grass and died up leaves some oats and barely,all that shit mixed together,and scracth it into top 2in of soil,with that and the seasons past debri it always was wha i found in the first place,a great place to get it on,main objective,dont ware a path to your honey hole,keep a year round look to make sure your eyes are the only eyes,the rest is mother nature herself and at times she too can be a beast
I've used some of the same ones year after year. I was always leery of using anything that might attract critters however, like blood, bone meal or fish. a coon digging to get the fish could tear up everything in short order
I use espoma garden tone, alfalfa, kelp, stuff like that. I amend them in the fall and leave them to spring. Critters will sometimes mess with fresh holes. Once the stuff cooks off they will leave it alone.
Kool sounds goods, I have a bag of Epsom salts ready to rock from last grow, has anyone had any luck with using fish carcuses buried under neath, I can get hold of a lot of filleted body's...don't have many carnivores to worry about hear
Id think about mulching with alfalfa (called Lucerne in some countries). It adds nutritive value to the soil and helps conserve water.

You could also plant barley at your plot as a cover crop. As it grows it adds nitrogen to the soil, and you can chop it and use as mulch in the spring, and keep the heads for making seed sprout tea for fertilizer of for planting next year. The barley growing would help keep your nice soil from eroding off the side of the cliff each time it rains.
Kool sounds goods, I have a bag of Epsom salts ready to rock from last grow, has anyone had any luck with using fish carcuses buried under neath, I can get hold of a lot of filleted body's...don't have many carnivores to worry about hear
If you give it enough time to work it's magic, it will work. We have what is called a Red Horse Suckerfish down here. It is legal to build a chicken wire pen in the creek and catch them by hand when they go upstream to spawn. When there is a full moon in February, you might catch 100 fish a night. I've used them in my garden and my herb patch. But you want to do it months ahead of your planting season.
I do use my holes over. It depends on how far I have to walk as to how much of a make-over they get. The close-by holes got 15-20 gallons of new soil mix. The long walk ones got a couple cups of 13-13-13, some time release plant food and a prayer for rain.