Well-Known Member
Hi peeps, I completed a successful grow this year totalling 10 plants and getting a real nice 4pound, I want to reuse the same holes next season, just want abit of advice on the soil. I used 50% supersoil I made myself mixed with 25% natural soils (clay/loamy) and 25% coco and it was a great grow medium, the holes are on top of/between bolder a on the edge of a cliff.
So for best results what ya rekon I should do to the holes before next season comes around?,
I was thinking a nice layer of blood & bone, chook manure and maybey a few fish bodies then mix threw, I have aprox ; months before next season begins
Has anyone grown in same holes as year before and what did you do/add that proved best results?
Before anyone asks I cannot make new holes, it's out of the question
So for best results what ya rekon I should do to the holes before next season comes around?,
I was thinking a nice layer of blood & bone, chook manure and maybey a few fish bodies then mix threw, I have aprox ; months before next season begins
Has anyone grown in same holes as year before and what did you do/add that proved best results?
Before anyone asks I cannot make new holes, it's out of the question