Donald Trump

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I agree with everything, except...

"Anger over pressure to be politically correct on the job" - Being a jerk is one thing, nobody should be a jerk at work, but being PC has gone a little far lately.

For example, I'm not completely on the side of affirmative action in the workplace if it is forced. Intel is going through some serious restructuring issues because of the tremendous pressure the government is putting on them to be "more diversified". To the point that Intel has sent out a corporate memo to HR stating quite succinctly they need to hire minorities over everyone else first.

Jobs should be given to the most qualified individual. And compensation should be commensurate experience, not race or gender. The oversight should not be in form of forcing companies to diversify but rather penalize when they are way under diversified, or offer assistance in new hiring processes.

But that brings us back to this indignation the Republican party has with educating "the poor". They simply don't want to do it. The upper class Republicans like keeping the poor people, poor. And the poor Republicans are too stupid to realize who they are supporting. They coexist in a tumultuous symbiotic relationship extenuated through cognitive dissonance.
Politically correctness is just about avoiding gratuitous insult to the people around us. Affirmative action is not the same thing.

If you've done any hiring, you know that "the best person for the job" is really hard to identify. I've been involved with searches for candidates where we took our time and hired somebody that we thought was great but he turned out to be a chump. In the kind of jobs that I helped fill, we looked at affirmative action as making an effort to find qualified candidates and there were fewer women and minorities that had those qualifications. So we had to put more effort into finding them. But we'd never put an unqualified person into those roles. If Intel is doing this then I'd say there is a different problem in play.
Lol im ignorant. You're the one claiming republicans dont give good blow jobs because they only give em under obligation.
Nope, To clarify, I am saying that in an unequal relationship, where the man is the breadwinner and the woman would be impoverished if he left her, the dynamic is complicated when personal services are being rendered. When the two are on an equal footing, these complications go away.

Ignorance is not the same as stupidity. I'm saying that Republican right wing nuts are ignorant but not due to lack of facility to learn. Learning does require an open mind and hard work. I see no lack of hard work from your kind, so the problem is a closed mind. What I see Trump and his minions doing is justifying their ignorance with anger and a deliberate rejection of knowledge. You accuse me of hate but you've got it wrong, I'm disgusted. And your kind are failing to thrive due to a very correctable ignorance. Don't hate on me for pointing that out.
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I worked from 15 to 27.

Why should I pay someone 10k a year to watch my child? I work part time as a medical caregiver, take care of house, yard, and finances.

Plus I care for my daughter 9 to 5. I am not going to miss out on my daughters most important years.

Being a good mother is the most important job in the world and can make all the difference in a child's temperment. Sending your kid to childcare for 8 hours a day is giving that job to a stranger.

No thanks.
That's fine. We are dealing with the "mommy stays at home" ethos. Its your choice. I said I find that uninteresting and would rather be with somebody who gets more out of life. That's my choice

Your strategy is losing out to people who get out into the world and do more than stay at home. That 11 million people who an earlier poster pointed out are right wing nuts are hurting financially and socially. Looking back to an earlier time that never existed and trying to push us back into it is what Trumpeters want. But it won't work. Society is marginalizing uneducated people and they are clearly failing to thrive.

I still find it completely understandable that you would support an archaic leader.
Children need a parent to raise them, not day care. My wife stays home and does just this. She is a licensed realtor and manages our rental properties, but the kids are top priority always.

Buddy of mine is paying 3500 a month for daycare for 2 kids, both under 3, just so his wife can work her 75k a year job. I can't believe they trade that time in with their kids for what amounts to about a 100 bucks a day after taxes. Fuck that, why even bother having kids if you are going to let someone else raise them?
Exactly, your wife is managing the home and a business, now that's somebody of note. You've got a better woman that you, Spandy.
Lol im ignorant. You're the one claiming republicans dont give good blow jobs because they only give em under obligation.

You know pie, I see the nation being fed up with liberals that have been running their mouth like what you are responding to. Even democrats with just a little bit of honor are fed up with the same shit. Hillary is being crushed as I speak and soon we will have a leader that does things we can be proud of, instead of this insane shit that is going on like, What bathroom to use or enriching our enemies, or giving enemy generals the ability to fight our soldiers again. And then the two Obama appointed judges in Oregon that decided a cake was worth 150k or some ranchers that did their time in jail and then Obamas judge decided to give them some more time until they killed someone.

The insanity will stop with TRUMP. It looks like Hillary will be crushed before she gets to the main gate. And thank god for that. TRUMP!
Politically correctness is just about avoiding gratuitous insult to the people around us. Affirmative action is not the same thing.

If you've done any hiring, you know that "the best person for the job" is really hard to identify. I've been involved with searches for candidates where we took our time and hired somebody that we thought was great but he turned out to be a chump. In the kind of jobs that I helped fill, we looked at affirmative action as making an effort to find qualified candidates and there were fewer women and minorities that had those qualifications. So we had to put more effort into finding them. But we'd never put an unqualified person into those roles. If Intel is doing this then I'd say there is a different problem in play.

Yes, I agree. Affirmative action is not the same as political correctness. I misspoke.

In the line of field I'm in, or rather, the line of fields I'm in, it is quite easy to find a good candidate. Software engineers don't need to have strong soft skills, they just need to know how to code. I can test them on their abilities and know what they're about within the first 10 minutes of talking with them. My other businesses involve making shit. That's pretty simple, can you make this thing? Yes, ok good, you're hired. No, ok good, there's the door.

I suspect however there are many fields which require both soft skills and professional skills and both are malleable to its industry. And finding the "right person" becomes more difficult in that sense.

But I'm still not understanding how, "we looked at affirmative action as making an effort...", as playing a role in the hiring process.
Exactly, your wife is managing the home and a business, now that's somebody of note. You've got a better woman that you, Spandy.

She's better than most people, including me. Managing 7 adults is much easier than a pile of children any day.

But if you are trying to hurt my feels, you are going to have to call me a racist at least twice per post, and maybe add that my business is a total failure and ask me when my next clan meeting is. Otherwise, no feels hurt.
You know pie, I see the nation being fed up with liberals that have been running their mouth like what you are responding to. Even democrats with just a little bit of honor are fed up with the same shit. Hillary is being crushed as I speak and soon we will have a leader that does things we can be proud of, instead of this insane shit that is going on like, What bathroom to use or enriching our enemies, or giving enemy generals the ability to fight our soldiers again. And then the two Obama appointed judges in Oregon that decided a cake was worth 150k or some ranchers that did their time in jail and then Obamas judge decided to give them some more time until they killed someone.

The insanity will stop with TRUMP. It looks like Hillary will be crushed before she gets to the main gate. And thank god for that. TRUMP!

You can thank Fox News Channel for your rhetoric. And mostly for today's political discourse as a whole.

Honestly nitro, why can the same American people, whom I can only assume want the same thing, 'The American Dream', be so far apart in civil discussion?

You refer to liberals and Democrats as if they are the anti-Christ. The whining melodrama you espouse is reprehensible.

The ranchers were illegally taking public land and destroying it. They were asked to stop, nicely, repeatedly. The didn't. They need to learn responsibility.
The bakers who decided to discriminate a gay couple from purchasing their cake paid a price for doing something illegal. Discrimination is illegal.
You are right, bathrooms for transgender should not be an issue at all. Why are all the Republicans getting their panties in a bunch over it?

Anyway man, your rhetoric is a bit far fetched and most agree. Unfortunately you are too gullible and misinformed to understand.
But I'm still not understanding how, "we looked at affirmative action as making an effort...", as playing a role in the hiring process.
By this, I mean getting people out to the schools that produce good prospects and giving extra attention to minority students. We didn't favor minority candidates for hiring, but we did look harder for good minority candidates.

You know pie, I see the nation being fed up with liberals that have been running their mouth like what you are responding to. Even democrats with just a little bit of honor are fed up with the same shit. Hillary is being crushed as I speak and soon we will have a leader that does things we can be proud of, instead of this insane shit that is going on like, What bathroom to use or enriching our enemies, or giving enemy generals the ability to fight our soldiers again. And then the two Obama appointed judges in Oregon that decided a cake was worth 150k or some ranchers that did their time in jail and then Obamas judge decided to give them some more time until they killed someone.

The insanity will stop with TRUMP. It looks like Hillary will be crushed before she gets to the main gate. And thank god for that. TRUMP!
Ignorance is killing your kind off. Yet you hold it tightly and use it as a crutch to avoid seeing yourself for the hateful little weak minded bitch that you are.
She's better than most people, including me. Managing 7 adults is much easier than a pile of children any day.

But if you are trying to hurt my feels, you are going to have to call me a racist at least twice per post, and maybe add that my business is a total failure and ask me when my next clan meeting is. Otherwise, no feels hurt.
I don't think I can say anything that can hurt your feelings. I was giving a back handed compliment
So you would not have a problem with your husband looking at his daughter and saying "she has a nice figure and If I was not her father I would date her".
You see nothing wrong with that?

No, I see nothing wrong with that. Trump is a winner and he dates super models. He OWNS beauty pagents. He is not some creepy groper thinking about his daughter. He gave her a compliment, that is all. Moving on...
No, I see nothing wrong with that. Trump is a winner and he dates super models. He OWNS beauty pagents. He is not some creepy groper thinking about his daughter. He gave her a compliment, that is all. Moving on...
He is also married and was so when he said that. So his third wife now has to deal with his philandering husband ogling his daughter from a previous marriage and saying "if only we weren't related..." It's an idiotic thing to say about one's daughter and crosses a line. Yuck.
He is also married and was so when he said that. So his third wife now has to deal with his philandering husband ogling his daughter from a previous marriage and saying "if only we weren't related..." It's an idiotic thing to say about one's daughter and crosses a line. Yuck.

You are to pedophilia what Uncle Buck is to racism... Endlessly annoying repeating records. He finds racism everywhere, you find pedophelia everywhere... Newsflash, this is a politics website... Could we talk about politics please???

Donald Trump put women in positions of power in the 80's and 90's that were unthinkable in other companies. He has empowered many more women than Hillary Clinton does and he pays them competitive salaries unlike Clinton who although says she is a champion of women pays men working on her campaign a much higher figure.

Seriously, Trump is going to pull in a lot more democrats than you may think.
No, I see nothing wrong with that. Trump is a winner and he dates super models. He OWNS beauty pagents. He is not some creepy groper thinking about his daughter. He gave her a compliment, that is all. Moving on...
BULLSHIT. What pedo fucking father looks at his daughter, makes a comment about her figure and thinks about dating her. Fucking incest creepy fucker.
You support this shit.
No, I see nothing wrong with that. Trump is a winner and he dates super models. He OWNS beauty pagents. He is not some creepy groper thinking about his daughter. He gave her a compliment, that is all. Moving on...

You're not answering the question. Probably because you don't have a sister nor do you have a daughter, and most likely because you are creepy yourself.
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