Donald Trump

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SpiderDude, all that shit is just part of the vast right wing conspiracy. Yessir , all of it dating back decades alllllll mad up. Lol
The scary thing is people will overlook all that and still vote for her.

I love when she says "right wing conspiracy" . All I know is when I had a clearance they would have cut my balls off if I brought a zip drive into work and brought info home, never mind a server. You me or anyone else would already be in prison.
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Are you trying to convince me of what you just said? Because you will need to do a much better job of it.

Absolutely not guy. I know it`s common knowledge that Donald was un-welcome amongst Republicans. He then denied them support should he lose (audibly). They are making deals to counter his leverage. You claim the GOP is telling Donald what to say and do, that is as far from the truth as you can get. All other candidates dropped out, not because they had the lead or were projected to have it, because it`s not even within reach for them.

You bash and continue to bash Donald trump, it`s just not you saying he has no chance any more, or that nobody takes him seriously, or here the good one,.. the un-educated are buying into him.

News flash, most of this country is in the low education bracket and you better get them on board if you want any kind of chance to shine. No more prestigious vocabulary making you appear to be the smart one ,let me vote for that guy type. Nobody`s falling for that play anymore.

There is no control over Donald Trump, no strings attached and not one play that can force his hand. All those Democratic polls that you and other played out as his downfall, were and still are wrong,...He stands alone as the Republican runner and nobody 6 months ago even thought about predicting that.
No. It will be the best concession speak every written.

See4, Do you in anyway receive money for your political posting on this site? One of your buddies on here wouldn't answer me when I asked him a year ago after he made a comment about how much money he made for posting to just one member. yes or no will work without any insults. nitro.
Absolutely not guy. I know it`s common knowledge that Donald was un-welcome amongst Republicans. He then denied them support should he lose (audibly). They are making deals to counter his leverage. You claim the GOP is telling Donald what to say and do, that is as far from the truth as you can get. All other candidates dropped out, not because they had the lead or were projected to have it, because it`s not even within reach for them.

You bash and continue to bash Donald trump, it`s just not you saying he has no chance any more, or that nobody takes him seriously, or here the good one,.. the un-educated are buying into him.

News flash, most of this country is in the low education bracket and you better get them on board if you want any kind of chance to shine. No more prestigious vocabulary making you appear to be the smart one ,let me vote for that guy type. Nobody`s falling for that play anymore.

There is no control over Donald Trump, no strings attached and not one play that can force his hand. All those Democratic polls that you and other played out as his downfall, were and still are wrong,...He stands alone as the Republican runner and nobody 6 months ago even thought about predicting that.
Ignorant and proud of it? Ignorant and still able to breathe is an accomplishment, I guess. :roll:
You and I both know that you are full of shit most of the time. But thats all right, the next few months will be fun and then I will honor my word and will be gone from here 30 days after the election. I am sure you will like. TRUMP!

Point out where I have been full of shit, and I will happily concede to that fact.

Take your time. I know you'll need it.

Well, thats what Trump said and his sister. His sister said she wished she got 200 million. People like you and the media like to spin shit even after Trump has said it didn't happen. I tend to believe Trump over you so why don't you prove he did get 200 million. TRUMP!

Ah, you're the gullible know-nothing who takes people at their word. Well ok then. Trump is worth $4.5 billion and he personally inherited $200 million. So there you have it. The final word.

Or rather, you just believe what you want to believe. I used to do that. When I was 5.
Notice how see4 only does personal attacks.

Why ?

Because he wants you, me the readers thoughts and focus off said topic and uses personal attacks and assertions " over, and over, and over. That a payed shill in all it's glory. The corrupt scum must use these tactics, they are payed and can't debate on just the facts. They are on social media, forums trying to spread propaganda in places young eyes visit trying very, very hard to sway public opinion.

Go back and read every single post by see4, he / she starts off attacking you in a personal way so you do not post just the facts and debate, these payed shills want you arguing about other garbage or defending yourself after said personal attack, drawing readers away from hard hitting questions or facts, so you / we are distracted from the truth itself.

Don't worry. I'll now stay on-top of these goofs and keep bringing up mena arkansas, the clinton foundation taking in millions from corrupt governments, all the killing / corruption that has followed the clintons from day one. a total life of destruction by them ...., the email's etc ......

No, I personally attack you because you're a fucking idiot who offers nothing of value. You literally are spamming this forum with nonsense. And I sincerely apologize if I have offended you, in no way was I trying to belittle you, I was merely pointing out a fact, you're a total moron.
Point out where I have been full of shit, and I will happily concede to that fact.

Take your time. I know you'll need it.

Ah, you're the gullible know-nothing who takes people at their word. Well ok then. Trump is worth $4.5 billion and he personally inherited $200 million. So there you have it. The final word.

Or rather, you just believe what you want to believe. I used to do that. When I was 5.

There you go down the bullshit road again. It has been said already that Trumps family had to split the 200 million between his sisters and brothers. And then you play some libtard fucking game with the facts.

Your insults speak volumes about your dancing around the truth. At least you have a bad ass sig. Wear it proudly while it makes you look like an idiot as we get closer to the crushing of the bitch. TRUMP!
Oh yea. What's your strategy? Do you hedge? How do you diversify? And are you general long or short?
One word: socks
I don't want your bubble to pop just yet but you seem Ignorant of the facts as you see them. just so you know. TRUMP!
The sub group you belong to is uneducated, generally lower income, has a higher -- much higher -- proportion of people on the dole and basically failing. Your sub group blame this on anything other than the true cause, which is lack of education leading to lack of valuable skills. Did illegal immigrants prevent you from finishing high school? Would that wall have made any difference to the depletion of timber in the PNW? I bet you don't even know that the timber economy was inflated by unsustainable harvests and now is depressed because of the same thing. Yet you and your sub-dudes blame Spotted Owls. You and yours are failing in this country and are looking at the wrong places to solve them. Which means you and yours will continue to fail.

So, Trump is your savior. He's always been about himself and screwed over anybody that he did business with. Yet you expect him to do differently in the White House. Which means you and yours will continue to fail.
One word: socks

The sub group you belong to is uneducated, generally lower income, has a higher -- much higher -- proportion of people on the dole and basically failing. Your sub group blame this on anything other than the true cause, which is lack of education leading to lack of valuable skills. Did illegal immigrants prevent you from finishing high school? Would that wall have made any difference to the depletion of timber in the PNW? I bet you don't even know that the timber economy was inflated by unsustainable harvests and now is depressed because of the same thing. Yet you and your sub-dudes blame Spotted Owls. You and yours are failing in this country and are looking at the wrong places to solve them. Which means you and yours will continue to fail.

So, Trump is your savior. He's always been about himself and screwed over anybody that he did business with. Yet you expect him to do differently in the White House. Which means you and yours will continue to fail.

You need to go preach to your choir because your bullshit just doesn't work on me or Trump supporters. sorry about your luck and good luck on your bitch while we all watch her get CRUSHED LIKE A LITTLE FUCKING TWIG!
You need to go preach to your choir because your bullshit just doesn't work on me or Trump supporters. sorry about your luck and good luck on your bitch while we all watch her get CRUSHED LIKE A LITTLE FUCKING TWIG!
for the first time in your life, someone made you feel needed.
"We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated." –Donald Trump on his performance with poorly educated voters who helped him win the Nevada Caucus, Feb. 23, 2016
Ignorant and proud of it? Ignorant and still able to breathe is an accomplishment, I guess. :roll:

I think you took that intellectual pride side too. I`m smarter than you used to make a good impression on the average person, it`s a "so what", kinda thing. It doesn`t mean you`ll do the right thing anymore either, it points to,"you`re better at it". When it comes to corrupt career politicians,...Hillary is better at it.
There you go down the bullshit road again. It has been said already that Trumps family had to split the 200 million between his sisters and brothers. And then you play some libtard fucking game with the facts.

Your insults speak volumes about your dancing around the truth. At least you have a bad ass sig. Wear it proudly while it makes you look like an idiot as we get closer to the crushing of the bitch. TRUMP!

The Trumps inherited a little more than $200,000,000 in value of an established business. In cash, everyone can only speculate, but Forbes guessed that Trump got about $40 million cash from his KKK father dying. In 1982 Forbes again estimated that the business that Donald Trump had been running for 8 years was worth around $200,000,000. So after 8 years of hard work Donald Trump managed to increase the company's value $0. He has however turned a $200,000,000 business into a $4,500,000,000 empire since 1982. If one were to have simply put that $200,000,000 in a simple money market fund in 1982, they'd be worth over $8,700,000,000.

The point here is your claim is that Trump started from nothing and has amassed great wealth through ingenuity and sound business decisions. Anyone with a brain and eyes knows this not to be true. I'm sorry I can't convince you otherwise. I simply don't care enough.
I think you took that intellectual pride side too. I`m smarter than you used to make a good impression on the average person, it`s a "so what", kinda thing. It doesn`t mean you`ll do the right thing anymore either, it points to,"you`re better at it". When it comes to corrupt career politicians,...Hillary is better at it.
I didn't call you stupid, just ignorant. Unlike a stupid person like @NLXSK1, an ignorant person can learn but they still have to work hard at it and have an open mind. Your mind is closed, so ignorant you will remain to be.

When made in ignorance, a decision is just a guess. That's what an ignorant person does. They just guess. At best, they are right half the time. With dis-information, such as the kind of news you get from right wing talk shows and Fox, an ignorant person is less likely to make a good decision. Like deciding to vote for Trump.

With good information, and an open mind, the odds of making a good decision are better. Knowledge is a virtue that aids in survival and success, not without hard work though.
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