greenhouse humidity control.

I seen a dicumentary on t.v about the epidemic in massachuttes everyone on the smackbecause its cheaper than oxycontin that the doctor prescribed them when they were kids.bad bad news.
theres enough brown shit round here 2,but us stoners/growers are put in the same category near enough.its fukin backward our law,it was class c in 2004 the goverment put in back up to class b in 2009.
time to move aye ?
Hey up party people....need tips on controlling greenhouse humidity,or any hacks to control/stabalise humidity.
Havent had a lot of experience in the greenhouse department compared to indoor grows.

ive noticed a big build up of moisture inside the greenhouse,ive added extra vents yesterday seems to have kept it down a little today.

any help would be appreciated.
I have fans running but I put 2 window screens in for air flow and it works great.
Just put the 7 auto mazar in the greenhouse today,ive noticed the humidiy at night is going back up to 80% now.aghhhhh.
The temperature is halfing at night so hopefully in the next couple of weeks it'll get a bit warmer and stabalize.
would a small heater on a timer for a few hours at night be any good?
Ive done auto mazar indoors it was quite a strong plant with a good yield,but im unsure if its hardy enough to take 80% rh.
You should be able to exhaust enough air to equal the humidity outside of your greenhouse with properly placed vents and an exhaust fan.How about a dehumidifier?
Hopefully it was the weather round here had pushed the humidity back up(it rained heavy 2 nights).my mazar are just popping in there now so the weather might sort itself in time.everything has to be hidden and as quiet as theres a lot of scallys in the area so can only do so much in there.
my purple#1 outdoors are thriving tho.just been to look at them there hidden on railway lines,will post a pic or 2 when there worth looking at and i can be arsed jumping over the fence.
Just put the 7 auto mazar in the greenhouse today,ive noticed the humidiy at night is going back up to 80% now.aghhhhh.
The temperature is halfing at night so hopefully in the next couple of weeks it'll get a bit warmer and stabalize.
would a small heater on a timer for a few hours at night be any good?
Ive done auto mazar indoors it was quite a strong plant with a good yield,but im unsure if its hardy enough to take 80% rh.
The cooler nights won't hurt your plants just slow down growth so anything will help but I know from experience that those greenhouse are not easy to keep warm.
The cooler nights won't hurt your plants just slow down growth so anything will help but I know from experience that those greenhouse are not easy to keep warm.
Yeah im starting to see the big difference beetween indoors/outdoors compared to the greenhouse.
outdoors is pretty straight forward and always been ok,but these jumps in humidity and temp in the greenhouse are hard to control.
Compared to indoors.
ive gotta keep everything stealthy gonna set the timers and fans up tomorrow
Yeah im starting to see the big difference beetween indoors/outdoors compared to the greenhouse.
outdoors is pretty straight forward and always been ok,but these jumps in humidity and temp in the greenhouse are hard to control.
Compared to indoors.
ive gotta keep everything stealthy gonna set the timers and fans up tomorrow
I have gone through your same problems and barely use the greenhouse. If you can can manage climate control cool, but it's a pain. I have everything stealthily planted among the corn. Other problem is that I feel like people suspect greenhouse's. Get some plants like okra and/or red runner beans in your greenhouse. They are good with the heat and the runner bean is a vine for coverage. Where's some pics?
Its over the road in my uncles garden.i can put pics on no probz but the beans havent popped yet so didnt think theyd be much point, but i will in a few hours.
im starting to think the greenhouse is gonna be hard work,ive grew outside a few time no probz but this causes problems i didnt think we'd have in cumbria.its too hot-its not very often i can say that as we only get 50 days sun a year,and way to cold at night
Gutted thats as close as i can get to take a photo at the min,no wi-fi signal.i dont know how to store a photo then upload it,ill try figure it out.
Gutted thats as close as i can get to take a photo at the min,no wi-fi signal.i dont know how to store a photo then upload it,ill try figure it out.
I thought your greenhouse was bigger. Homedepot has I believe 6 and 8 inch fans for like 15 bucks that would do the trick.
No its a small 1 but its big enough for 10-12 plants .8 ft by 4.7high,the way its going with the humidity/heat jumping all over so much i might just pull them out.
The outdoor 1s are coming on well so im wondering wether to bother with the greenhouse,and just hide them behind a bamboo screen.what do you think i didnt think it would hit that high.or will it sort itself out a bit in summer,im stumped.
it hit 95%humidity last night,im glad there still germinating.ive figured out how to upload pics in a file i ill do it tomorrow.
That's a stealth greenhouse i can't even see it.I reccomend rolling up a side or two like JJ said.
No its a small 1 but its big enough for 10-12 plants .8 ft by 4.7high,the way its going with the humidity/heat jumping all over so much i might just pull them out.
The outdoor 1s are coming on well so im wondering wether to bother with the greenhouse,and just hide them behind a bamboo screen.what do you think i didnt think it would hit that high.or will it sort itself out a bit in summer,im stumped.
it hit 95%humidity last night,im glad there still germinating.ive figured out how to upload pics in a file i ill do it tomorrow.
I just took mine out. If I don't tell people that I have cannabis growing they walk right by it and don't know. My greenhouse is big but it takes a lot to keep it cool when it's a hundred degrees out.
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I just took mine out. If I don't tell people that I have cannabis growing they walk right by it and don't know. My greenhouse is big but it takes a lot to keep it cool when it's a hundred degrees out.
Thats huge dude..i say if this keeps up im binning the grnhse like and im just gonna leave them outdoors.
Its as if i should put mine in the shade its that hot but then thers not as much light.aghhhhhhhhh