cfl= bad choice

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Active Member
Have you used 5 cfls in 1 set up? Are you mad?
Try using enviro light highoutput CFLs. 250W of flouro light in 1 cfl bulb producing very little heat and lots of useful light is the most effective way to grow 5 or less plants. If you wanna grow 4 or 5 plants under really hot, energy draining lights and spend a fortune on ventilation then go for it. No ones forcing you to.
Bit a little more open minded.


Active Member
Well in that case, CFL's suck if you're 'any real pothead.' :roll:

I'm thankful it doesn't take very much to keep me happy.


Active Member
Xochi there is a VERY VERY high ratio of shitty hid grows to good hid grows. Im sorry my man but that ratio far outnumbers cfl shitty grows to good. I don't know why you decided to wake up with a bottle of haterade in your system but no one here in this forum really cares about growing with hps. That is why it's called CFL growing.

just trying to spread the word, I figured everyone wanted the same thing, giving your plants everything they can take

Let's make a thread called SHITTY HID GROWS, i bet you won't be riding the HID dick then.
just like no one's been riding yours?

yeah you sure are right:blsmoke:they sold you those shit hps:mrgreen:
I think there are a higher number of hid growers than anything else

oh it looks like she signed off because no one cares about her damn opinion..... shit she can attack but then she runs off when she looks like a dumbass!
I had to go to class, some people have lives and cant sit infront of a monitor all day.

Are u sure uare not the one being cheap? Buy an add insteed of using a thred.
I thought the idea of forums is spreading information I buy wholesale and thought you might want to as well.

dude, its a good site and she makes a good point, why do you have to act like your 12 and jump on anything that says your not doing things as best as you could? you know she's an army vet? and your uber disrespectful, one of us having the balls to do what none of you have. i think cfl is great for growing in a shoebox, but when it comes down to it, they wont cut it in a closet.
don't kiss my ass, or I'll kick yours. I'm a big girl that can take care of myself

CFL's only ''suck'' if you're selling to make a profit. If it's for personal use, they work great.

In a 32 gallon double-Rubbermaid (4.5 square feet) you can string in about 200-220 watts (10000-15000 lumens) and get 3 oz every harvest. Veg for 1 month, flower for 2 months = harvest every 3 months. Electric costs about $10/month extra on average.

So maybe CFL's suck if you smoke more than an ounce of KB a month. At the risk of being unpopular, if you smoke more than that and are not on a prescription, please get help.

Here's a CFL plant that went through 30 days of veg and 60 days of flower. After cutting away the large stems & leaves and drying for 2 weeks, it yielded 32 grams of bomb ass weed.

First try at growing. There were actually 2 of these in there, and the other was more sativa and yielded 24 grams after 70 days of flower. There was more than enough room for another plant in there.
If I harvest less then a qp per it was a weak crop for me. I'm sorry never realized people dont set thier standards above bare minimum and fyi I don't know very many people who smoke less than a oz/mo so maybe you should smoke more since your hiding behind your prescription card.

i bought t5's when i couldn't afford.. i had shit luck all my harvests were turned into hash. ive never had a space small enough to use cfl's to each thier own. i have to agree with xochi that hps is the way to best results, and if you can afford to cool them they are better as far as yields go, but once again we are looking at money. i see both of your points, xochi not everyone can afford hid.. and yes hid's can cause shitty harves DUE TO USER ERROR this includes light burning due to inefficient ventilation. the point of this board isnt to bash the shit out of one and other, its to encourage and support a growing community. if your just speculating and don't have a grow going pipe down, these spats arent for you, and the only point she was trying to make to you harpies was to think outside cfl, t5, or t12 if your a fucktard, and look into affordable low temp hids.. its the only point shes been trying to make from the start. save, invest, and grow smart getting as much as you can giving the plant all it needs. which i can say from experience t5's dont. and furthermore greentree hydroponics is cheap discounted quality parts so don't bash her for telling you where to find cheap goods, your just making an ass out of yourself.
When a 1000 watt cooks your colas its not always user error, there are alot of problems associated with hps that cfl can avoid. They just don't produce a large enough yield for my tastes.
my intention was never to bash them completley and if you read what I first wrote, in small operations they are fine, it's when you try to equip a clost to run on 30 cfls there are better options. Most people avoid hid because of price, my informing you of low cost systems was not a way to advertise just passing information that I would have found useful when first starting up. Been doin this since before cfl or t5 were an option, when all you could do was make an hid work. As for the hateraide, you all drank it, I offer an objective point of view and instead of just taking it as is you start a witch hunt.


Well-Known Member
par, you lot dont need a war with russia you can rip each other apart. the 1 thing this thread has shown me is how sad we are to be arguing over which light is better and trying to impose your thoughts on others, is this a fucking russian site.


Well-Known Member
dude, its a good site and she makes a good point, why do you have to act like your 12 and jump on anything that says your not doing things as best as you could? you know she's an army vet? and your uber disrespectful, one of us having the balls to do what none of you have. i think cfl is great for growing in a shoebox, but when it comes down to it, they wont cut it in a closet.

don't kiss my ass, or I'll kick yours. I'm a big girl that can take care of myself
don't be so mean!

you could have had a bit of cock there if you'd played your cards right

i'll bet it's been a while hasn't it?

As for the hateraide, you all drank it, I offer an objective point of view and instead of just taking it as is you start a witch hunt.
riiight. if your idea of offering an objective point of view is starting a thread explaining why cfls are a waste of time in a forum that is DEDICATED TO CFL GROWING and FULL of cfl growers obtaining respectable results for very little outlay.

fucking trolls, i swear, they're everywhere. be off with you! we have no need of your "objective point of view" thanks very much


Active Member
don't be so mean!

you could have had a bit of cock there if you'd played your cards right

i'll bet it's been a while hasn't it? Yes it has, 'cause I get more taco than you or your mom combined..

riiight. if your idea of offering an objective point of view is starting a thread explaining why cfls are a waste of time in a forum that is DEDICATED TO CFL GROWING and FULL of cfl growers obtaining respectable results for very little outlay.

fucking trolls, i swear, they're everywhere. be off with you! we have no need of your "objective point of view" thanks very much
Alright smart asses, what are the best cfl for light output? I will experiment, getting ready to flower I'll put 4 in for side lighting and see if I notice a significant difference. My ladies are 3ft. I switch to 12/12 on friday if I find a higher yield, I will publicly apologise for cfl slamming.


Active Member
If I harvest less then a qp per it was a weak crop for me. I'm sorry never realized people dont set thier standards above bare minimum and fyi I don't know very many people who smoke less than a oz/mo so maybe you should smoke more since your hiding behind your prescription card.

It's actually more surprising that people don't set their standards above bare minimum when it comes to grammar and spelling!! And who said anything about a prescription card? I smoke & drink beer for the same reasons everyone else here does... to get fucked up! These days with a real job & responsibilities at home, I choose to do so 3-4 times a month. That's my choice. Though when I was younger, an oz a month was pretty usual, smoking every day to ease the pain for several reasons, mostly because I was broke. It was a Godsend in that it kept me from turning into an alcoholic.

If you ask me, this HID vs CFL war is pretty dumb. It's nothing but a teenaged piss match and dick measuring contest. Yeah, CFL's and a green thumb essentially takes business away from dealers. Oh well. But the rest of us need to :peace: and come together on this one. The weed has been freed in yet another way and should be celebrated, not bashed.


Well-Known Member
just like no one's been riding yours?
Ooooooooooo what a rebuttle, yeah i know it's hard not to hate at a time like this but i just find it hard to believe that you didn't expect to get shot down posting in this forum like you did. This forum is called "CFL GROWING" not "HOW CAN US HID DOUCHES FIGURE OUT AN EVEN BETTER WAY OF IMPOSE ON A CFL FORUM WE HAVE NO RIGHT POSTING IN"


Active Member
New Mexico must be a shitty place, of the two of your kind I've encountered, one's a dick and the other just wants to give me dick.. Must suck to be stuck in sand, I'd be an uber grouch too.. have fun with your xmas tree lights boys I'll be in the big girl forum if anyone needs me.


Well-Known Member
Hmm you must have stopped by recently cause it sounds like some of that sand found it's way into your vagina. Does it itch?


Well-Known Member
New Mexico must be a shitty place, of the two of your kind I've encountered, one's a dick and the other just wants to give me dick.. .... I'll be in the big girl forum if anyone needs me.
i wouldnt fuck your sandy twat if you paid me, no one needs chlamydia so don't come back ungrateful bitch


New Member
This thread was a riot. I cant believe how one can get worked up over someones opinion. Good laugh though after a long day in the office. Back to business, whats the highest yield posted on a cfl grow. I need a refference to compare my grow to.
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