Donald Trump

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Republican President, Democratic controlled Congress,....BSing your way though is old guy. Good ole Democrat word placement. And Google. Tell me what you remember............ellipses.
Ignorance isn't a virtue. Reagan had a split congress during much of his time in office. During GOP Senatorial control he initiate and managed to get passed unfunded tax cuts and increased spending, creating the largest expansion of peacetime debt ever seen. Bush 2 oversaw the same with Republican control over both houses. You are repeating an old and false myth that Democrats are fiscal spendthrifts. Just the opposite is true.

Trump promises the same thing. Cut taxes and increase spending. You are an ignoramus. You and your fellow ignorant Trump supporters are a dying and failing breed in the US.
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anti gunners, BTFO!!!​

Hillary is going to be hard on guns. True. But she has not once took the position of "get rid of all guns".

Why can't Trump ever tell the truth? Why can't he ever be honest? Why are you so gullible? Why are you supporting a candidate who is racist, misogynist and untrustworthy? Is it because you are a racist misogynist?
Uncle Buck is the only thing shriveled around here. He is just a punk living in his moms basement. All you would have to do is say boo too him from across the street to make his shit himself. Best to just ignore him... #TRUMPTRAIN2016

Clearly you've said this to yourself over and over to help you sleep at night. Why is UB on your mind so much?
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anti gunners, BTFO!!!​

If it weren't for the anger and violence perpetrated by Trump supporters, it would be funny to read the kind of ignorant BS that you and other Trump followers spew here. Its not but I still laugh at you. The anger coming from your completely ignorant crowd is due to financial and social insecurity following the changes now taking place in the world today. You and yours blame illegal immigrants and "China" for your troubles. The root cause of Trump follower's failure to thrive in today's society is their ignorance and lack of valuable skills. They get angry, beat people up and blame their problems on others when in fact, they are dumbshits that nobody want to hire. So, stew in your own juices ignoramus.

The people who support Trump are a dying breed because they can't compete in today's world. And they don't take measures to make themselves more employable. Many, if not most are on the dole or will be within a short time because they are fuck ups. Generous people like me don't want to see your children starve or be homeless, so we support what's necessary to prevent that and give you and yours a chance to better yourselves through education. Yet here we are, Trump's followers are going to vote for the leader of a party that would deprive them of the benefits they need to scrape by. So, stew in your own juices ignoramus.

Progressives are better educated, make better money, drive better cars and are simply better looking than Trump's crackers.

So suck it. Dead ender.
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Well, I`m not out to impress you. But what you are doing is the same as saying the 8 or 9 times I fucked up a head gasket and caused more $$$ means I suck at it. But then you see4 it over 40 years and it don`t look so bad. I don`t anymore,....maybe he wont anymore.

When you go bankrupt, your vendors took the same risk,....He didn`t stiff payroll.
That's all bs when you go bankrupt you are stiffing your vendors payroll, you make it sound like going bankrupt harms no one, the dumpsters business continued to do business; his vendors weren't as lucky some closed up shop and other's were lucky to get pennies on the dollar. How many times did Warren Buffet go bankrupt?

Ignorance isn't a virtue. Reagan had a split congress during much of his time in office. During GOP Senatorial control he initiate and managed to get passed unfunded tax cuts and increased spending, creating the largest expansion of peacetime debt ever seen. Bush 2 oversaw the same with Republican control over both houses. You are repeating an old and false myth that Democrats are fiscal spendthrifts. Just the opposite is true.

Trump promises the same thing. Cut taxes and increase spending. You are an ignoramus. You and your fellow ignorant Trump supporters are a dying and failing breed in the US.

I can't wait for Trump to make an unemployment line of government workers in all fifty states that is several blocks long. Just imagine how fast our dept could turn around. Chris Christy got rid of several thousand government workers and turned the state of New Jersey around from where it was. Fuck'en A. TRUMP!
For such a "Honest" "Law abiding" U.S. citizen that pays his "Fair share" of taxes... It gets worse: More than 100 lawsuits, disputes, tied to trump and his companies.

Quotes taken from the article, with emphasis added:

Trump’s companies have been engaged in battles over taxes almost every year from the late 1980s until as recently as March, the analysis of court cases, property records, and other documents across the country shows. At least five Trump companies were issued warrants totaling more than $13,000 for late or unpaid taxes in New York state just since Trump declared his candidacy in June 2015, according to state records.

As recently as last week, Trump said he was “willing to pay more” taxes personally and that “taxes for the rich will go up somewhat” if he becomes president. But the lawsuits and other tax-related disputes show a different reality for his businesses. They illustrate a pattern of systematically disputing tax bills, arguing for lower property assessments, and in some cases not paying taxes until the government takes additional action. At least three dozen times, Trump companies’ unpaid tax bills have forced the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to go to local courts to get liens against his properties to try to collect overdue bills. New Jersey also had to go to court for a lien to collect a Trump company’s unpaid tax bill.

Trump has acknowledged that he tries to pay as little taxes as possible, and the public records across the country shed light on how he does it. In documents rarely seen by the public, Trump's businesses regularly minimize the value of his properties for tax purposes. Publicly, including in his presidential financial disclosure report, Trump’s team declares many of those same properties are worth tens of millions of dollars more.

He’s fought tax collectors to lower the assessed values of his luxury golf courses in Briarcliff, N.Y., and Jupiter, Fla. Yet on his presidential financial disclosure report, he valued each at more than $50 million.

USA TODAY’s examination of Trump’s track record as a business taxpayer found not just court actions, but dozens of additional tax disputes with local authorities that didn’t reach the courthouse in states including New York, Nevada, Florida and New Jersey. In some cases, Trump’s businesses have disputed tax assessments; in others, they have simply not paid the tax bill until after the government took additional action.

In New York, for example, there are dozens of tax warrants against Trump businesses.

“You have to ignore us to end up with a tax warrant,” said Geoff Gloak, spokesman for the state Department of Taxation and Finance.
The many liberals in this thread consider themselves "progressive thinkers." Hate to burst your bubbles kids. But socialism has been around for a very long time. Nothing "progressive" about it at all. #TRUMPTRAIN2016
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I can't wait for Trump to make an unemployment line of government workers in all fifty states that is several blocks long. Just imagine how fast our dept could turn around. Chris Christy got rid of several thousand government workers and turned the state of New Jersey around from where it was. Fuck'en A. TRUMP!
And when he cuts the government cheese off. All of these "progressive" thinkers will actually have to get a job, Priceless! #TRUMPTRAIN2016
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Dolly Kyle Browning
Was told to remain silent, or have media "destroy" her.

Judy Gibbs
Penthouse model & call girl, burned to death in her house after agreeing to help in an investigation into Arkansas drug dealing. According to her family, Bill was a regular customer at Judy's bordello, and according to Barry Spivey, a Clinton bodyguard, Bill displayed Judy's Penthouse photos on the gubernatorial plane as it flew over the burned ruin that had been her home.

Gennifer Flowers
Her alleged 12-year affair with Clinton began in 1977. He first denied it, but later admitted to having been involved with her.

Kathleen Willey
She claimed on 60 Minutes that in 1993 Clinton kissed her, touched her breast and put her hand on his erection.

Deborah Mathis
Named by Larry Nichols in his lawsuit as one of Clinton's lovers, Deborah's career started with a job with the White House press corps.

Cristy Zercher

One of the Clinton Stewerdesses, Zercher claims that Clinotn fondled her breats while Hillary slept just a few feet away.

Elizabeth Ward
Reported to have been date-raped by Bill Clinton, this former Miss America and TV actress has left the country to avoid being subpeonaed by Kenneth Starr.


Paula Corbin Jones
She filed a civil lawsuit against Clinton, claiming that he exposed himself to her and asked her for oral sex in 1991.

Monica Lewinsky
A former White House intern who claims to have engaged in oral sex with the President in the Oval Office.

Now check out mom!
Virginia Kelley
Dear old mom when she was young and vivacious. Doesn't she look eerily familiar??? Big dark hair, full lips...

Bill's turning out to be a "complex" kind of guy (not to mention a real momma's boy!)
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