"We have an under-incarceration problem" -Tom Cotton


Without looking first, who wants to bet this retard has ties to the private prison industry?
Not that I agree, I don't. I think that for profit prisons should be outlawed. I think non violent drug offences should be treated not imprisoned.

In the article he says he would support a draft that didn't include "violent", offenders. He states he would support a bill that would make prisons safer for staff and inmates. He also states to reduce people incarcerated for things like drug use in the federal system.

I bet the dude is shady though.

I think the violent people need to be put away. Non violent and drug offences need rehabilitation and treatment as incarceration only makes people worse.

Even with violent offenders we need to do something. 85% percent of people return to prison. We need to figure out how people can serve their time and learn how to integrate back into society. The locking them away and making them suffer only breaks a person and leads them right back to prison.
Teenagers are being sold into the prison industry, gives a lot of kids a bad taste for authority and destroys their future. I don't know the number of return inmates off the top of my head but I do know that there are many people I know who go in and out like it is a vacation from the real world. Prisons are terrible for everyone, the zimbardo study did a lot to prove that.
Yep, we need to totally revamp the way we look at incarceration and rehabilitation. Today what we do is house convicts for the future, not rehabilitate them for their eventual release.

This is a systemic problem that exists because the private interests that run prisons are diametrically opposed to the interests of the American people. We keep people housed in prison because it makes the prison industry money. The people that control the prison industry lobby congress. Congress, who is lobbied by the prison industry then goes on to vote in support of bills that support the prison industry at the expense of the inmates and the American people.

They get rich while we suffer the consequences for using a drug scientifically proven to be less harmful than alcohol

We have to get the money that influences politicians out of politics

Teenagers are being sold into the prison industry, gives a lot of kids a bad taste for authority and destroys their future. I don't know the number of return inmates off the top of my head but I do know that there are many people I know who go in and out like it is a vacation from the real world. Prisons are terrible for everyone, the zimbardo study did a lot to prove that.

Or more famously the Stanford Prison Experiment.
Yep, we need to totally revamp the way we look at incarceration and rehabilitation. Today what we do is house convicts for the future, not rehabilitate them for their eventual release.

This is a systemic problem that exists because the private interests that run prisons are diametrically opposed to the interests of the American people. We keep people housed in prison because it makes the prison industry money. The people that control the prison industry lobby congress. Congress, who is lobbied by the prison industry then goes on to vote in support of bills that support the prison industry at the expense of the inmates and the American people.

They get rich while we suffer the consequences for using a drug scientifically proven to be less harmful than alcohol

We have to get the money that influences politicians out of politics


But how will this happen Pada, if we we allow anointing and others choosing for us?
But how will this happen Pada, if we we allow anointing and others choosing for us?
Get involved, volunteer for the cause by joining up at Wolf-Pac.com. They have local chapters all over the country that are going state legislature by state legislature to vote to take it to convention. Last I checked there were 4 states signed on, we only need 30 more to go to convention. A completely realistic task, not easy, but doable.
It is just too easy to troll u buddy, my voting record proves otherwise and your view on me means about as much as me flushing my trump dump in the morning

tell us more about how you can't even have your own bigoted beliefs anymore.
tell us more about how you can't even have your own bigoted beliefs anymore.

I guess I will get banned after this post but I posted that knowing you would come in there crying lolololol. I don't give a shit about transgenders or bathrooms or any of that. I am all about making myself better and adapting to the situation. If hillary wins I adapt, if trump wins I adapt. It is just better to be someone who can be open to change than stuck in their ways. Otherwise I would go crazy.

Tis why you see so many crazy ass conservatives, but I also think the super left is just as scary. I sit in the middle dude, sorry for trolling you.