EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

...which is why the Koch smokers endorse her.

This does NOT make her an acceptable 'progressive' candidate!

I'm a liberal. There's only one candidate who speaks to my concerns, and there are a lot of people like me. The democratic party will ignore us and put its very existence at risk.
They gave her money?
...which is why the Koch smokers endorse her.

This does NOT make her an acceptable 'progressive' candidate!

I'm a liberal. There's only one candidate who speaks to my concerns, and there are a lot of people like me. The democratic party will ignore us and put its very existence at risk.
Bern down the house?
Koch-backed group praises Bernie Sanders
By Daniel Strauss

03/09/16 12:30 PM EST

The group at the center of the Koch brothers' vast political network is praising Bernie Sanders for opposing the Export-Import Bank and for his attacks on corporate welfare.

Freedom Partners put out the web video highlighting its common ground with the Vermont senator ahead of Wednesday night's Democratic debate.

The video features a clip of Sanders responding to a question from the previous debate about why he opposed the Export-Import bank, a favorite punching bag of the Koch brothers. Sanders' stance has put him at odds with many of his fellow Senate Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-dem-primary-live-updates-and-results/2016/03/koch-brothers-bernie-sanders-220498#ixzz49RDpyCdP
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As a matter of pure uncontested fact, there has been more super PAC money spent thus far in express support of the Sanders campaign than for either one of his Democratic rivals. Let that sink in. That includes, by the way, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. And no, the FEC is not paid by the Clinton campaign, or Koch brothers, or Wall Street any more than this column is. Their job is to report who is contributing to the Sanders’ campaign based on information provided by the Sanders’ campaign and the super PAC according to FEC campaign finance reporting requirements.

The super PAC and group following the Sanders’ campaign in and around Iowa is National Nurses United. The group’s executive director, RoseAnn DeMoro said, regarding the super PAC’s largesse for Sanders, that “I do appreciate the irony. All things being equal, we would rather not be doing this. On the other hand, we want to see Bernie as president.”
"Technically, there is no super PAC sanctioned by Sanders in the same way that other candidates have."

"In the age of dark money and unlimited fundraising opportunities via super PACs, it’s fair for Sanders to make the distinction that he, unlike Clinton and most of the Republican candidates, is not affiliated with the super PAC. Sanders does not have a sanctioned super PAC that acts as an extension of his campaign and is affiliated with wealthy donor networks or corporate industries, in the way that other presidential candidates do."
As a matter of pure uncontested fact, there has been more super PAC money spent thus far in express support of the Sanders campaign than for either one of his Democratic rivals. Let that sink in. That includes, by the way, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records. And no, the FEC is not paid by the Clinton campaign, or Koch brothers, or Wall Street any more than this column is. Their job is to report who is contributing to the Sanders’ campaign based on information provided by the Sanders’ campaign and the super PAC according to FEC campaign finance reporting requirements.

Sanders wants to blow another 18 trillion dollars of taxpayer money. Maybe you can find some motivation in that...

Since the idiot who prompted you to post this rebuttal is on ignore- and clearly, staying there- I can only imagine what kind of silliness must have been passed off as legitimate argument.

What's really frustrating is that the very right wingers he's defending are ALREADY raping our country's future to the tune of sums that beggar the one mentioned. Yet nary a peep about that!
LOL, so now we bring out the Republican personality.
Got to love the desperation
I think FP was just being facetious in the first three lines of that post, then she just came out and said Hillary sucks and that Bernie might be allowed to go on living.

Hillary isn't my first choice for prez, but comparing Trump to Hillary is like night and day. OK, I know that some people think Hillary is the devil but I just can't get so worked up about somebody who is status quo. Trump is clearly a lying scumbag inept Richie-Rich Mussolini wannabe. I suppose some people are satisfied with a lying scumbag inept Richie-Rich Mussolini wannabe but for myself, I'd prefer status quo to having an lying scumbag inept Richie-Rich Mussolini wannabe for prez.
...which is why the Koch smokers endorse her.

This does NOT make her an acceptable 'progressive' candidate!

I'm a liberal. There's only one candidate who speaks to my concerns, and there are a lot of people like me. The democratic party will ignore us and put its very existence at risk.
Dude, Bernie isn't going to be on the ballot in the fall. It's Trump, Clinton, protest vote or don't vote. Trump and the extreme authoritarian right who are passionate about him want you to do the last two. Just sayin, there are no clean hands coming out of this election. It absolutely sucks that the Kochs have you in check mate but you have lost this round and so have I. We have to change things going forward but today its about choosing the best course from here, not the one we wanted a year ago.

I'm not telling you what to do and I haven't made up my mind yet because I don't have to. Still, I reject the idea that Hillary is no better for this country than Trump. They are not at all even close to the being the same and a Trump supporter would say so too.

Bernie still has some cards to play and he's playing a damn good hand, just not a winning one. I'm really curious what happens between now and the convention this summer. Oh, and I'm not hoping that Bernie runs as VP. He's more valuable to liberals in the Senate if he can't be prez.
I'm not concerned what courts say and I'm not saying that sarcastically, I just believe life begins a the moment of conception and that life deserves to be treated the same as one would treat any defenseless life
I'll be glad to respectfully cancel your vote when it comes to putting the person into the White House who chooses the next two supreme court justices.
Most often it is because they sense there is a problem with them. Possibly some type of birth defect. Or the Mother simply feels she is not capable or willing to care for them.
If I read you right, you are saying that down through time, mothers of a kinds have had to make hard choices about when to raise a baby.