Donald Trump

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Sure sounds a lot worse than Trump's out of context comment still a little weird but out of context.

Clinton's are worse.

I get that you don't like the Clintons. You have some valid points. This is pretty much not one of them.

I was on a bus the other day. A pedophile might have been on it too. I don't know if there was one but statistics being what they are, its likely there was one in the crowd. If a photo shows me on the bus that also has a pedophile on it, a person with an ax to grind might make something of it. It would be a lie, but that's what some people do for a living.
13 months for a peddlar for pedos.

Seems legit.

On this we agree. That billionaire pedo used lawyers, money and influence to reduce his sentence and didn't even serve the full term. Whoever was the chief prosecuter or attorney general that handled this plea bargain should be freed from his job. Pedophiles are murderers of children's lives. The death penalty is appropriate.
I don't like Trump at all but just look what the Clinton's have done. Trump didn't do much.

Really? What do you know about his business dealings? I'd say that wherever he has been, he's lied and screwed people. That he's not held political office is irrelevant. Just look at what he's done. If you look at the assets he's accrued and the money lost by others in his bankruptcies, Trump has lost more money than he's gained. That he managed to shuffle those losses onto others makes him a sharp businessman but not a good person to lead this country.

Trump's not going to get the chance do much after this. He's going to lose the election and then be pilloried in his fraud trials scheduled just after the election. When all is said and done, Trump will be garbage by the end of the year.
Really? What do you know about his business dealings? I'd say that wherever he has been, he's lied and screwed people. That he's not held political office is irrelevant. Just look at what he's done. If you look at the assets he's accrued and the money lost by others in his bankruptcies, Trump has lost more money than he's gained. That he managed to shuffle those losses onto others makes him a sharp businessman but not a good person to lead this country.

Trump's not going to get the chance do much after this. He's going to lose the election and then be pilloried in his fraud trials scheduled just after the election. When all is said and done, Trump will be garbage by the end of the year.
Trump will be more successful than Sarah Palin post political career
Epstein likes to tell people that he's a loner, a man who's never touched alcohol or drugs, and one whose nightlife is far from energetic. And yet if you talk to Donald Trump, a different Epstein emerges. "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Trump will be more successful than Sarah Palin post political career
It's just my opinion. I find it interesting that two fraud trials are scheduled on the heels of the election. I'm just connecting the dots but it's obvious that people in power on the left and right hate that guy's guts. His obsession with calling the media "hateful" and "disgusting" isn't cultivating any friends either. Those trials will be a feeding frenzy for all, especially when Trump takes the stand in a NY court. I think this is a well laid plan to put that loud mouth to rest politically.

Sarah Palin is a joke outside of her admiring audience. Trump will still have an admiring audience too and might make more money afterward. Trump will still have his lobotomized minions who don't care about his failures, fraud and lies, so maybe on channel 456, you'll find a reality TV series that makes money for him, selling chocolate bars, soap and gold foil condoms, I don't know. But to the main populace, he will be just tabloid amusement, like Palin.
He wasnt reminding himself he was answering an interview question.

He was giving his daughter a very high compliment. He is very proud of her and also her looks.
Trump will make america fabulous. I giggled.
A couple of nobody's in a fake debate. I couldn't watch more than a few minutes of it. Both of the speakers made their points and I thought the title was a bit strained because the Trump clown was owned just as much as the anti Trump clown.

That said, yeah, Trump will make America faaaaabulous. snicker.
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