The UK Growers Thread!

last time i feel down the stairs was after 6 es a night out at a hard dance thing woke up in morning face all cut up from carpet burns trying to explain that to the other half when i dint have a clue how i did it till 2 days later when i saw my m8
Climbing up the stairs chewing uou lug off for 3 4 yrs when md was rocking.
Aint had for a few years
Had 6 xanax now and just few spliffz . Lovely chilled doble-vision gettinghard to see.
Ive have a taste of the mdma (nice clean high mind I'd only .9 but lovely warm empathy buzz going on no fidgety Ness but it may be the xanax n clonazepam I've been rating all day..looked so wankered in town today off the benzo's me mate had to give me his shakes my eyes were propper drooping lol
Oh but they're so so tasty...suits every occasion
...a fucking Liberty !
Ha ha tell u what the stairlift would get some use budyy.the coun il have been i and basicslly fuked the carpets henc me faliin dwn them.
Ive have a taste of the mdma (nice clean high mind I'd only .9 but lovely warm empathy buzz going on no fidgety Ness but it may be the xanax n clonazepam I've been rating all day..looked so wankered in town today off the benzo's me mate had to give me his shakes my eyes were propper drooping lol
.9 of a grsm u mean?thsts a lot innit nearly a full g ,id b minced of that.i used to get kilos of the stuffc,,,,,10 yr ago.
I've had one temazepan in my life when I was about 17......and I fell asleep. What the fuk you guys want to take downers for is past me. Don't let me stop yas like, it's entertainment watching people bouncing about in the street like Weebles. Oh, I tell a lie, I had a temgesic (sp) once, those thing use to make you throw up...again, fuk knows why my mates took them either...4 hours of gouchy spew, nice. Carry on though, don't mean to sound like yer Maw.
It was diazepam that got me busted lol doing a real life gta moment court they read out what I said to the police after the scuffle, and when they asked for my name I said "Robert fucking mugabe" haha I can kind of remember it but it was very hazy
see that's the shit i'm talking, hahah robert ghetto mufuckin gabe. it's the thinking you can do everything you can sober whilst mullered on them. there's a reason the scripts say no heavy machinery etc
It's when you start on the opiates the problems really start.
Next thing you know you've a Jeremy Beadle in your groin coz you've run out of veins and you're asking to borrow a quid off strangers at the bus station. Or worse you're giving hand jobs for a fiver
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