The New Way of Medical Grow


Well-Known Member
Check out the video on this invention. This entrepreneur is probably going to be a millionaire once this product takes off. It's genius IMO but.... It takes away the fun and knowledge you gain from experience of the years and years of growing, getting to know how the plant thrives and finding the perfect formula for the medium/nutes.

I understand for all medical users this will serve the purpose for your needs. But this shit is the way of the future of medical growing in your own home.

The first thing that bothers me is the reflection on the floor when nothing else in his little office has a reflection.

Also look how small that is in concept. No room for LST, topping, or anything you could normally do to maximize your yield. Looks like you'd have to grow nothing but auto-flowering or straight from seed and even then your plant might outgrow such a box.

Plus with the dude looking like a twat, designing his product to look like an Apple product, and the fact we don't even have a REAL PICTURE OR PRICE says volumes about this product.

It's another cheap way to con people out of lots of their money. If you want easy weed buy a fucking smart pot, fill it with fox farms, get a northern lights seed, and put it outside in the spring.

I hate products like this and the people that shill them. Over-priced worthless shit a handful of people will buy and this prick gets to laugh all the way to the bank.
Aaap, just got to watch more of the video. $1500 plus membership fee of $150 per grow for two plants that fit inside a college frig. ..and the nutrients are from AN. Pedo company. .. yeah, no thanks.
its the phototron of our generation. he calls it a fucking appliance? WTF?

what scares me the most its how the "industry" is being applied.
°I work in the video game "industry"

°I'm in the import car "industry"

°I work in the cannabis "industry.

I can see the leaf selling you DLC, programs in the future for higher yields, or expanded strain list. or the 4 pot up grade "double your yield!!! WOW" can we call it a yield at 8oz's?

its just a money grab. when all we are is farmers. simple self taught/or mentored farmers.

you can see how unappealing that sounds, I'm a farmer. vs mr neck beard latte iPhone dude, working in the cannabis industry.

I normally skip the vendors section at an event unless there is friends, or people from the internet I want to meet.

the last thing I want is some "kylo ren" bong, with a price tag of $3000 dollars. and free 6 month old pre-rolls from their shop.

~I feel like Denis leary
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I agree with all of the responses on this thread, but I'm sure over the years they will tweak it, and it will be just a novelty for the lazy @Dumme

I personality would not buy it or have any interest, I will stick to my grow room and gain more knowledge to perfect my own formula.
I'd sooner like to see more development on the farmbot.

...or you can just sow the seeds yourself. if you need a robot to plant your seeds, I don't think you the kind of person to eat that kind of diet anyway.

OP vid: is worse the second time around...omg it makes my brain hurt.
...or you can just sow the seeds yourself. if you need a robot to plant your seeds, I don't think you the kind of person to eat that kind of diet anyway.

OP vid: is worse the second time around...omg it makes my brain hurt.

I was thinking of a larger scale outside farm; endless fields of cannabis..